Round 5: 780AD - 1140AD
I decided to play the devil's advocate to myself and took the suggestion of researching Paper next. The reasoning is this: If Louis vassalises to Augustus, we're toast anyway. There wouldn't be enough time to produce counters to Augustus' medieval army. If we research Paper first, we might be able to build the University of Sankore (we have stone), and hopefully it would help us catch up with the AIs. So Paper it was.
Going war with Louis was pretty much a foregone conclusion, and hence it was on:
One of our Woodsman II Jags scouted out Paris' defenses:
It looked manageable. Still, being on a hil, knocking those longbows out would be tough
In the meantime, we founded the lakeside copper city:
I decided to place it where it can poach Orleans' pig. Without a lighthouse, the lake tiles would only produce 2F each. Placing the city 1 tile NE would give it more grassland to cottage, but growth would be slow without the pigs and we wouldn't be able to whip all those buildings up, which is the strength of our mighty civilization.
And we got our second prophet:
I'm thinking of using two shrines to help power up our economy and catch up later on. Anyway, we would probably be moving away from prophets and aiming to get scientists after this, so using this prophet for the Kong Miao now makes sense:
At this point, lightbulbing wouldn't give us any advantage in terms of tech trading anyway.
Back to the war, while we were beseiging Paris, Louis sent small wandering stacks of longbows, archers and a chariot from the NW at lightly-defended Tenochtitlan. I thought they were going to pillage the developed cottages around our capital, and we wouldn't be able to stop him, although he would probably not be able to take the city. That would be quite a big blow to us (we're running Bureaucracy, remember). However, the AI proved itself horribly incompetent at war once again and sent his main stack (of longbowmen and a chariot) to pillage the unworked copper mine instead:
That gave us enough time to bring in enough chariots and an axe to completely destroy all of his pillagers.
Meanwhile, Paris fell:
As expected, it was a tough slog. We lost a Shock axe from a catapult attack during the siege, and we lost about half of our catapults and one Jaguar assaulting the city. Our army had to rest a few turns before going for the next target. It turned out that there was another city south of Paris, at the border with Rome. We would certainly have to take that city (and probably raze it), but I decided that we should go for the French iron city first, NW of Paris.
Before that, though, we finished researching Paper and I happily looked for the University of Sankore in the building list in our capital. I did not find it. I checked the wonder list, and, true enough:
And it was built by none other than our neighbours the Romans themselves

I checked the tech trading screen about two turns ago and did not see Paper in the list of techs Augustus had on us. The only explanation is he had a GE waiting (Isambard, IIRC) and rushed the University immediately after getting Paper one turn before us. Arghhh!!! The Romans must die! They've been hogging all the wonders and they took the one we hoped to get too
Anyway, now that it proved to be a mere Paper chase (get it?

), I decided to get down to business. Metal Casting was good for forges (which give extra hammers and happiness) anyway. And Machinery, besides allowing crossbows and maces, would lead to Engineering for trebs and pikes, should we decide to take on Rome (3-move roads would be useful as well). Even if that would not be the case, Machinery enables Optics, which we might want to get soon to contact the other continent. The last thing we need is to be isolated for a long time while Rome is busy trading techs with the other civs. Education is an alternative, but it would take more than 20 turns to research at our current rate, so I don't think it's a feasible option. There's Philosophy, but Taoism has been found and Angkor Wat has been built. The only value in it is trading with Augustus, and after the Paper incident I was not confident we could get it before him. So I decided to go MC -> Machinery next.
We took the French iron city:
It was razed. From the dotmap stand point, the location was sub par. Besides, we could do with a little less upkeep for now.
Our 2nd GG was born from that battle:
So now we're gonna have a Medic III unit.
EDIT: I nearly fell asleep trying to type the second part. I guess I have to go get a good sleep before I can continue

Be back in the morning.
[to be continued in the next post...]