• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down


After the first [more] democratic elections two years ago, the Democratic Bloc - led by the powerful trio of the Progressives, Conservatives, and Right-Liberals, along with several small junior partners - won about 55% of the seats in the Senate and 40% of the States Assembly. The Opposition, consisting of the rightist National Front coalition and the Islamists, as well as the Socialists, didn't win enough seats in either house to block bills from being passed. When the Progressives accepted the Islamic Centrist party into the Democratic Bloc, the Christian Democrats voted to join the National Front bloc instead, only a handful remaining Democratic and joining the Conservatives.

It had indeed been a touchy time. A law was passed confirming freedom of religious worship and the Ministry of Religious Affairs was split into one where a triumvirate shared the department on the Inner Council - one for the Christian population, one for Muslims, and one for all other faiths. This seemed to assuage most of the Somali Imams calling for riots against the government in the wake of the elections, but some remained steadfast in opposition. The Islamist party in fact had 4 seats in the States Assembly, though only 3% in the Senate.
Nevertheless, since the elections, the country was finally officially recognized as a constitutional - not absolute - monarchy.
Now, on the agenda, was not the program of modernizing the industrial base of Abyssinia. Without more advanced, efficient tools, machinery, and basic industry, Abyssinia's economy would never REALLY get off the ground, and that was hard enough as it is with few precious resources to export and actually make a profit on.
Sure enough, the Abyssinian government continued funding education programs, especially in the university level, to ensure that the new endeavors to educate and better prepare the masses do not falter.

More internationally, the issue of the Soviet invasion of Ukraine came to the forefront. After contributing an Armored division to repel aggressor forces from New Zion, the parliament now debated on a proposal by a Nationalist Senator to showcase Abyssinian military skill in Europe as well. The Socialists did not miss a beat in opposing the proposal. Both sides had to convince the massive Democratic Bloc that their position was the correct one, as it was that diverse alliance that would decide. Ultimately, even the Prime Minister Josuf Akka himself argued against sending the Armored Division to any mission in Europe. The reasons? It was ridiculous and impractical. While western Africa still had the same climate and general geographic regions as Abyssinia, Europe was a land that no Abyssinian soldier had ever set foot on and thus might succumb to the strange circumstance. Besides, it was colder and the unprepared soldiers might freeze. Thus, the National Front had to pout as it watched Democratic Bloc essentially collapse another one of its controversial attempts to decide policy.

The left was not without its own defeats - Left-Liberals and Social Democrats repeatedly attempted women's suffrage, and were repeatedly shot down by the rest of the parliament, the Progressive and Conservative parties adhering to an earlier agreement with the rightists to NOT bring up or support that cause until at least 1956.

--Mogadishu University (Mogadishu, Mogadishu, Abyssinian Empire)--
Asan Salimi, 19 years old, from a small town near Beledweyne was anxious to begin his first day at Mogadishu University. His would be only the second class to begin at the institution. If not for government subsidization, he would not be able to afford attending here - the Imperial government paid for residential dorming and a major part of tuition on need-based requirements. Only the noble families or very wealthy businessmen had to pay most or all of tuition and boarding fees. He remembered how hard his mother cried that day at the railway station of his town. She expressed pride that he'd get something she - nor his father, for that matter - never could: higher education that would pave the way for a better job.
His father, a staunch conservative Muslim strictly following a religious code, reprimanded her for crying uselessly.

"Let him go already!" Asan remembered his father saying. "He'll soon come back, and if Allah permits will become our town's new mullah."

Asan wasn't sure if that was his path, of course. And his father's words discouraged him - did he expect nothing but failure? Asan and his friends had followed Islam and did not flout morality... but they didn't generally feel a need to impose Islam as the only law. Just a few miles away was a town where Christians were the majority... further along were remnants of the Somali Jewish community, who had not [yet] emigrated to New Zion.
Well, Asan wasn't sure if he WOULD succeed at university? Who knew in these crazy times? What he DID know was that he wanted his major - the main field of study - to be Political Science. Most of the classes he had signed up for were intended towards that field education.

He had jsut gotten his books together and left his dorm room and met up with three friends from his old town. The university main building was just a bloc away. They chatted, shared excitement and worries, exchanged their various expectations, and watched as the stream of new students branched off into the Medical, Law, and Business wings of the complex. Asan held back for a moment, as his friends ascended the steps to the entrance. He suddenly got a weird feeling that something might happen... Probably just worry, he dismissed it.
Suddenly, a car backfired.
"Freaking Liberian autos..." Asan muttered. Then, another backfiring crack... and a loud thump... A quiet splash... A scream... Police sirens... Asan Salimi, perhaps a future Senator, was dead.
Turkey would like to announce that it will not allow access of any naval vessel or military forces through Turkish territorial waters. The exception to this rule are the nations of Romania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union, who all have coastlines along the Black Sea. We also do not condone any military action against the USSR, as this is strictly an internal affair.
Germany strongly urges the nations of the European League to vote against sending the US Police Force - we mean, the UN Police Force to keep the peace in the Ukraine. The issue has nothing to do with us and it is possible to keep the peace we have worked several long years to establish without compromising our integrity. Germany will never let the USSR attack her allies.
Abyssinia is disgusted by what seem to be constant repeated attempts by Germany to coerce neighbors to keep in line with the German foreign policy, and is deeply saddened by what seems to be a rapidly-degenerating quality of diplomatic messages coming out of Berlin.
We hope that once things stabilize, Germany will once again be a voice of reason in the diplomatic community.
Prime Minister Korpela sat at her desk, talking quietly with her advisers, when the Butler opened the double doors into the office, and announced that the Three Officials of the the Ledig Norge Parti were here to discuss independence. They strode into her office, wearing impressive, but ill-fitting suits, which matched the suits stolen from the Interior M inistry about a week earlier. Despite the gaunt look in their faces, and weathered brows, they had a commanding fiery glow in their eyes, and Prime Minister Korpela was pleased, as it was about time they came to discuss Norway.

The oldest of the three stood up;
"I am Christian Meyer, and with me is Oscar Holtermann-Knudsen and Ludvig Torp. We are Members of the Ledig Norge Parti, and are here to discuss the freedom of Norway from the current oppressive situation."

Blunt, and too the point, Eveliina Korpela stated her position. She would hand over Norway to the House of Oldenburg, with Alexander I as King of Norway. The Ledig Norge Parti must cease all hostilities at once, and disband, to reform if they please as a democratic Party. They would write a constitution, and from that form the basis of a Constitutional Monarchy. They would sign trade agreements and have open boarders between the two nations to have very limited interference between the two nations. The Navy and AIr Force will remain in Scandinavian control, as will the Air Force, however, any and all troops within these two areas are welcome to finish their tours of duty under the Scandinavian Military, and then return to Norway. The Army will be split into the sections of Nationality, thus all of the Norwegian Soldiers will be transferred across to the Norwegian Army, and all those from the remaining Scandinavian Nations will be incorporated into the new Republic of Eastern Scandinavia's Army. Given the current amount of Norwegian Troops in the Republic's Army, it should yield a ratio of 4:1, 4 divisions for every 1 for Norway. That should leave 17 for the new Republic and 4 for Norway, which is a total of 21, the current amount of divisions of Armed infantry the Republic has on active service. The other divisions shall remain like the Navy, and will remain in the new Republic's control until the soldiers tours of duty are up.

The members from the Ledig Norge Parti sat there quietly listening, taking in the emotion she poured across at them in regards to the division of the Republic.
"One Problem, " said Christain Meyer. "We do not agree to the open boarders, and will not sign this document until this policy has been stricken from it. However, everything else we do agree to. "

Korpela was taken aback, as she was expecting them to not agree to anything.
"Very Well, it is done then, at 12:01am, on the 1st of January, 1951, Norway hereby will become a seperate Nation, and all ties politically with the Republic of Scandinavia, now known as the Republic of Eastern Scandinavia, will cease. Autonomy will be granted by the Prime Ministers Council's decree, and at the same time, on the same day of the same year, Finland will be granted semi-autonomy, where by the Republic will continue it's work to rebuild it, and after a 10 year period, a referendum will take place, whereby the people of the Republic will decide whether Finland should become autonomous, or not.
You Gentlemen, sign here."

Each of the four individuals signed the paper, and once all final wrangling had been finalised, the Three members of the Ledig Norge Parti got up, shaking hands with the Prime Minister, and making for the door.

As they opened the door, the Prime Minister of the new Republic of Eastern Scandinavia said,
"Oh, gentlemen, you have no need for an armored escort, as you are now no longer enemies of the Empire. "

With that final remark, the three gentlemen, in their ill-fitting suits, swept from the office, and Eveliina Korpela sat heavily.

EQ: Ignore the PM you just got.
This is our new propoganda video :goodjob:
Backgrounds will be provided tomorrow for all nations on the Background Thread. It's bee na good 20 updates, so i figure they need to be modernized.

Be sure to get involved with the Leadership Council elections this year. A new Council will be needed. Also, do not forget to vote on the standing resolutions, particularly the one regarding the invasion of Ukraine.

The next update will be Tuesday.
This is our new propaganda video :goodjob:

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Anyways, the song is in German, when it was East Germany whom made this. Still, you could use it as propaganda in Germany or something.

If you want something for Europe, here's one:


EDIT: If China needs a socialist propaganda video, here's one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7laBfy89qK8&feature=user

IC: I'll probably be taking a European or Asian nation, after you update stats/nation backgrounds.
@EQ - no, I am not withdrawing, i am just going through a severe crisis IRL atm. along with this comes a severe lack of time, I think i posted in the vacation thread, not completely sure. Will try to get orders in for this NES, glad to see we've been NPCed well.

EDIT: should be 100% over in about a week. no worries, couldnt leave this NES if i wanted to.
Ok, no more videos on this thread. I mean that, no more at all.

Consider this the 24 hour warning.
Orders coming today, (on time for once!!!)
I won't be able to send mine before the deadline, but about three hours after it I'll be able to.
Yes, i did provide earlier warning. It's just a couple posts above this one.
i am sending something, will try to make it more than basic generalized orders.
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