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Snakes & Foxes 3: The ****oo's Nest (Game Thread)

Your team has had no mark on it either, Pirate Renata. Quite clearly, the Mark dislikes my team - you only have to look at my two teammates dead in two consecutive Mark fights, and the next one fighting today, one of whom I was forced to kill myself.

Neither has the team of the Brujah

As me mate 'as so astutely pointed out, that's because we're on th' same team. An' don't think I 'aven't noticed about that lack o' Mark thing. Just there's four o' us right now an' only two o' you, one o' whom is favorite t' die today -- shorter trip t' find which one o' you two 'as the shiny V or S, no?

Easy enough t' guess why yer team 'as been chosen so often; ye've dominated th' points standins fer a long time now. Pathetic a strategy as it may be t' keep goin' after ye, it's still a strategy, an' I wouldn't put it past a Mark team containin' one o' you not t' realize that when four non-Marks are dead, th' last one standin' starts lookin' mighty interestin'. Th' Luonnotar may be right, but 'e may be wrong, too.

Things're gettin' fun, now, ain't they?
{ OOC: As has been noted, the Pirate and Brujah are on the same team. I'm currently counting the Shaman's vote as Pirate vs to-be-determined. }
Since the Paladin is eager to fight again, let's give him another demon to slay.

Like the Eidolon.
What would be more lovely is Frost Speaker vs Eiodolon..
I believe that the Frost Speaker vs the Shaman would be a great match up. A battle of the elements would be a nice change over the good vs. evil or religionous bouts we have been seeing.
I am eager to see how a Frost Speaker will do battle...I can't say I have ever come accross any before...
Midday, Day 10

As the tenth day reached its apex, no one expected anything out of the ordinary. It was yet another day, just building up for the evening fight, nothing special. The Lizardman showed no emotions as he quickly made his way towards the isolation section, but the Luridus took his fair time. Still obviously weak from his recent close run with death at the hands of the Prior, he had to use his staff to support him as he slowly followed his reptilian opponent. Halfway across the field he suddenly stopped as if to catch his breath, to the dismay of the officials that were eager to go get some lunch. The Luridus would not be rushed though.

"There is something I need to first. Bear with me."

The Priest bowed his head, grasped his staff with both hands, and started humming. The bronze sun symbol at the tip of his staff started glowing, to rival the light of his patron above, the holy light of Lugus channelled by the will of the Luridus. With a brilliant flash the bronze sun lit up the entire arena, before focusing all its light in a single direction. The Ogre had to shield his eyes with his massive arm as the rays hit him full force, but he could not shield what came next. Above the head of the tall brute, clearly visible to all by virtue of the holy light, was a spinning emblem of a gold coin engraved with a V. Suddenly this midday didn't seem so ordinary after all.

Spoiler :
The Ogre is a Mark!

The light abated, and the Luridus smiled, before turning to follow the officials into isolation, leaving the Ogre to face the stares of the entire Theatre.

On the voting side, three contestants practically shared the first place, having three votes each. All the Paladin's votes came from team leaders giving him the top position. The officials had to dig long and hard in Perpentach's convoluted rules, but finally announced that the Shaman edged out the Frost Speaker due to having received a team leader vote before the Frost Speaker did. On the betting side there was little to add, except that Perpentach would surely not be pleased if matters persisted.

Current betting odds: Luridus vs Lizardman: N/A

Current Vote Tally:
Paladin : 3,3 (1st voter: Paladin ; 2nd voter: Luonnotar )
Shaman : 3,11 (1st voter: Pirate ; 2nd voter: Overlord Speaker )
Frost Speaker : 3,1
Courtesan, Eidolon : 2
Brujah, Pirate, Satyr : 1

Current Vote Breakdown:
Spoiler :

(** denotes first to vote, * denotes second to vote)

The Pack:
  • Satyr (scherbchen) **Brujah **Courtesan
  • Assassin (Seon) *Frost Speaker *Eidolon
  • Beastmaster (PaulusIII) Paladin **Eidolon
The Disciples:
  • Ritualist (rhawn)
  • Dragonslayer (Izipo)
  • Divided Soul (PurpleTurtle)
Team 3:
  • Ghost (Methos)
  • Eidolon (Sepuku)
  • Ogre (Winston Hughes)
  • Brujah (Frozen In Ice)
  • Pirate (Renata) **Shaman
  • Frost Speaker (BaoBao123)
  • Arquebusier (BananaLee) **Satyr *Courtesan
The Awesomely Awesome Team of Awesomeness
  • Berserker (MooseWarrior)
  • Paladin (Aramazd) **Paladin Shaman
The Golden Scarecrows
  • Lizardman (Kulko)
  • Illusionist (ZPV)
  • Engineer (Splime)
  • Overlord Speaker (RRRaskolnikov) Frost Speaker *Shaman
The Defiant:
  • Courtesan (D'artagnan59)
  • Luonnotar (Chandrasekhar) **Frost Speaker *Paladin
  • Runekeeper (thomas.berubeg)
Phoenix Rising:
  • Shaman (Tasslehoff) Pirate
  • Luridus (CCRunner)
  • Archmage (oyzar)

Just over 23 hours until evening post.
Combatants, send in your battle ideas to Diamondeye!
All contestants, keep betting and voting!
{ OOC: Cross-post with Sepuku, his votes are not counted in the above tally. }
Yes. I with draw my other votes and instead ask who wishes to fight the Ogre?
I would gladly but unfortunatly without HIS help this cannot happen.
Ogre Vs Eiodolon. Would that kill him?

Edit: X-posted -_-
An' no better than th' Dragonslayer t' kill 'im -- if e's willing?

(OOC: Well done, CCRunner.)
Wait wait wait, since when did I have to fight the Luridus? :eek:
{ OOC: Sorry Seon, cnp error. You're safe. ;) }
(Also OOC: Diamondeye kindly requests I gripe some more about my parrot. How about I sic the new one on him instead? Diamondeye, meet BobTwo. BobTwo, meet Diamondeye. *squawk!* )
brujah to kill the ogre... ogre blood is a delicacy I hear and I want to see that beauty in action.
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