Why don't the parties themselves decide who their nominee should be? i.e. those who have been elected into office already. Do they not trust other party members to do a good job of that? It seems to me that all of them would have the same goal in mind - to pick someone who has the best chance of winning for their party, which would help all of them. Meanwhile a primary can be a bit unpredictable, can't it?
The Democratic Party is the
democratic party. We opt in as party members and then democratically decide who we want to represent our democratically assigned values.
From there, we agree to support the candidate with our collective resources as a party, with labor, volunteering, money, access, everything.
And the parties do more than just run candidates. The people who want democracy, the Democrats, want to share and build an institution that is greater than the sum of its constituent parts. And we don't want random party insiders deciding who we're going to follow. Like, I didn't want Biden at all. He turned out great. I didn't want him to step down, but it's turning out great. I'm pretty smart and "know" politics and that's a couple of big misses. Thank God. The crowd, the demos, generally knows better than individual smart experts. We believe that we are the institution that best protects America from bad actors, and we are stronger as instution, and we are more correct staying democratic and voting for who we believe in.
We don't want to only elect selected nobility, even if one could argue that Harris is that. But she was our VP we voted for and this moment is rather unusual.