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The Idiots' Partee

I am running for minister of science everybody. Basically I will just listen to what the people say and do what is their vote, if I am elected.
Regaring bureaucracy: Yes, I get a headache also. But with many participants, there is always somebody to ask at least for a reference.

Another point is often times a weak wording of the law and hence the confusion in its interpretation. It is an immanent feature of the system. You get many laws, some are good and some are bad. There is also a huge Civ3 DemoGame heritage here to deal with and veteran members are fixed on these point.

Anarchy is a good way but proper democracy with elections and government is also not so bad and might be functional.

@fe: I fail to see anything which violates the forum rules in BlkBird's posts. There is little sense in reporting them to the moderators unless there is actually a violation of the forum rules. If you really feel like it, try arguing on the points he is picking up. Indeed, all citizens are supposed to be equal, that is the critical thing in any democracy imho.
IamSid said:
I am running for minister of science everybody. Basically I will just listen to what the people say and do what is their vote, if I am elected.

Sure, that sounds like a nice program of the actions. Care to explain what differs you from other candidates? :confused:
akots said:
Sure, that sounds like a nice program of the actions. Care to explain what differs you from other candidates? :confused:
I will look more twords the Agricultural and worker techs as those are the most important in the early game.
Will agri lead to beer production? This boar urine really doesn't do it for me...
Vander said:
Will agri lead to beer production? This boar urine really doesn't do it for me...

Hops (which is one of the main ingrediants of beer) is a plant.
Water, which IS the main ingredient of beer, is not a plant.
Beorn-eL-Feared said:
Water, which IS the main ingredient of beer, is not a plant.

Very unluckily, water isn't an ingredient in beer. The only time water is used is during the fermentation of the grain (rye, wheat, barley, or whatever else is used). Unless it's purposely watered down (which is done by some brewery's).
You know, I know an old Budhist Monk named Master Han, who makes the best green tea you've ever tasted! If your looking for an alternative that is... *Fears lynching by beer mobs* In Korea, he was captain of the Tea Club at his highschool. Of course now he is like 95 and can't remember anything I tell him. But he makes great tea!
I went behind DS last night and seconded a lot of people. Here were my actions from last night

- nominated IamSid for Goveneau of BW,
- accepted the nomination of above said position
- seconded DS for Prez
- seconded Whomp for Sec of War
- seconded IamSid for Sec of Science (B, I'm still working on that info ;) )
- seconded Nomad Bryce for Sec of Int (declined due to virus)
- nominated B for Sec of Culture
- accepted nomination for DP.

Since NB declined the nomination for Sec of Int. That spot is open for another idiot. I can withdraw my hat from the Goveneau position if you guys wnat me there.

The reason I put B in the running for Sec of Culture is because that position can demand culture buildings to be built at periodic increments. I don't want culture shoved down my throat. I want to want it, savor it. mmmmm culture. if it's forced upon us, well it just wouldn't be pretty
Tubby, I think you'd make a great MoI
I need an idiot to nom me for Chief Justice. We can't have an unopposed offical for election. And since only an idiot would run against donsig, I think I am the perfect idiot for the job.

(As for actual credentials, I've done ALL the judicial jobs before in a couple of the old Civ 3 DG's. And in real life, I am a year away from law school.)
Vander said:
I need an idiot to nom me for Chief Justice. We can't have an unopposed offical for election. And since only an idiot would run against donsig, I think I am the perfect idiot for the job.

(As for actual credentials, I've done ALL the judicial jobs before in a couple of the old Civ 3 DG's. And in real life, I am a year away from law school.)
Done it now all you have to do is accept. And would the Idiot Party please support me as I run for Head of Science? Remember Sid does what is best for the people of the demogame and not the corrupt corporate officials.
Secretary of culture, PMFP !!!!
IamSid, i'[m not evne a party member and i support you!
Party ticket so far

DS for Prez
Whomp for Sec of War
IamSid for Min. of Science
Beorn for Min. of Culture (needs to be accepted here)
Vander for Chief Justice (needs to be accepted here)
Tubby for Goveneau of BW (running against Chieftess :eek: )

DP has a few of us on there. I personally don't care either way, but let us know if it's important to you. DS nominated almost the entire Idiot Party. If you want to play make sure you accept the position.
I urge all Idiot partee members who consider themselves lazy to vote for the cultural choice in the reasearch strategy poll. IT is the onvious lazy choice.

Also Dahghda was nom'ed for PD
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