v27 and above - Single Player Bug/Crashes report thread

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I believe you can rule my changes out on that issue (I'm currently working on fixing the other which is proving to be an easy fix (thank god for small favors)). I didn't change any info files and only that sort of change would lead to something like that, UNLESS the problem is related to the text issues I'm fixing now in the dll. I'll take a look at the civopedia on my next debug load test coming right up to see if there's an issue there.

Thanks. I just want to make sure the issue is tracked down quickly since last time it took around a month to solve and I ended up having to solve it. And I definitely am not the best person to do that.

I agree, I've voiced my concerns about the Combat Mod before as well. I've been more Specific in my criticisms, but I have had that 'bad feeling' about the combat mod. It hasn't been even implemented yet and already it's made the SVN unplayable 4 times. I shudder to think of the effects this will have if it gets implemented. The other non-mod breaking changes (but bugged in other ways) have also consumed a lot of Koshling's time, meaning that he's had less time for AI and Multi-Maps.

The advisability of further implementation of the Combat Mod I think should be seriously discussed.

I personally would like the combat mod. However I think it should be extremely careful with it. If T-bird can do what he says in the many threads explaining it all then it should be awesome. But as I have learned things don't always go the way you plan. In short we should be both supportive and skeptical. I mean T-Bird is attempting something massive. The great stuff is never easy.
One thing you must have done then is use an OLD updated dll part, because Koshling put a NEW change to the arrow buttons, and the city screen how they work, and now its BACK to the way it was before he fixed them, sorry:blush::sad: (Pic 1)

@ls612: Now the Brig is a red blob?? (see pic2)
I have an older version loaded. I'll go through it and make sure to merge anything I had nothing to do with. Usually updates will self merge so yeah something went strange there but its easily resolved. I'll get right on that as soon as I can.

If you have a problem with what I'm doing, tell me. I've made changes to things that people didn't like; I reworked Rosetta Stone, I removed the complete road-building of Via Appia and Golden Spike, and I moved the Pocket Monsters stuff off to a modmod where it never comes into play unless you want it.

Furthermore, our stuff is easy to undo; I do mostly XML and a little Python that's only called when a building asks for it. You're working at the heart of the game; the stakes are a lot higher.
I don't have a problem with anything your doing and if I did I would mention it. I didn't see why Pocket Monsters needed to be moved to be honest. Personally I feel that its our duty to allow others to blend their own ideas into our community designed mod.

"Optional"? I have a hard time believing that your code will actually turn itself off if asked and won't act as a snake in the grass. I think it comes down to trust, and I think you've burned too much of it. Are you willing to flat-out sacrifice something if there's enough complaints against it? I mean not just making it an option, but removing it completely?
Sure but there's always going to be polar issues where some want and others don't. The design plan accounts for just about everything being introduced in the Combat Mod to be optional. If there are problems that arise from the code, they will be addressed. A few rushed projects doesn't mean the whole will be in the end. My biggest mistake so far is presuming my changes would not impact other areas as a result of slight errors - not that wouldn't be rapidly spotted by loading a game, moving a few units and exit. But there's obviously a few more things that should be checked before considering it ready to move on. Regardless, things will be well tested once content design begins. And in the meantime I'll be more thoroughly checking for potential problems before making any further commits. Sorry for the disturbances so far.

But we want to play too. I don't like having to wait when the SVN breaks for the problem to be ferreted out and fixed.
You don't have to. You just revert to the previous version. The SVN is there to help us catch and trace problems with the expectation that there will be some along the way. It's not like my commits are the only ones creating errors. Yours are fairly well smoothed before committing but we've all made mistakes. At least I'm fixing them quickly, no?

Part of the problem for me is that you started too big. My perception is that you kind of burst onto the scene here and said you were going to rewrite the whole combat system from scratch. That's going to raise some hackles.
I didn't just burst on the scene. If you go back to the beginning posts for this mod you'll see my involvement. I had a bit of a break period during which you and ls joined the team. So you may feel I 'burst' on the scene but I've been here all along.

Also, I don't think you are concerned at all about the ripple effects of what you're proposing. I feel that, to some extent, every change that a modder makes is going to have effects elsewhere. We had to double the cultural thresholds because of how many +:culture: buildings we have. We're still working with civics to get gold right because of all the +:gold: buildings. When someone makes as radical a change to the game rules as you are proposing, it has to have an effect on everything that happens from that point on, and I don't want to feel forced to take that into account.
As denoted in the 'OPTION' issue, there are no ripple effects for the game outside of the options themselves... And within those options, none that I'm not prepared to address.

To some extent, it's not just you. I'm starting to get very tired of sweeping proposals to rewrite the rules in the name of some nebulous "realism" that may or may not actually play well as a game. I'm not happy with the current implementation of crime; I feel the growth/decay/diffusion system works for a city simulator that can go through hundreds of iterations, but not for a turn-based game where it's really difficult to feel that the actions you are taking are meaningful when the numbers swing so wildly.
I agree there's some work to do there, some of which will be adaptable into one of the next phases of development that AIAndy has requested of me, to make the disease emergence mechanism in cities based more upon the generic property system and be more generically applicable to the other properties. I think its very important that rather than say 'don't do that' or 'that's a bad idea' that we counterpropose and help shape the concept to something we find more workable.

I'm sorry to have come back at you in this Vokarya. I really do like your works and what you've done here. Please just continue to withhold judgment until I can recognize this vision and present it properly. There are going to be some growing pains but I'll do all I can to smooth those out! I refuse to leave you with a mess and an unplayable game.
I am having the same symptoms reported by SO and for me it only occurs with recent save games after I updated to SVN version 4360.

...in the save from 4288 the City Advisor screen does not display resources, properties, or anything to build.

I also get a CTD for the save game that does not display. Minidmp attached.

Fixed w/ an SVN update to 4365, THANKS Thunderbird!
Here is an error I've reported a few time. A volcano on a city tile. It doesn't look to do anything to the city. Its actually a big nuisance that come every now and then. I just remove it with the map editor which is a big fat cheat, but yeah, I'm not gonna sacrifice my second oldest city. The volcano event should either not spawn on city tiles or it should devastate the city and remove it from the face of the map, Pompeii style.


  • volcano on city tile.rar
    1.5 MB · Views: 31
Here is an error I've reported a few time. A volcano on a city tile. It doesn't look to do anything to the city. Its actually a big nuisance that come every now and then. I just remove it with the map editor which is a big fat cheat, but yeah, I'm not gonna sacrifice my second oldest city.

It's not an error, it's an Event. You can get one in a cities fatX. They are rarer than before.

The volcano event should either not spawn on city tiles or it should devastate the city and remove it from the face of the map, Pompeii style.

Probably Not going to happen either way.

It could be related to the <BonusClassType> tag. Lead has a <BonusClassType> of BONUSCLASS_GENERAL, which is shared with a lot of other food resources. Do you have any Tin visible? If that shows up as well, I would think that would localize the problem.

I will double check, but offhand I don't recall seeing TIN when looking for food.
First off, thank you for making the volcanos greatly less annoying.

However, I have to agree with matt1975. It seems a great shame that if one inappropriately springs up on top of a city that we have to go into WB to remove it, or CNTRL-A sacrafice it (which if you are early enough would tecnically end the game. Sure would be nice if you could add code to check against the tile being a city tile.
It's not an error, it's an Event. You can get one in a cities fatX. They are rarer than before.

Probably Not going to happen either way.


If the event spawns on a city, then its an error. It doesn't do anything to the city (expect force the garrison into a neighboring tile) so what else could I call it but an error? I do not know the detail of python programming but surely a check could be implemented to the effect of:

If eventtile = City and eventtrigger = true Then
abort event
end if

I do like that there are less volcanoes. If there were as many volcanoes on Earth as there were in the game then civilization would be in dire straits.
If the volcano spawned on The City Tile (Center tile of original 9 tiles for a city) The Yes it's a bug.

If the Volcano spawns in any of the 8 surrounding tiles Then No it's not a bug. It's a Random chance spawn.

Dancing Hoskuld is the author, PM him. Or post in the thread we had on the Volcano Event.

If the volcano spawned on The City Tile (Center tile of original 9 tiles for a city) The Yes it's a bug.

If it's the same one that he posted about before (I didn't d/l the save file but did see the earlier screenshot), then it was on a city tile. However, I'm pretty sure that is probably a one-in-a-million fluke.
If the volcano spawned on The City Tile (Center tile of original 9 tiles for a city) The Yes it's a bug.

If the Volcano spawns in any of the 8 surrounding tiles Then No it's not a bug. It's a Random chance spawn.

Dancing Hoskuld is the author, PM him. Or post in the thread we had on the Volcano Event.


I figured this was the proper forum to discuss bugs...

dusckr87 said:
If it's the same one that he posted about before (I didn't d/l the save file but did see the earlier screenshot), then it was on a city tile. However, I'm pretty sure that is probably a one-in-a-million fluke.

It must have happened to me a hundred times in this game. Always on New York... If this is random chance then I really need to go get me a lottery ticket.
I found another error. This time under promotions in the civpedia. It only shows promotions up to Accuracy III. Which tells me that a promotion is messed up. :(

The Aggressive promo needs a button, that could be the issue. I'll double-check though.


I share many of Vokarya's issues with the Combat mod and your behavior about it and it's development. Even after you said two months ago that you would keep us thuroughly informed about Combat Mod development you haven't. You said in the commit for the new stuff you'd explain the new afflictions in the Documentation thread. You haven't. It's starting to feel like Azure all over again, and I don't want to have to deal with that again.
You don't have to. You just revert to the previous version. The SVN is there to help us catch and trace problems with the expectation that there will be some along the way. It's not like my commits are the only ones creating errors. Yours are fairly well smoothed before committing but we've all made mistakes. At least I'm fixing them quickly, no?

I think part of my comment went over your head. I wasn't just referring to playing the actual game; I was referring to the etiquette of committing anything new to the mod while there are major unfixed bugs present. I'm not going to make an existing problem worse by adding something new, so I have to wait until you identify your problem and fix it.

There's also two other problems with you fixing your bugs. First, they are your bugs, so you need to fix them. Second, the frequency and the severity of the bugs is way more disconcerting that the fix can be. I keep coming back to the problem of "is what we're seeing the whole problem, or only part of something worse?" I don't like that. I don't like not being able to trust the game, and I don't think I can trust it any more with the approach that you've taken to modifying it.

As denoted in the 'OPTION' issue, there are no ripple effects for the game outside of the options themselves... And within those options, none that I'm not prepared to address.

Again, not referring just to gameplay here. I'm referring to the things that a modder should take into account when creating something new. If you ask me to modify something that I've created because of your combat mod (or worse, make any changes to my contributions in your mod), I will be quite angry.

I agree there's some work to do there, some of which will be adaptable into one of the next phases of development that AIAndy has requested of me, to make the disease emergence mechanism in cities based more upon the generic property system and be more generically applicable to the other properties. I think its very important that rather than say 'don't do that' or 'that's a bad idea' that we counterpropose and help shape the concept to something we find more workable.

That's not what I heard from you. What I got out of your incredibly long series of posts was "I've got these great ideas and I'm going to force them on you whether you like them or not, and you've been playing the game wrong all this time."

I'm sorry to have come back at you in this Vokarya. I really do like your works and what you've done here. Please just continue to withhold judgment until I can recognize this vision and present it properly. There are going to be some growing pains but I'll do all I can to smooth those out! I refuse to leave you with a mess and an unplayable game.

You've asked us to withhold judgment more than once. The only reason I'm judging in the first place is that what I have experienced from your contributions is a mix of the okay-but-not-particularly-impressive (Promotion Lines), the more-complex-than-it-needed-to-be (Retraining), and the absolutely fatal (bugs). You've been talking a lot, but I'm not seeing it in what you have done so far, and that makes me close to panic over this mod's future if you continue with the way you have done so far.
You've asked us to withhold judgment more than once. The only reason I'm judging in the first place is that what I have experienced from your contributions is a mix of the okay-but-not-particularly-impressive (Promotion Lines), the more-complex-than-it-needed-to-be (Retraining), and the absolutely fatal (bugs). You've been talking a lot, but I'm not seeing it in what you have done so far, and that makes me close to panic over this mod's future if you continue with the way you have done so far.

I wouldn't panic, but this does need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. I think the Combat Mod has been the single major thing (AI work is the other candidate I can see) that has prevented us from getting Multi-Maps, and has really curtailed actual development since October. As I said, It almost feels like it did during the Azure debacle, and that was an experience I did not like very much.
The Aggressive promo needs a button, that could be the issue. I'll double-check though.


I share many of Vokarya's issues with the Combat mod and your behavior about it and it's development. Even after you said two months ago that you would keep us thuroughly informed about Combat Mod development you haven't. You said in the commit for the new stuff you'd explain the new afflictions in the Documentation thread. You haven't. It's starting to feel like Azure all over again, and I don't want to have to deal with that again.
I posted very clearly what my objectives were in DH's thread regarding the objectives for this version. Did you fail to review what I stated there? Additionally, I've done nothing I didn't say I was going to do in one thread or the other regarding the Combat Mod. If you aren't paying attention to the posts I'm making about those then stop complaining you weren't informed.

I also stated I'd soon explain more on the recent changes. Soon doesn't mean within the next day or even week perhaps. It means soon. The only reason for any delay in that process has been debugging this week but beyond that, its rather inconsequential at the moment since none of the changes made there have anything to do with any games in progress now. I did give a rather thorough overview of what I actually did. Furthermore, the idea behind that change was Koshling's more than my own and since I agreed that it would be a far better mechanism, I put it on the list of plans (which I posted to the forum about a month ago) and began work on it when it came up in the list.

I think part of my comment went over your head. I wasn't just referring to playing the actual game; I was referring to the etiquette of committing anything new to the mod while there are major unfixed bugs present. I'm not going to make an existing problem worse by adding something new, so I have to wait until you identify your problem and fix it.

There's also two other problems with you fixing your bugs. First, they are your bugs, so you need to fix them. Second, the frequency and the severity of the bugs is way more disconcerting that the fix can be. I keep coming back to the problem of "is what we're seeing the whole problem, or only part of something worse?" I don't like that. I don't like not being able to trust the game, and I don't think I can trust it any more with the approach that you've taken to modifying it.
First of all, you do realize the bugs are fixed right? I just need to now merge back in what I thought should've already been there and that was Koshling's last changes. Not problematic and should be done by the end of the evening.

And considering your concerns, I'm surmising you weren't around for AND's consistently bug-ridden development no? Even now we continue to fix bugs we find in Afforess's codes. Its all part of the process. I'm sorry it disturbs you.

Again, not referring just to gameplay here. I'm referring to the things that a modder should take into account when creating something new. If you ask me to modify something that I've created because of your combat mod (or worse, make any changes to my contributions in your mod), I will be quite angry.
So what your saying is you do this without any expectation that it will be part of a team project? Yes, there's some buildings you've done that could play a role in the whole setup under the game options and if you work with any units, its inevitable that they will be modified for balance under the combat mod. I don't see why you'd have a problem with that. But I would be quite happy to keep you fully informed as to what those tweaks would be.

That's not what I heard from you. What I got out of your incredibly long series of posts was "I've got these great ideas and I'm going to force them on you whether you like them or not, and you've been playing the game wrong all this time."
Its funny that you put it that way. On one hand I'm being accused of not being transparent enough but on the other, when I attempt to explain, the complaint of those posts being too overly explanatory is just as loud.

Furthermore, in no way am I saying anyone is playing the game wrong. The combat mod will just add another layer of intricacy to an area of the game that's been completely ignored in our modding so far, and as it will do so as an set of options, I'm not understanding why you feel I'm saying anyone else is 'playing wrong'.

Since some of the feedback there was negative (but by no means ALL of the feedback was negative!!!) I was happy to optionalize anything anyone didn't want as part of their game, albeit some things would be so intertwined within a given option that some sets of elements would come hand in hand under their options.

I also listened to feedback there and just about everything I'm working on now comes from adaptations to the project that come from those elements of feedback.

Additionally, much of the combat mod inspirations come from things DH, SO, and Hydro have stated they'd like in the mod. Some of that is engineered a step further, sure, but for the culture of "more is more" that SO, DH, Hydro and I had before you and ls612 arrived to voice loud concerns of 'hold on, wait, we might not want that', such innovations would've been considered immediately welcomed.

You've asked us to withhold judgment more than once. The only reason I'm judging in the first place is that what I have experienced from your contributions is a mix of the okay-but-not-particularly-impressive (Promotion Lines), the more-complex-than-it-needed-to-be (Retraining), and the absolutely fatal (bugs). You've been talking a lot, but I'm not seeing it in what you have done so far, and that makes me close to panic over this mod's future if you continue with the way you have done so far.
Very little of what's been done for the combat mod is being applied at this time. Retraining only seems more complex than necessary due to the fact that it primarily will be a mechanism that would apply during combat mod dynamics and very rarely for the 'normal game'. Promotion Lines are a vehicle for enabling some of those dynamics as well but you gotta admit its been a long time we've had an outcry of concern regarding an overwhelming amount of promotion labels on our unit displays and this does reduce that greatly. I haven't sought to impress yet.

And why would you panic over the unknown? Bugs, as they emerge, are being fixed. And there were more when we all began with this dll than there are now.

You know, we have an absolutely enormous amount of added micro detail where buildings, civics, techs, terrains, and new units (without new abilities) are concerned. So why should the mod not ALSO be able to include new micro detail where combat mechanisms and new unit abilities are concerned? In a sense, I think every modder here could take some offense to the concept that a new idea, simply because its not fully understood or manifested yet, is a bad one.

I wouldn't panic, but this does need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. I think the Combat Mod has been the single major thing (AI work is the other candidate I can see) that has prevented us from getting Multi-Maps, and has really curtailed actual development since October. As I said, It almost feels like it did during the Azure debacle, and that was an experience I did not like very much.
Koshling has recently stated that he's taken multi-maps as far as he can. So how, exactly has the Combat Mod held anything up there?
Additionally, much of the combat mod inspirations come from things DH, SO, and Hydro have stated they'd like in the mod. Some of that is engineered a step further, sure, but for the culture of "more is more" that SO, DH, Hydro and I had before you and ls612 arrived to voice loud concerns of 'hold on, wait, we might not want that', such innovations would've been considered immediately welcomed.

And this is a good thing. It is good to have people saying "wait did you think of this" during development. And in this case I think you are being far too quick in accusing people of trying to sabotage you. And I think you are taking attacks on your project personally, which is bad. As I said, I do not especially want more of the combat mod for now, and I think that Vokarya has a point about your secrecy in development. The explanations you have provided don't entirely jive with the understanding I'm getting from reading the code in places.
I think have done so far.

I wouldn't panic,.

Koshling has recently stated that he's taken multi-maps as far as he can. So how, exactly has the Combat Mod held anything up there?

Gentlemen, if your going to continue this type of discussion, OUT in the open, i'd rather you didn't, Please it looks BAD to the NEW visitor and poster on CFC. Pls do so in PM's from now on, thx.

Constructive criticism is one thing, but not to a point of embarrassing a "regular" modder of C2C, thats not called for by anyone.

I dont mind a few critiques myself, but not to a point of total embarrassment. Thats why CFC has a PM section, just for that.

I am not asking for that much here, am I??
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