• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Trump Indicted!

If you look for truth you will find it.

“The reporting errors were presumably a consequence of the results tapes not being programmed to a format that was compatible with state reporting requirements,” read the statement from Prince William Director of Elections Eric Olsen. “Attempts to correct this issue appear to have created errors. The reporting errors did not consistently favor one party or candidate but were likely due to a lack of proper planning, a difficult election environment and human error.”

If you look for truth you will find it.

“The reporting errors were presumably a consequence of the results tapes not being programmed to a format that was compatible with state reporting requirements,” read the statement from Prince William Director of Elections Eric Olsen. “Attempts to correct this issue appear to have created errors. The reporting errors did not consistently favor one party or candidate but were likely due to a lack of proper planning, a difficult election environment and human error.”

From your link:

Virginia conservatives have pointed to the prosecution of Prince William County’s former top election official for allegedly fudging 2020 vote counts as the strongest evidence available that fraud was a real concern in the last presidential contest.

On Thursday, after the case against former Registrar Michele White was dropped, the county’s elections office revealed that the tabulation errors actually worked in favor of former President Donald Trump.

In a statement, the Prince William elections office said Trump received 2,327 more votes in the county than he should have, and President Joe Biden was “shorted” 1,648 votes. The swing of a few thousand votes did not affect the overall outcome of the race in Virginia, where Biden won by more than 450,000 votes.

“The reporting errors were presumably a consequence of the results tapes not being programmed to a format that was compatible with state reporting requirements,” read the statement from Prince William Director of Elections Eric Olsen. “Attempts to correct this issue appear to have created errors. The reporting errors did not consistently favor one party or candidate but were likely due to a lack of proper planning, a difficult election environment and human error.”

The county said the mistakes in 2020 also led to an undercount of votes for both U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat, and his Republican challenger, Daniel Gade. The discrepancy also wasn’t large enough to affect the outcome in that race, which Warner won comfortably.
If you look for truth you will find it.
But if you look and look and look for voter fraud of sufficient magnitude to have impacted the 2020 US presidential election, you will not.

Thanks for providing further confirmation of that point that is so crucial to Americans having trust in the validity of their electoral processes.

In fact, let me tag in the following poster on these forums, who needs to learn what your article about Prince William county reveals:

I believe Trump believed he was simply trying to find a way to reverse a stolen election in Ga. Somewhere between a third and 40% of Americans believe the election was rigged.
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Because everybody looks to pinball machines for their education.

Anyway, I can tell you what the pinball machine sounds like:

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Because everybody looks to pinball machines for their education.

Anyway, I can tell you what the pinball machine sounds like:

The YouTube rabbithole led me from that video to this one... Jimmy Kimmel running a game called "Debate and Switch", where a reporter asks Trump supporters for their thoughts on a statement Biden made, gets their responses, then IMMEDIATELY tells them that the statement was made by Trump not Biden and then asks them the exact same question, word for word and the Trump supporters shamelessly and unironically change their response in real time.

:eek: :dubious: :faint: I mean, I can't really say I'm surprised by this, but its still fascinating and a little disturbing. Also, of course with any bit/prank like this we don't know how many people they had to talk to in order to find the few dupes that would actually put this kind of doublethink (is that the right word for it?) on display, rather than just saying "Ha ha, OK you got me" or just admitting that they only took the position because it was Biden or admitting they are being a little inconsistent/hypocritical/partisan, etc.

The red-hat man in the video actually seemed like he sensed there was some kind of mistake going on, because he was clearly aware of the Stormy Daniels scandal, as well as Biden's salary at the time, but even despite that, he still managed to so emphatically state he wouldn't vote for someone who did exactly the thing that he was already aware that Trump did, just because he was told that Biden did it instead.
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‘My ultimate and absolute revenge’: Trump gives chilling CPAC speech on presidential agenda

Unbound and unhinged, ex-president vilifies immigrants before devolving into bizarre riffs, including calling himself ‘total genius’

Spoiler :
Donald Trump styled himself as a “proud political dissident” and promised “judgment day” for political opponents in an address that offered a chilling vision of a democracy in imminent peril.

In classic carnival barker form, the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination accused Joe Biden of weaponising the government against him with “Stalinist show trials”. He pledged to crack down on border security and deliver the biggest deportation in US history if he wins the 5 November election.

“For hardworking Americans, November 5th will be our new liberation day,” Trump told a packed ballroom at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor in Maryland. “But for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and imposters who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day!”

He added: “Your victory will be our ultimate vindication, your liberty will be our ultimate reward and the unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absolute revenge.”

The overwhelmingly white crowd, many wearing Make America Great Again regalia, rose to their feet and roared their approval.

The former US president was speaking hours before an expected victory over Republican rival Nikki Haley in the South Carolina primary, making him all but certain to be the party nominee.

Trump’s visit marked his 14th appearance at CPAC, breaking the record previously held by former president Ronald Reagan, according to his campaign. He appeared unbound and at times unhinged. The 77-year-old was bilious and bleak but also energetic and at times even humorous, less commander-in-chief than stand-up comedian. He told self-deprecating jokes about his wife Melania’s reviews of his speeches (“I ask our first lady, I say. So, baby, how good was that? She goes you were OK”).

His puerile parody of the speaking style, finger pointing and gait of 81-year-old Biden earned roars of laughter. And in a nod to his days as host of the reality TV show the Apprentice, Trump delighted the audience by shouting: “Crooked Joe Biden, you are fired! Get out of here. You’re destroying our country. You’re fired. Get the hell out of here!”

But, like demagogues of the past, the comedy and showmanship smuggled in a sinister undertow. Trump’s ability to play the crowd, turning its emotions from euphoria to fury as easily as flicking a switch, carry echoes that are hard to ignore.

The tone was set before he appeared on stage. A series of popular hits – Abba’s Dancing Queen, Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire, Sinéad O’Connor’s Nothing Compares 2 U, Elvis Presley’s Suspicious Minds – was followed by the tinny sound of Justice for All, a rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner sung by defendants jailed over their alleged roles in the January 6, 2021, insurrection. The CPAC audience rose solemnly for the dirge that was recorded over a prison phone line.

As usual, Trump entered to Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA, hugged an American flag and painted an impossibly grim picture of an America overrun by bloodshed, chaos and violent crime. “If Crooked Joe Biden and his thugs win in 2024, the worst is yet to come,” he said. “A country that will go and sink to levels that are unimaginable.

“These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed, and the only thing standing between you and it’s obliteration is me.”
Photo: Older man in dark suit has arms around standing US flag and is pursing his lips.

Spoiler :
Facing 91 criminal charges in four cases, Trump projected himself as both martyr and potential saviour of the nation. “A vote for Trump is your ticket back to freedom, it’s your passport out of tyranny and it’s your only escape from Joe Biden and his gang’s fast track to hell,” he continued.

“And in many ways, we’re living in hell right now because the fact is, Joe Biden is a threat to democracy – really is a threat to democracy.”

Speaking days after the death of the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, Trump hinted at a self-comparison by adding: “I stand before you today not only as your past and hopefully future president but as a proud political dissident. I am a dissident.”

The crowd whooped and applauded. Trump noted that he had been indicted more often than the gangster Al Capone on charges that he described as “bullfeathers”. The audience again leaped to their feet, some shaking their fists and chanting: “We love Trump! We love Trump!”

Trump argued without evidence: “The Stalinist show trials being carried out at Joe Biden’s orders set fire not only to our system of government but to hundreds of years of western legal tradition.

“They’ve replaced law, precedent and due process with a rabid mob of radical left Democrat partisans masquerading as judges and juries and prosecutors.”

Trump also spent time on his signature issue: he said his “first and most urgent action” as president would be the “sealing of the border, stopping the invasion ... send Joe Biden’s illegal aliens back home”.

The ex-president, who has spent years demonising immigrants, said: “They’re coming from Asia, they’re coming from the Middle East, coming from all over the world, coming from Africa, and we’re not going to stand for it ... They’re destroying our country.”

He promised to carry out the biggest deportation in American history. “It’s not a nice thing to say and I hate to say it and those clowns in the media will say: ‘Oh, he’s so mean.’ No, they’re killing our people. They’re killing our country. We have no choice.”

He added: “We have languages coming into our country … they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a horrible thing.”

Spoiler :
But Trump broke from the teleprompter into a series of bizarre riffs. One was a convoluted story about flying into Iraq in darkness: “I sat with the pilots ... the best-looking human beings I’ve ever seen. Not my thing ... But they are handsome. Central casting. Better looking than Tom Cruise. And taller.”

Once again he had the faithful eating out of the palm of his hand – a scene that may set off alarm bells for defenders of democracy. “By the way, isn’t this better than reading off a fricking teleprompter?” he asked. The crowd cheered.

“Nobody can ramble like this,” he said, adding: “They’ll say: ‘He rambled, he’s cognitively impaired.’ Well, it’s really the opposite. It’s total genius – you know that.” The crowd cheered some more.
Hey, explicit racism and declarations of villainy.
Well, the Kochs have decided they won't be suckers anymore and they are to pull their funding from Nikki Haley's campaign so Donald Trump is ever likelier to secure the nomination.

Are people still allowed to vote him as a write-in candidate in states where he is barred from standing for election, assuming he were to be barred in the first place?
He's not likely to be barred, judging by the questions the Justices asked at the hearing.

If Colorado, at least, if the state court decision held and he were barred from the ballot, write-in votes for him would also not count.
As predicted, Trump's immunity claim will be heard before the high court. Which buys time for Trump if probably nothing else.

Some are saying that with a hearing in April, that a ruling could come down in June, which could allow a trial to begin before the election, but I have a hard time seeing the SCOTUS teeing up such a trial in the throes of a national election. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
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another take:

Former appeals court Judge Michael Luttig predicted that it is now probably “unimaginable” that Trump will be tried in special counsel Jack Smith’s federal election interference trial before the 2024 election.

Trump is claiming he doesn't have the money to pay NY state so he can appeal the decision. Wait isn't he a multi-billionaire?

Trump Asks To Post $100 Million Bond Instead Of Paying Full $464 Million In Civil Fraud Case​

The former president’s lawyers cast the judgment as “draconian” while hinting that Trump may not have enough cash on hand to cover it in full.

Donald Trump’s lawyers on Wednesday asked a New York appeals court to keep the $464 million judgment the former president owes as recompense for decades of financial fraud in the state, offering instead to post a $100 million bond while they appeal the ruling.
The request was denied hours later. In his ruling, however, Associate Justice Anil Singh did temporarily lift a ban on Trump’s ability to apply for loans from New York banks, thereby throwing him a liquidity lifeline.

Trump already owes more than $100 million in interest payments alone ― a total that grows by more than $100,000 a day.

In their filing, Trump’s lawyers cast the judgment as “draconian” while hinting that Trump may not personally have enough cash on hand to cover it in full. “The exorbitant and punitive amount of the Judgment coupled with an unlawful and unconstitutional blanket prohibition on lending transactions would make it impossible to secure and post a complete bond,” Trump’s defense lawyers wrote. “Appellants nonetheless plan to secure and post a bond in the amount of $100 million.” Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Trump and his associates to pay more than $350 million in damages earlier this month, noting “their complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological.”

Engoron also severely limited the ability of top executives at the Trump Organization, including Trump’s two elder sons, Eric and Donald Jr., to conduct business in the state. Trump’s attorneys appealed the judgment Monday, hinting they’ll attempt to paint Engoron as a biased arbiter who should have dismissed some of the allegations due to the statute of limitations. In a separate case, the twice-impeached former president also owes writer E. Jean Carroll more than $83 million for defaming her, adding up to more than half a billion in court fines with no obvious means of paying them.

New York Attorney General Letitia James told ABC News last week she’s prepared to seize Trump’s real estate assets if need be. “If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court,” she said, “and we will ask the judge to seize his assets.”

No smart businessman would just hand over a half a billion to Lettie James. When all is said and done Trump will make money on the deal. If NY was smart, they'd take the 100 mil and call it quits.
Hey, explicit racism and declarations of villainy.
I think you are all over-reacting.
Trump expected that people had read his previous speeches, carefully, and that they had the bigly smarts to know to whom he was referring.

Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, okay, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, okay, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

Ok, I'll spell it out for you bozos: P.e.r.s.i.a.n.s.
:eek: :dubious: :faint: I mean, I can't really say I'm surprised by this, but its still fascinating and a little disturbing. Also, of course with any bit/prank like this we don't know how many people they had to talk to in order to find the few dupes that would actually put this kind of doublethink (is that the right word for it?) on display, rather than just saying "Ha ha, OK you got me" or just admitting that they only took the position because it was Biden or admitting they are being a little inconsistent/hypocritical/partisan, etc.
Some people can see the hidden symbols and meaning in Trump's speeches, some cannot, and some are just inherently antisemiotic.
Any guesses on how Trump will handle the expected 4 days per week for 6 weeks that he has to sit in a courtroom?

My partner thinks he'll try to get out of it for a while by trying on a medical condition of some sort. But that wouldn't be a great look when he's claiming to have superior health to Biden.

My guess is that he's going to go stir crazy at some stage and start raving about Persians or how wind turbines are driving whales insane.
He'll attend. Simple as that. He's legally required to.

If he got a medical excuse, it wouldn't let him do the other thing he wants to do with that time: attend rallies. B/c it would be pretty obvious from that that he wasn't in poor health.

He'll sit and stew and huff and puff as he has at the earlier trials.

The bigger question is how long the judge will put up with all of those disruptions to the trial before removing him from the courtroom (to a nearby room for viewing on TV)
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