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Slovakia Nation v1,5 for CIV1,61

This is the moment, when I would rather sit with you both and drink good Czech beer and eat Gulas and Halusky. After all we would have much to talk about it all. :) These problems have solving in individual level, I think
I know very well who Hedvig Malina is and the whole story about it... it happens all over the world... and it happens in Hungray too!!! I lived in Masonmagyarovar teaching english and Im SLOVAK Canadian! Its really too bad that you weren't here in Canada. I have more hungarian friends than Slovak here and I'm Slovak!!! Its becuse we forgive and move on instead of hating people you dont know just because they are different... JUST MOVE ON!!!! and i don't like hamburgurs... I do like Gulas and Halusky though. Just grow up and realize that the actions of a few punks beating up a girl dont represent 5 million other peace loving people. nor does Magyar Garda represent all 10 million Hungarians... there are trouble makers on both sides.... dont be one of them. and as for being brainless.... I have a sexy wife and drive a BMW what do I need barins for???

You're Slovak... That makes sense.
És ezt neked írom, mert nem olyan fórum mégis... Csak annyit, hogy elég szar tanár lehettél, ha rosszul írod a hamburgert... És lépjünk tovább, mikor a tót bandád deportálta a magyarjainkat a háború után? Megerősítették ezeket a benes-dekrétumokat is... Dehát kanadából nem nehéz embereket megítélni. A Magyar Gárdát meg ismerem személyesen is, egytől egyig remek emberek. Egy szar vagy te se Istened, se hazád, nem is értheted meg ezeket.
This is the moment, when I would rather sit with you both and drink good Czech beer and eat Gulas and Halusky. After all we would have much to talk about it all. :) These problems have solving in individual level, I think

Yeh, that would be nice..... A few drink would help solve the problems ;)
You're Slovak... That makes sense.
És ezt neked írom, mert nem olyan fórum mégis... Csak annyit, hogy elég szar tanár lehettél, ha rosszul írod a hamburgert... És lépjünk tovább, mikor a tót bandád deportálta a magyarjainkat a háború után? Megerősítették ezeket a benes-dekrétumokat is... Dehát kanadából nem nehéz embereket megítélni. A Magyar Gárdát meg ismerem személyesen is, egytől egyig remek emberek. Egy szar vagy te se Istened, se hazád, nem is értheted meg ezeket.

Tudom némely magyar túl. A Kert van nem jó emberek. csak pihen és volna béke. Benes volt Cseh NEM Szlovák. emlékszik ez!

And please don't insult Canada... we rescued many of your people in 1956 nd they have found a very good life here. Just leave this alone... don't bother Horchland anymore and let people enjoy their game

pekny den ty prajem moj kamard z madarska!
I know very well who Hedvig Malina is and the whole story about it... it happens all over the world... and it happens in Hungray too!!! I lived in Masonmagyarovar teaching english and Im SLOVAK Canadian! Its really too bad that you weren't here in Canada. I have more hungarian friends than Slovak here and I'm Slovak!!! Its becuse we forgive and move on instead of hating people you dont know just because they are different... JUST MOVE ON!!!! and i don't like hamburgurs... I do like Gulas and Halusky though. Just grow up and realize that the actions of a few punks beating up a girl dont represent 5 million other peace loving people. nor does Magyar Garda represent all 10 million Hungarians... there are trouble makers on both sides.... dont be one of them. and as for being brainless.... I have a sexy wife and drive a BMW what do I need barins for???

Very good post,

for hun sykora: you are not stupid or lame hungarian, you are just stupid/lame human
Very good post,

for hun sykora: you are not stupid or lame hungarian, you are just stupid/lame human
After 1 1/2 year you felt it necessary to necro this thread?! I mean, if you would have written about anything that is connected with your mod, I would have never complained as in my opinion that's what this thread is for: asking for help or making suggestions to the mod - no matter how old the last thread is. Still, hun sykora is most probably not active anymore. No need to start this again. But once you already did, let me make one thing clear: although I respect Slovaks (I also know some of you guys without making bad experiences), never expect us to accept anything that still influences and was unquestionably a historic mistake. We won't move on in this case - that's not an option - understand this or be sure that you are the obtuse one here. And please don't tell me that violating european laws and extorting to use an other language then his own mother tongue from someone (although he lives in his home) 'happens all over the world'.

To come back to the actual topic of this: this mod is good work. Are there any plans to update this (making it 3.19 compatible if necessary, adding animated leaderheads etc.)?
I just want to emphasize again: I do not really understand why they need to create history. WHY?

If I were a Slovak I would not feel any need for an artificial history. I would just enjoy the work of Benes Masaryk and their gang.
K.F. Huszár;8555704 said:
I just want to emphasize again: I do not really understand why they need to create history. WHY?

If I were a Slovak I would not feel any need for an artificial history. I would just enjoy the work of Benes Masaryk and their gang.

Haha what a comedian.
Ok....never mind.... I m from Komarno , I m Slovak and I know that before 1000 years people don t have problems like your problems and peoples like you. I think we (Slovaks , Hungarians and another) have got common problem , perhaps you know what I mean.

*sory, my english is bad*
My gods. Finish controversy. We are people, I think and here is neutral place.

To come back to the actual topic of this: this mod is good work. Are there any plans to update this (making it 3.19 compatible if necessary, adding animated leaderheads etc.)?

Thanks, cool3a2
I have two new versions. In my Hrochmod3,9 now but no problem release next version separate SlovakiaMod. In last version I solved diplomusic and select and order sound :) Have plan make slovak cityset and as regards adding animated leaderheads is welcome guy who can make graphics for it
Nice day
Haha what a comedian.
Ok....never mind.... I m from Komarno , I m Slovak and I know that before 1000 years people don t have problems like your problems and peoples like you. I think we (Slovaks , Hungarians and another) have got common problem , perhaps you know what I mean.

*sory, my english is bad*

Okay, Nymir, I agree partly. I would be glad to build a common country Uhorsko instead of Madarsko and Slovensko separately.

But for this, one important common platform is a shared history schoolbook. Aaaand... it won't be available without clarifying facts.

And, yes we have common problems, they are called Fico and Slota.
K.F. Huszár;8562016 said:
Okay, Nymir, I agree partly. I would be glad to build a common country Uhorsko instead of Madarsko and Slovensko separately.

But for this, one important common platform is a shared history schoolbook. Aaaand... it won't be available without clarifying facts.

And, yes we have common problems, they are called Fico and Slota.

If I understand it correct you want get back Uhorsko, but problem is no one slovac want this, and there is end of all diskussion. If we talking about politicians you must bring to mind hungarian politicians too. But I think all politicians are :):):):)ers hehe. And I think different problem. That problem have got more countries. I help you, long ago it came from India (I suppose).

You study different version of history I suppose, but even if your version is 100% corect never convince 5 milions people that they are Hungarians or Czechs....

Next, chance to create Uhorsko is about so that USA declar they are again colony of U.K.
You study different version of history I suppose, but even if your version is 100% corect never convince 5 milions people that they are Hungarians or Czechs....
And all the Hungarians living in Slovakia, don't want to be part of Slovakia nor do they want to be Slovaks. Actually the situation is exactly the same as before Trianon, with inverted roles only.

If I understand it correct you want get back Uhorsko, but problem is no one slovac want this, and there is end of all diskussion. If we talking about politicians you must bring to mind hungarian politicians too. But I think all politicians are ers hehe. And I think different problem. That problem have got more countries. I help you, long ago it came from India (I suppose).
I guess you are refering to the gypsies here. Blame a minority solely for all problems is always easy, but I don't think this will solve any problem. Same can be said about gypsies in Hungary. I am familiar with the 'gypsy problem', not only from german media (those tend to oversimplificate heavily and make propaganda), but from reallife. It's not an easy thing with no easy answer. Still, if you continue this low level discussion, this thread will be closed very soon. And that's why I actually don't want to post here anymore. Although my opinion is that Hungarians should give contra to foolish opinions like yours wherever they meet them, this wouldn't be fair against hroch in this case. There already have been threads that got closed due to politic discussions. If we continue this, his thread might be closed as well. That'd be unfair. As you are heading towards crossing a certain border with your thesis about gypsies, although you haven't crossed it yet, you should be aware that a thread can be closed due to insults (no matter whether they are against a person or a complete people). Also, users can be banned from the forum. So, stop it, please, nymir and concentrate on the mod itself. Make suggestions to improve it or start helping to do so or report bugs. Otherwise I have no problems reporting to the moderators if you violate the rules...
And all the Hungarians living in Slovakia, don't want to be part of Slovakia nor do they want to be Slovaks..

Anyone force Hungarians in Slovakia to be Slovacs, in fact they have got own kultural and education centres.

I guess you are refering to the gypsies here. Blame a minority solely for all problems is always easy, but I don't think this will solve any problem. Same can be said about gypsies in Hungary. I am familiar with the 'gypsy problem', not only from german media (those tend to oversimplificate heavily and make propaganda), but from reallife. It's not an easy thing with no easy answer. Still, if you continue this low level discussion, this thread will be closed very soon. And that's why I actually don't want to post here anymore. Although my opinion is that Hungarians should give contra to foolish opinions like yours wherever they meet them, this wouldn't be fair against hroch in this case. There already have been threads that got closed due to politic discussions. If we continue this, his thread might be closed as well. That'd be unfair. As you are heading towards crossing a certain border with your thesis about gypsies, although you haven't crossed it yet, you should be aware that a thread can be closed due to insults (no matter whether they are against a person or a complete people). Also, users can be banned from the forum. So, stop it, please, nymir and concentrate on the mod itself. Make suggestions to improve it or start helping to do so or report bugs. Otherwise I have no problems reporting to the moderators if you violate the rules...

Ok , I gree, but remember who start this and who start posting in Hungarian language.

so end of discution.

first of all I told you Uhorsko to show it was a common cause and it could be once.

otherwise, i understand your self confidence, but the dice is always on the roll ... sometimes six for you, sometimes only one.

so, once more: you can treat my words including Uhorsko as an offer for shaking hands :)

please read something about the "hungarus consciousness".
I think your chance of getting animated leaderheads are better if you'd ask someone directly or put your requests in the corresponding requests thread. I bet that few of the leaderhead modders will see this post. To save you some time: I think you won't be successful when asking The Capo or Ekmek. The Capo wrote in his thread that he doesn't take requests at the moment and I think Ekmek is already working on own projects plus he is supervising his tutorial thread. If he'd be around, I'd say that Methyl would be your best choice. He makes really good leaderheads and might be interested in doing these for you (I know he is Slovenian not Slovak, but still). I personally haven't seen any post by him since a while, but who knows? Maybe he will return over christmas...
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