• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

Yeah, but I just checked with EQ. Luckymoose is getting it, as I'm a power anyway. WAU isn't.

So, Luckymoose, take Dar-al-Islam. Fine with me.
This turn shall be the beginning of the end for the Soviet Empire.

Bring it, NukeKid. May the best capitalist pig-dog win.
Hope I retain my position.

Edit: Crap.
We'll see, a new weighting system will be enacting following this update. This system will take into account nuclear capacity and nuclear stockpiles. Previous weights will be changed significantly.
EQ, rember, I need a power listing this turn, for the UN.

But the LC changes every 10 years, not 5. Why would you need it now. I remember both the constitution and the agreed upon compromise that makes up the first 40 posts of the topic agreed on the 5-4 10 year plan.

edit: I'm actually confused. USA makes several references to both 5 year and 10 year plans
actually, we never really decided weather to go for 5 years or ten. I wanted the 5 years, and everyone else seemed to not care. considering how rapidly the power balance is shifting in the NES, 5 years seems the better of the 2 options.

if everyone really dose not want the shift, we can go for the 10 years.
Global News Report

UNITED NATIONS DECLARE SANCTIONS AGAINST GERMANY. Singapore, United Nations. Following last year’s interception of German submarines by American bombers in the Caribbean, the United Nations Chairman declared Germany in violation of Resolution 3-45, passed in 1947, which illegalizes supply of war materials to “terrorist organizations.” In protest, Germany withdrew from the United Nations. Most nations within the UN have in response cut trading ties with Germany, with only the members of the EEC, and a select few nations continuing to trade. These sanctions have been organized without an official UN resolution, and those dissenters have called for a resolution to be passed before action is taken. Nonetheless, an immediate effect has been noticed on the German economy, which has dipped into a minor recession. Despite this, Germany’s neighbors in the EEC have begun to take up the slack in imports, as the Poles send in airplanes, the French send manufactured goods, and the Italians send oil. It seems on the surface that overall the sanctions have only caused Europe to prosper ever more.
(+1 Private Enterprise for France, Poland, and Italy; -1 Private Enterprise for Germany)

PEACE MADE IN WEST AFRICA. Singapore, United Nations. Representatives of the United Nations coalition have agreed to peace terms with the nations of Sokoto and the Mexican Free State. A demilitarized zone has been created along the northern border of New Zion and both the Jewish state and their neighbors have pledged not to launch a war of aggression against each other for at least twenty years. New Zion has also magnanimously agreed not to ask for reparations of any type, monetary or territorial. However, despite the end of one war, rumors abound of mobilization on the Sokoto-MFS border and both nations have renewed their various propaganda against each other.

North/Central American News Report

South American News Report

ELECTORAL TROUBLE IN BRAZIL. Brasilia, Brazil. The 1950 elections in Brazil have hit a serious snag. Through a variety of corruptions and political turmoil, there has been no clear majority in Brazil. The standing Progressive Party has maintained power momentarily, vowing to restore order and regain electoral discipline by the 1954 elections. Currently the President has announced that investigations would be launched towards corruption in government, but as yet, there have been no successes.

US SENDS MORE FORCES TO VENEZUELA. Caracas, United States of America. The Pentagon has ordered over ten fresh divisions to be deployed to Venezuela, which is still reeling from rationing. Fresh activity and more support from the local populace have turned multiple villages into “no-go” zones for American soldiers and the Venezuelan Liberation Front has gained favorable mention in several foreign papers. Even Caracas, heart of the United States military presence, seethes with revolt and unrest as American forces have squelched nearly fourteen riots this previous year.

European News Report

ELECTIONS HELD IN GERMANY AMID ISOLATION. Berlin, Germany. For the first time since the onset of the Third World War, the German people have participated in popular elections. Overall the Nazi Party won a narrow victory against the Social Democrats, who won multiple localized successes due to an ongoing recession. This recession, caused by multiple global sanctions and an oil embargo by the Combined Petroleum Organization, almost won the Social Democrats an electoral victory. The Nazis continue to maintain their hold on the economy as the EEC continues to support them despite sanctions by most of the United Nations for their actions in Venezuela.

CONFLICT IN NORWAY. Stockholm, Republic of Scandinavia. American and Scandinavian troops continue to combat a growing force under the control of Ledig Norge. Norwegian forces struck at several major military bases, surprising and destroying American and government forces. To combat the elusive Norwegian threat, the Americans have deployed new Air Cavalry forces using helicopters to reach their targets. These “AirCav” have won several small victories against minor Norwegian strongholds and thanks to their efforts, government and American forces have managed to mostly secure Finland from the insurgents’ efforts.
Casualty List
USA: 1 Infantry Division
Scandinavia: 1 Infantry Division
Ledig Norge: 1 Militia Division

SOVIETS INVADE UKRAINE. Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Despite the 1944 declaration of no aggressive intentions towards the west, the Soviet Union has launched an invasion of the nation of Ukraine. Over the past six years, the Ukrainian people have prepared for just such an invasion. Multiple traps and pre-existing lines of defense were established just in case of war. In addition, the loyalty of several of Russi’s finest generals to Noyova Russia has given Ukraine some of the brightest minds of modern warfare. Prepared for a tank offensive, Ukraine emphasized anti-tank weaponry along the border and tank-to-tank combat. Thanks to fresh tactics and lack of Soviet infantry support, Ukraine has devastated the Soviet armored corps. What seemed an assured victory has turned into a vicious quagmire for the Soviet invasion. Despite these failures on the ground, Soviet airpower has devastated the Ukrainian air force. Thanks to the nearly untouchable Bear high-altitude bombers, the Soviets leveled over 90% of Ukrainian airfields during the first 24 hours of the invasion. Since the attack, the Ukrainian air force has been forced to hide from Soviet eyes, and whenever an air base is discovered by the Soviets it is promptly leveled. Soviet air attacks have emphasized the Ukrainian air force, though they have continued to strike at other military installations. However, with the early autumn, Soviet tanks stalled in the mud and then proceeded to freeze in the snow. Lack of infantry even allowed several localized counterattacks which allowed to Ukraine to keep the Soviets out of any major city. The Entente has condemned the Soviet invasion and has promised to do anything in its power to “aid the brave and besieged people of the Ukraine.”
Casualty List
Soviet Union: 2 Motorized Divisions, 9 Armored Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Ukraine: 3 Infantry Divisions, 2 Armored Divisions, 5 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons

African/Middle Eastern News Report

ECONOMIC BOOM IN CENTRAL AFRICA. Freiheitstadt, Consolidated States of Afrika. Following several years of massive construction efforts, the Afrikan Autobahn has been completed. This massive automotive highway crosses the continent and connects the greatest cities of the CSA. This effort has created new industries overnight and caused a major boom in overland trade. It is now possible to drive across Africa from Indian to Atlantic within a single day. (+2 Private Enterprise for CSA)

Asian/Pacific News Report

Global News Ticker



Diplomatic Pouch

To: Afro-Asian Alliance
From: Transamur

We would like to apply for admittance into your alliance.


@j_eps, I hope you’re still participating. To everyone else, is j_eps still with us?

@silver_2039, I’ll be booting you next update if there is a further lack of orders.

World Map

Spoiler :
From Germany

Germany applauds her brother's success in the major engineering feat that is the Afrikan Autobahn, and believes it will be a boon to the combined economy of the German Commonwealth.

From Germany

It seems the insidious efforts of the US puppets have backfired, and now Europe is once more enjoying prosperity. Rather than talking down to Germany, you should all be thanking the German people for their courage. Solidarity in Europe is the first and greatest goal, and the economic boom can only be blamed on Germany. Our slight recession is but a minor ditch in a world of canyons; Europe will prosper, and we will have justice!

To Scandinavia
From Germany

Germany strongly suggests you seek peace with the Ledig Norge. Aside from certain unfortunate events in the east, the civil war in Scandinavia is the only thing keeping Europe from seeing peace. We managed it with the Nazis, despite vast ideological confrontations, and found compromise all the same. The only way to preserve what you have built, sometimes, is to give it away; to let it fester is counterintuitive.
To: Transamur
From: Vietnam

Though we cannot say we speak for the entire Afro-Asian Research Organization, Vietnam welcomes this new potential member.
To: Transamur
From: South Africa
C.C. Afro Asian Alliance

We also agree with the Vietnamese in allowing your entrance.
Nice update EQ!

To Scandinavia
From Germany

Germany strongly suggests you seek peace with the Ledig Norge. Aside from certain unfortunate events in the east, the civil war in Scandinavia is the only thing keeping Europe from seeing peace. We managed it with the Nazis, despite vast ideological confrontations, and found compromise all the same. The only way to preserve what you have built, sometimes, is to give it away; to let it fester is counterintuitive.

Hey, America, are you listening? Feed the Venezuelans. Do not punish them for your war crimes.
From: PRC

We strongly condemn the attack of Ukraine. If you attack one more country, the Socialist Security Pact will be destroyed. (can't have a pact with 1!)
@EQ great update as always.
I should have 2 IC in Military, 2 IC in Public and 4 IC in Private. But I have 3 in Military and 1 in Public.

From: Poland

We demand that you withdraw from the Ukraine. The USSR has constantly destabilized Europe in the past and continues to do so in the present.
From Germany

Germany would like to state that the philosophy of self-determination in states of different interests flies in the face of the entire principle of the strength of nations. Germany quietly applauds the Soviets' efforts in invading the Ukraine, to take back the land they lost, and, all things considered, the fact that the Entente supports the Ukraine in this conflict had very much to do with this decision.
EQ, sorry for not sending orders for this update, the motherboard on my computer died on Tuesday morning, and I have not been able to get online until about 5 minutes ago!!! So Sorry. I will need to discuss with you about seeking peace with the Ledig Norge.

Sorry again, and will try to see you on aim or something over the next couple of days.
Italy strongly condemns the Soviet invasion of Ukraine. How little things have changed.

To Ukraine/Entente:
Italy is prepared to begin joint-operations with Entente forces in regards to stopping the Soviet invasion of Ukraine. In order to do so we will need rail passage through Hungary and possibly Romania.

To Germany:
How can you support a regime which launched a genocide against your own people? The Soviet Menace is the largest threat facing Europe today and to support their attack is all but an act of treason.

We will need Germany's full support, and its nuclear deterrence, in order to fight the Soviets if need be.

To Poland/EL:
Italy would like to begin talks of a joint EL-Entente operation to save Ukraine from Soviet domination. This will be especially tricky for Poland as it borders the Soviet Union. We do not wish for the war to spread past Ukraine, but we also realize Ukraine may not be saved if we do not act together.

If the EL does decide to mobilize for war, it much be set by majority decision of member nations. We would also like to enact the EL Command Structure in case of the outbreak of war with the Soviet Union. (EQ can decide who would best serve as supreme commander of the forces, or we can vote)
To Italy:
We do not support the Soviets, except by means of opposing the Entente. We can never fight alongside a group of nations which have oppressed and are oppressing Germany.

If the Soviets strike any member of the EL, however, Germany will respond in kind. The Soviet Menace is not the greatest threat to Europe, and we will leave it at that. The Ukraine had already been part of the USSR; we are sour towards them, but we have no desires to leap to war to defend a group of nations which never cared for us.
To Italy:
We do not support the Soviets, except by means of opposing the Entente. We can never fight alongside a group of nations which have oppressed and are oppressing Germany.

If the Soviets strike any member of the EL, however, Germany will respond in kind. The Soviet Menace is not the greatest threat to Europe, and we will leave it at that. The Ukraine had already been part of the USSR; we are sour towards them, but we have no desires to leap to war to defend a group of nations which never cared for us.

To Germany:
So now is the time to show them why they should care for us, for together we shall look out for the interests of all of nations collectively.
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