The "New" Wonders Of The World

If a statue had to be on it, it should have been the SoL and not Christ Redeemer, but even SoL didn't really deserve it.

Stupid Lula and brazilians.

Winner - if you needed a representative of Roman civilization, one of their aqueducts (Pont du Gard comes to mind) is arguably a lot better than the Colosseum. The Pantheon is also fairly impressive.
I dont like the Colosseum. Maybe because it resembles so much "evilness". But the Parthenon would be a great choice. I just can't understand why things happened like that.
Was Brazil the only country with massive advertisement for voting?
That's probably a good thing. If a campaign had gone on here Stateside, those crazy Kansans would possibly have succeeded in getting the biggest ball of twine on the list.
The Eiffel tower looks hideous to me, sorry. And the others aren't really that wondrous anyway.

Im sure it is to you. But, you know, you can make ANYTHING seem small and unimportant. Like, did you know that:

*The pyramids are just a few piles of rocks?
*The Statue of Liberty is just a few bits of bent metal that are stuck together?
*The Taj Mahal is a box with a few domes slapped on?
*Michelangelo's David is just a dented rock?
*Planet Earth is a big boulder with a few water puddles?
*God is just some man who controls a bunch of gloryfied rocks?
*Pilots just press butttons all day?
*A soldier is just some random person who squeezes metal sticks?
thear is no reasion y the piramymids of egypt shouldnt be on the list. thay are one of, if not the greatest human achivment of all time

now crist the redeemer? i can understand the others, but this is very poor choice, only reasion ppl voted for it was for religous reasons. but other then that one, the list is rather good.. i still rather see some other ones in then that whear, but o well

so now thear are 8 wonders of the world, a nice even number.
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