What have you achieved in 2016?

this year ı will not be blamed for co-producing Rogue 1 .
The understanding of how grateful I am everyone got a year older.
Heh! I guess I was looking back on the year and being cranky. The wife has been on afternoons since January, she doesn't have standard weekends, so we cross for 5 minutes twice most days. Days are getting short, other family members are unemployed, kid is sick, yet different family members have gotten various diagnosis, and I'm tired. I was thinking how glad I'd be to see 2017 come. And then I realized nobody has been maimed, mauled, or died. So 2016 is probably significantly better than it could have been and some will be.

Though if you want to go the other way, the kid does keep getting more interesting. The wife does too, though I'm harder pressed to find accurate descriptors of what is replacing youthful exuberance on her part. Respect, perhaps, but that's pretty weaksauce.
I'm another year closer to paying off my student loans. 3 more years and I'll have spent nine years paying on a three-year degree. <roll eyes>

Should've gone for plumbing. My BA is total BS. On the bright side, I now have excellent credit.
To follow up on my earlier post, I finally achieved a finish in the November NaNoWriMo competition. After nine years, I can finally say I won this one. So I did complete my goal of a win in every NaNoWriMo in a single year (April, July, November). I've got several good stories to edit now, and have begun prep work for next spring's competition.

Something that wasn't on my "to do" list but I did it anyway, after a bit of nudging from a RL acquaintance: I put up a Christmas tree. It's a small one, with decorations ranging from fancy hook-shaped metal bookmarks to a couple of smiley-face key chains I bought from deviantArt several years ago, to a snowflake I made from a foil candy wrapper this morning. In short, it looks awful. But it's the first time I've bothered with a Christmas tree in years.
Hm, year may end in a decent-ish manner:

-Seems i will get a paid gig at another cultural/seminar space
-Was one of the 'judges' in another literary contest, and this time not one run by the publishing house i am with
-*maybe* i will be paid for a translation of english works (likely by Lord Dunsany or Arthur Machen)

Still didn't move, though, due to lack of finding an apartment with furniture (seems next to none are left at this period cause students got them all already). I hope i can move nexth month...
Paid off the mortgage and am officially debt free. For the first time in a very long time.

And to quote my late father. Getting old may suck, but it beats the alternative.
I haven't achieved anything.

2 options:
a) either that's not true or
b) if it's true, you should maybe set some goals for next year.

What you should maybe see as an achievement is that you stayed an open-minded and questioning person, despite the fact that all your peers seem to be idiots. That is an achievement, many people would've given up in this situation.

For my big list from earlier:
- participated the first time in my life in a real run (7.5 km), and ended it somewhere in the middle of the field. Proud of myself :D
Congrats on the mortgage, how long did that take you if you don't mind me asking? Did you fast forward in any way by paying more a month than the minimum or any other "tricks"?

It was original a 30 year fixed, but about 4 years in we refinanced to pay for new siding, roof and windows and did it as a 20 year, so in reality it only took us just over 24 years to pay it off.
absolutely nothing.

Actually that's not true. I did climb a local mountain I used to think I'd never get in shape enough to climb. I also achieved new highs in my number of pullups, chinups, and pushups I can do. They are the only upper body workouts I do, and I'm happy with just those 3 workouts. Better results from those than I ever got from any gym machine.

I suppose intellectually I haven't accomplished much. But my job is always a learning experience, and I'm sure I have learned some things at my job as well, I am better at repairing and troubleshooting.
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