What have you achieved in 2020?


Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
Somewhat predictably an annual thread... :) This time about 2020.

As for me:


-one more translated book (fourth volume of the complete works of Lovecraft) in the market
-one more online seminar completed (other than the filmed parts, which due to corona will hopefully be done in December)
-increased my income to something borderline non-dishonorable
-set a new goal, to create seminars on formal logic (Godel/Turing etc)
-I am healthier and look it too ^_^


-run some Kafka seminars in Athens
-moved (again!!!) to a new apartment, though it is a temporary situation.

Overall, 2020 was a good year, despite the coronavirus, for me. It seems that 2021 will be a great year, with a little luck and a little effort :)
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I want to say nothing, but unfortunately there’s still some of the year left!

  • Some studying of stuff, but practical application is still a bit further out.
  • 35,000 posts, but can’t close the gap to some Greek guy who constantly conspires against his neighboring country. :mischief:
  • Saved a bit of money.
Nothing F 2020.

11k posts in 17 years. Le suck.

I recall one afternoon in the end of elementary school, when it was a Friday the 13nth. I was claiming to some girl that Friday the 13nth* is a lucky day for me - I was just pretending.
But 2020 was good for me, compared to previous years ^_^

*there's a possibility it was the local variant instead, which is Tuesday the 13nth and is tied to the day Constantinople fell.
I recall one afternoon in the end of elementary school, when it was a Friday the 13nth. I was claiming to some girl that Friday the 13nth* is a lucky day for me - I was just pretending.
But 2020 was good for me, compared to previous years ^_^

*there's a possibility it was the local variant instead, which is Tuesday the 13nth and is tied to the day Constantinople fell.

Maybe the ANZACs can return one day. Getting sick of hearing about new Turkey.

Better late than never right?
What did I achieve this year... at a guesstimate, maybe 100K more words for my King's Heir fanfic project (hard to tell as NaNoWriMo is currently in progress and I still have 9 days to go, so it should easily pass 100K, taking into account two earlier Camp writing events that pulled in over 20K each, plus the daily writing that has ranged from one short sentence to several pages, depending on my mood).

I have achieved a new addiction called "Harry Potter fandom" (discussion in A&E forum). And thank goodness, because there are over 800,000 stories on fanfiction.net alone, and more on AO3, Wattpad, and numerous other sites. I am well set for winter reading material when I'm not writing my own stories.

I've also found some old plastic canvas kits (that's 3-D needlepoint) that I acquired via Freecycle some years ago. I might try to put one or two together; it's been ages since I've done that. Success will depend on how well the fingers, hands, and eyes cooperate.

Oh, and it will also depend on whether the kit assemblers put in acrylic or wool yarn. If there's any wool content, the kit will not be made, because I'm extremely allergic to wool.

In April I also achieved boredom to the point that I'd feed Maddy just for something to do. She didn't mind that at all and probably wishes I would get that bored again.
In the Writers of the Future contest, I won an Honorable Mention one quarter and a Silver Honorable Mention in this last Quarter. :trophy2::trophy2nd:
Built replacement roofs on my salacot & little house and fixed some walls and screens. :hammer:
Took in two abandoned kittens. :):cool:

Edit: I also...
Built a metal replacement roof for my carport. :hammer:
Adopted two additional kittens :yup::yup: giving me a total of four.
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Despite Corona, in theory not too bad.

- I moved to France, and started my new job. Also found a nice apartment.
- I got back with my ex girlfriend
- Had some dates in January, including sex
- My name is on 2 relatively high impact scientific publications this year
- I saw a bit of France
- went the first time diving

Rest (like more epxloration, social life, seeing my GF again) pending due to the virus.
Since nothing was planned, everything went as planned - even with tiny bonus :D
Spoiler :

- No debts, no depression or stuff - bonus
- Bunch of different physical works like usual in small (tiny) farm. So it keeps my core in decent shape (despite having good... "isolation layer" around)
- Cat count went from 1 (last autumn) to 3 (winter) and to 6 (this summer). Help!
- Got into water (river) January 16th (air 5C/water +3/+4C) - "new personal best" (both date and temperatures) by large margin and was very spontaneous action. Now if only could do the same December 16th... hmmm....
- during summer went with friends to visit my country north-west part (along the coast line). Landscape and stuff but for me most important - did visit radio-telescope. With 32 m wide active (dish?) on 15+ m high stand it is massive when standing next to it. Could climb inside smaller one that was down for maintenance stuff later (maybe.. if will get funding). (that object history would be another story).
- I love keyboard racing (like all pro do :D wheel is for real cars!) so it was pleasure to finish full season (full race length - can catch that famous "flow" feeling) of both Nascar and F1. Never gonna get too old for that.
- Reached personal best of Likes for Comment on YT.
- Wrote this post - year or two ago I was kind of afraid to write stuff like this. Now I don't care if anyone read so far. But if do - what is wrong with you? (just kidding :D )
Dragged myself one full year closer to my eventual demise.
No big achievements.
I have gone someway towards preparing to run a Runequest campaign on roll20 but by the time I'm ready we will probably be able to meet up and play as a group rather than online.
Read a lot, learned a little, done a little good and no great harm.
I quit vaping, moved apartments and am going to have a baby. I also went full time at my new job and have absolutely killed it this year at work.

I have somehow managed to scrape out some W's in this dumpster fire of a year.
Since nothing was planned, everything went as planned - even with tiny bonus :D
Spoiler :

- No debts, no depression or stuff - bonus
- Bunch of different physical works like usual in small (tiny) farm. So it keeps my core in decent shape (despite having good... "isolation layer" around)
- Cat count went from 1 (last autumn) to 3 (winter) and to 6 (this summer). Help!
- Got into water (river) January 16th (air 5C/water +3/+4C) - "new personal best" (both date and temperatures) by large margin and was very spontaneous action. Now if only could do the same December 16th... hmmm....
- during summer went with friends to visit my country north-west part (along the coast line). Landscape and stuff but for me most important - did visit radio-telescope. With 32 m wide active (dish?) on 15+ m high stand it is massive when standing next to it. Could climb inside smaller one that was down for maintenance stuff later (maybe.. if will get funding). (that object history would be another story).
- I love keyboard racing (like all pro do :D wheel is for real cars!) so it was pleasure to finish full season (full race length - can catch that famous "flow" feeling) of both Nascar and F1. Never gonna get too old for that.
- Reached personal best of Likes for Comment on YT.
- Wrote this post - year or two ago I was kind of afraid to write stuff like this. Now I don't care if anyone read so far. But if do - what is wrong with you? (just kidding :D )
If we were within any reasonable geographical distance, I'd be glad to help with the cat situation. I'm still willing to take in a kitten (would have to be a kitten because Maddy has made it clear that any other adult cats are NOT welcome... and yes, kittens grow up, but the fact is that Maddy would be the boss and the kitten would grow up knowing that).

It's interesting to go back and look at old YT comments (happens if someone replies to an old one several months down the line). Some of my Dune and Handmaid Tale comments have garnered a surprising number of 'likes'. Not sure about personal best, though. I have too many YT interests to keep track of on that respect.
Graduated college,
Starting competitive coding program
Took care of nieces
Played loads of D&D
Got sweet new gear including a new computer put together a little studio for myself with a bunch of software and some hardware.
Gained some weight :D
- I kept my job doing COVID.
- I saved up a good amount of money.
- I used my savings to get some profit investing in shares.
- My legal skills are getting better, making me more employable.
- Also gained some weight (about 5kg), most notably with the past 2 months or so, despite having worked from home since 16 March 2020.

2020, despite the pandemic, has been a nice year for me.
Some of us nerds are loving 2020. :D

I’m a party loving extrovert as much as a CFC retreating introvert and frankly I’m glad to be able to isolate for a minute.
I released LAZARUS11, which was on my list to accomplish for this year. It was a great success, now I'm already working on the next release.

Another thing I wanted to accomplish this year is to cancel my cable. It's now GONE. Feels great, I'm saving about $200 a month, but of course some of that money is now going to streaming services like Disney+ and DAZN. Still so much cheaper than cable. ROGERS is evil

Other than that I improved my physical health by cooking almost all my meals. Lost a bunch of weight in the process and hopefully improved my blood pressure issues (but i'm not sure about that yet)

I still have to put up my pho website, that was the last thing on my "get done this year" list. Although I'll have to check that list, maybe there's something else on there I forgot about.

All in all it was a good year (if you forget about the pandemic)
I finally ditched my rolling crisis and bought a relatively new (2 yr old) car, which has HUGELY improved the ol' quality of life. I contracted COVID and survived, and I had my heart broken and survived...so far. Finished a classics club challenge (50 classics in 5 years) and began planning another one, this one to be 50 classics in 3 years.
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