• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

Orders incoming.
From: Poland

We declare war on your country. Unless you imediately withdraw from the Ukraine.

To: European League
From: Poland

If you do not wish to get dragged into war with the USSR Poland will understand if you eject us from the Alliance but we cannot allow the USSR to constantly bully her neighbours.

To: The World
From: Poland

Poland will gladly accept help of any form from any country to help fight the USSR. We will also allow countries to ship supplies, volunteers and aid through to the Ukraine from Poland.

To: Ukraine
From: Poland

Will you allow Polish forces into your country to help defend your country against the USSR?

OOC: Orders sent
To Poland
From Italy:

You will not be standing alone! Italy will be sending an expeditionary force to protect your nation and to keep the Soviets out of Europe.

From Italy:

We ask that other members send any aid possible to Poland and Ukraine in their efforts to ensure the rest of Europe does not come under further Soviet attack. They are our buffer, and we can not let them stand alone.
OOC: :eek:

Honestly, I would've preferred some advance warning of that. Ohwell, orders coming in about half an hour or so.

There goes the European continent.
Thank you Justo, for making this update much more fun for me. So I guess World War 3 is starting up again.

Update is going to begin in about 6 hours.
OOC: God damn it. Germany's sitting this one out. After getting our asses kicked in the last two? No thank you. Have fun.
OOC: Sorry about no advanced warning I didn't realise orders were due. I didn't even realize you were the Ukraine until I made up my orders I thought it was an NPC. :p

@EQ no problem :)

To: Italy
From: Poland

We are grateful for your assistance.
The Republic of Scandinavia is too sitting this war out.
Starting update now, actually have 100% of orders I believe. First time in along time.
Global News Report

North/Central American News Report

South American News Report

BOLIVIA LIBERATED. Sucre, Bolivia. Nipponese occupation authorities in Bolivia and southern Peru have announced the liberation of a combined South American Bolivian nation. Elections have heralded the formation of a new republic in Bolivia, which has been handily won by conservatives, some of whom even managed local districts prior to the Third World War. The new government has vowed to renew the cause of South American unity and the emergence of stability and peace on the continent.

HEAVY FIGHTING IN CARACAS. Caracas, United States of America. The Venezuelan Liberation Front has scored a major victory in Caracas, annihilating an American infantry division in the city. American forces have been forced out of their positions within the city and have become besieged within their bases. Local Venezuelan leaders have called for the VLF to move in and “reclaim Venezuela’s destiny.” (-1 US Infantry Division)

European News Report

NORWAY FREED. Stockholm, Scandinavia. After years of internal conflict, the Scandinavian Parliament voted to allow full Norwegian independence. King Alexander I of Norway has been crowned in Oslo, creating the first independent Norwegian monarchy in over a hundred years. American and Scandinavian forces have withdrawn from Norway as the nation begins to rebuild itself. The rest of Scandinavia has begun a major new development program at home, completing the great bridge between Denmark and Sweden, a major milestone in European history. Massive amounts of money have been poured into development of Finland and the rest of the country as the nation struggles to rebuild itself not only from the Norwegian revolt, but the longstanding effects of the Third World War.

BULGARIANS LAUNCH OFFENSIVE IN THRACE. Sofia, Bulgaria. Bulgarian forces launched a major assault against Greek installations throughout Thrace, uncovering a major subterranean network established by the rebels. The Greeks won a series of victories against the attackers, though Bulgarian air superiority has forced the Greek troop to scatter. Overall, the Greeks managed to inflict heavy casualties, though they were dispersed across the countryside, some even believed to have withdrawn into Serbian Greece. The Serbs have warned the Bulgarian government to keep their Greeks in order or face war.
Casualty List
Bulgaria: 3 Infantry Divisions
Friends of Greece: 1 Paramilitary Division

FASCISTS WIN ELECTION IN CATALONIA. Barcelona, Catalonia. After a heated election, the Catalonian Fascist Party has won. The Fascists have pledged to reunify all the Catalonian people under a single nationalist government. Several inciting speeches have been made, calling for Catalonians in Euskadi, France, and Castile to rise against those who oppress them. Catalonia’s neighbors have demanded a halt to incendiary speeches and rabble rousing as tensions rise.

CONFLICT GROWS IN EASTERN EUROPE. Kiev, Ukraine. Soviet forces renewed their offensive into Ukraine with the arrival of spring, 1951. However, with a declaration of war from Poland and a variety of Entente states, the Soviets have met far harsher resistance than expected. Almost half a million soldiers from a variety of European nations have arrived to assist the Ukrainians in their fight against the Soviets. Forces of the European League have even managed to launch a successful offensive into Byelorussia under the leadership of the Poles. Local Soviet forces were overwhelmed by the EL invasion and have been forced out of the region. Minsk has fallen to Polish and Italian advances, threatening even Moscow with attack. In the air, the arrival of European squadrons and Islamic volunteers has turned the tide in favor of the Allies. Faced with overwhelming numbers, Bear airfields were devastated by Allied high-altitude strikes, and the Soviet air commander was forced to withdraw beyond the Urals. Allied advanced in Ukraine proper have managed to force a stalemate against approximately matched Soviet forces, inciting the largest armored battle in history at the Ukrainian city of Kursk. Despite the heavy support from many European nations, several have refused to provide aid to Ukraine. Notable nations such as France, Germany, Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria have all refused to provide support. Events may vindicate these nations as major anti-war protests threaten to destabilize several countries. Hungary, Belgium, Austria, and Portugal have all been hit with major anti-war rallies, some even breaking into violence. In Poland the situation has grown dire as massive riots caused parts of Warsaw and Lodz to break into flame after total military mobilization was announced. It took nearly a month for Polish police forces to restore order.
Casualty List
USSR: 14 Infantry Divisions, 7 Armored Divisions, 5 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 5 Bomber Squadrons
Ukraine: 3 Infantry Divisions, 3 Armored Divisions
Poland: 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Italy: 1 Infantry Division, 1 Armored Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Wallonia: 1 Infantry Division
Belgium: 1 Motorized Division
Portugal: 1 Infantry Division
Hungary: 1 Infantry Division
Austria: 1 Infantry Division
Dar-al-Islam: 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons

African/Middle Eastern News Report

REVOLT IN ALGERIA. Algiers, Italian Empire. Agitation in Algeria broke out into open revolt at the end of 1951, as Italian regulars withdrew to fight in Russia. The local militia and Fascist Party enforcers were overwhelmed by the nationalists. The protestors have demanded immediate independence and self-government. Rumors of arms stockpiles and armories being raided to arm an “Algerian Nationalist Army” have yet to be confirmed. (-1 Militia Division for Italy)

SOCIALISTS ELECTED IN TURKEY. Ankara, Turkey. Despite seemingly assured victory for the Sons of Ataturk for the 1951 elections, the Turkish people voted in a landslide to admit the Socialist Party into office. Running on a platform of squelching fundamentalism and influence of Islam on government, the Socialists are believed to have financed their campaign with Soviet support. The Socialists have openly supported the Soviet Union in the increasing conflict in Ukraine, denouncing European League and Entente actions against the Soviets. Turkish officials have closed Turkish territorial waters and airspace to all belligerents in the area, cutting shipping to the Black Sea.

Asian/Pacific News Report

Global News Ticker






Diplomatic Pouch

To: Germany
From: Norway

We thank you for your kind aid and support, we hope our friendship will continue.


@luckymoose: your orders are fine as they are, it’s entirely up to you what kind of detail you wish to go into. Also, you have Modern Military Production so you received 4 Jet Squadrons, not 2.

World Map

Spoiler :
To: Neighbouring Nations in which there is massive unrest
From: Germany

The dissolution of order in your cities in protest of this ridiculous war makes nervous the German people. If order cannot be restored, and Germany's borders continue to be threatened in such a revolutionary and unstable manner, Germany may be forced to take action. We will remain neutral on the Ukraine issue, but the Entente is advised to pull out of this war before their cities are torn apart at the seams.
When did the Afro-Asian fund get Airborne Radar?

And, I think the general consensus is that Transamur should be allowed into our research fund.
ignore this
When did the Afro-Asian fund get Airborne Radar?

And, I think the general consensus is that Transamur should be allowed into our research fund.

Ill send you a PM prop
If we have it now, my Air Force Quality stat should go from 7 to 8, EQ.

I hoped no one would notice, but some quality stats are behind. These will be fixed within 24 hours. Sorry about the issue.
$#)^%@! just got home, havent had time till now. Oh well, all that mattered was my spending and elections, and Wasser seems like a good choice seeing as he finished a rather big project, helped our economy, curbed unemployment and built new cities.
From Italy:

You have faced defeat. Return back across the border from whence you came and recognize Ukraine's existance. We ask areturn to prewar borders as well as several IC worth of compensation be sent to Ukraine.
From Italy:

You have faced defeat. Return back across the border from whence you came and recognize Ukraine's existance. We ask areturn to prewar borders as well as several IC worth of compensation be sent to Ukraine.

To Italy

Ukraine is ours. We will use any and all methods for this to happen
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