"The future will be better tomorrow."

Greetings, fellow members of the League of Nations!

The Soviet Union has a proposal to make with regards to the patchwork area known as the Friendship Peninsula ( OOC: Guess who came up with that name :D ). As you know the area which was once home to the Carthaginian people before the Southern invasion and genocide is now under shared control of four nations, our own being one of them. Currently the Southern Empire still has a bothersome military presence in this area, and in the interest of maintaining peace I suggest that we declare the whole region as demilitarized zone. To be precise, in the area northwest of the German city of Essen nobody should have more soldiers than strictly necessary for garrison purposes. That way we don't have to be afraid of someone launching a surprise attack and subjugating the whole peninsula in one swoop, which frees up more military for useful purposes. Currently this would affect the Southern Empire the most, but I'm sure the Lady would like to be able to send more units to the Mayan front anyway.

Leaders of Germany, Japan, Armenia/Zulu/Southernwhateveryournameis, what are your thoughts on this matter?

On an unrelated note I could really use some health resources. Anyone got some spares?
For the Lady

Please fix PBEM order


  • tfwbbt_AD-2014-January_to_The_Lady.CivBeyondSwordSave
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I applaud the Russian proposal for its peaceful intentions. However I would note that there is a reason the Southern Empire feels the need to keep a heavy garrison in Hippo - it is our biggest financial center, with Standard Ethanol and Mining Inc both headquartered there. And being situated on the sea, the Lady's concern is a surprise naval invasion that would cripple our economy in one blow.

We MAY be willing to discuss a reduction of militarization on the area, however for the sake of our national defenses, would never agree to anything less than double agreed upon units for Hippo, as well as no limits on naval defenses to be built in a ring around the port of Hippo. And of course we would not demilitarize until our naval defenses have been prepared.

Our regards,
Jesus (pronounced: hey-zeus), Vice Diplomat to the League of Nations, the Southern Empire
As long as the naval defenses do not include Transports I'm fine with that.

Sverdlovsk (former Carthage) is a big financial and industrial center too you know?
Who does ... it is not on the OP.


  • tfwbbt_AD-2014-July_to_The_Lady.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Nighthawk does.
And fix PBEM Tracker as it does not work with the Username "The_Lady".
In the city of Yakutsk absolutely nothing of note happened recently. Everything is fine and completely as it should be.
-The Department of Truth and Propaganda

Ugh, I really wish there was an easy way to find out when the next Resolution is gonna come up. For the record, putting up a resolution that would enforce any civic but Emancipation or Free Religion will be met with harsh punishments, especially if it's the Environmentalism one. Try bringing me out of State Property and you signed your own death warrant.
Wouldn't you know it, the next election of the League of Nations chairman is this turn, and you get to choose between Nighthawk and yours truly!

If I get elected I vow to make the process of voting about resolutions more transparent and will listen to any suggestions, though of course I will give higher priority to those coming from people who gave their vote to me. ;)

Assuming nobody has any concrete proposals, these are the resolutions I would try to enact for certain if I am in charge:

#12 (Open Markets - Trade Routes with All Foreign Cities)
#25 (Global Civic - Free Religion)

The following resolutions on the other hand I would never bring to the table or vote for, no matter who asks for them:

#16 (Global Civic - Universal Suffrage)
#18 (Global Civic - Free Speech)
#24 (Global Civic - Environmentalism)

The following resolutions have already been passed, so voting about them opens up the possibility to repeal them:

#8 (Single Currency - +1 Trade Routes in All Cities)
#13 (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - Cannot Build Nuclear Weapons)
#19 (Global Civic - Emancipation)

If you don't want to repeal any of the resolutions that are currently active, that leaves these resolutions for you, my voters, to suggest:

U.N. Peacekeeping
U.N. Trade Embargo
U.N. War Resolution
U.N. Mandate for City Ownership

Of course all of these are context dependent, so whenever the popup for me to choose a resolution to vote about appears I'll hold the turn for a day or two and post a screenshot of it here so you can voice your opinions.

If you don't want to wait for the pop-up to appear you can also always just tell me right away if you want for example some city re-assigned or peace with someone etc. and I'll see if the option for that appears.

Obviously I left out Diplomatic victory, I have no illusions about that.

And that concludes my candidature speech. You may now give your vote for a new, better world built on socialist principles. A vote for the Soviet Union is a vote for yourself, so don't waste it!
Because I'm an idiot I made a deal with Asia wherein I give them money for bananas last turn, only to connect my own source this turn in my newly annexed formerly American territories. >.<

Does anyone else find it weird that there's literally only two sources of deer on the entire planet? This is not hyperbole, I just counted them. :crazyeye:

On a completely unrelated note, the Soviet Union desires to strengthen the ties of trade with other nations. We are especially in need of skilled labor and are willing to negotiate about the price. (Anyone has too many workers lying around and wants to gift them to me in exchange for something? Cash, resources and settlers are all stuff I'm willing to offer in return. Looking at the Expansive leaders, Nighthawk and Eclipse here.)
these are the resolutions I would try to enact for certain if I am in charge: (...)
#25 (Global Civic - Free Religion)
Ugh! :shake: You lost my vote right here! Why this stupid Global Civic?

The following resolutions on the other hand I would never bring to the table or vote for, no matter who asks for them:
#16 (Global Civic - Universal Suffrage)
#18 (Global Civic - Free Speech)
#24 (Global Civic - Environmentalism)
OK... getting better... let's hear him out...

the possibility to repeal them:
(...)#19 (Global Civic - Emancipation)
:clap: Good idea!

A vote for the Soviet Union is a vote for yourself, so don't waste it!
:lol: Good one!

Overall... 1 bad idea, 1 interesting idea... Mali is not excluding voting for the Socialists. Too bad about the silly "Free Religion" idea!

If the other candidates promisses to ban all the "Global Civics" motions, we will vote for one of them instead!
Ugh! :shake: You lost my vote right here! Why this stupid Global Civic?

If I get elected I vow to make the process of voting about resolutions more transparent and will listen to any suggestions, though of course I will give higher priority to those coming from people who gave their vote to me. ;)

Assuming nobody has any concrete proposals, these are the resolutions I would try to enact for certain if I am in charge:

You can avoid me bringing up the Free Religion resolution if you suggest an alternative.
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