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What If Gore Had Won?

Co-Chief Justices Clintons would have taken the Supreme Court in a different direction.

Hmm. Would Gore have been able to get a disbarred Bill Clinton approved by Congress? Somehow I dont think so.
Hmm. Would Gore have been able to get a disbarred Bill Clinton approved by Congress? Somehow I dont think so.
Shirley, you didn't take the Clinton detail cereally.

But, assuming consistency:

Up or down vote :D

Plus, the Senate already had found no there there to the Clinton thing by refusing to convict him. :goodjob:

Nevertheless, the Clinton detail was not really my point, so much as we would have something much different than Roberts & Alito on the Court today.
Who the hell knows?
Shirley, you didn't take the Clinton detail cereally.

But, assuming consistency:

Up or down vote :D

Plus, the Senate already had found no there there to the Clinton thing by refusing to convict him. :goodjob:

Nevertheless, the Clinton detail was not really my point, so much as we would have something much different than Roberts & Alito on the Court today.

He was disbarred by the Arkansas State Bar. The senate had nothing to do with that, and I dont think even democrats would be willing to put a disbarred attorney on the Supreme Court. Nor do I think Gore being elected would have altered that at all.

EDIT: Correction. Apparently he resigned in lieu of disbarment and after being suspended for a 5 year period. Who knows...maybe the dems would indeed by that hypocritical to put Bill on the Supreme Court even with all that against him. /shrug.
He was disbarred by the Arkansas State Bar. The senate had nothing to do with that, and I dont think even democrats would be willing to put a disbarred attorney on the Supreme Court.

You are free to gibber about it how you will....
Being a lawyer isn't a requirement, but Clinton would never have been nominated, disbarred or not.
Come on, USA is oligarchy. Nothing would changed. President only accepts trends which are already there in the elite.

Coming from a Russian, this statement is quite funny.
Well based on 2009 we can only conclude Republicans would be celebrating him for his efforts to reduce the national debt
Give me a few minutes to type up a response, I need to wipe the vomit off from my screen.
Give me a few minutes to type up a response, I need to wipe the vomit off from my screen.

Looks like it's a direct hit.
Back in October of 2001, you would have been hard-pressed to find a conservative who wasn't proclaiming "Thank God Bush won! Can you imagine if Gore were the president instead?"
The OP contains far too many specifics that simply cannot be predicted reliably. But here's a general one: if Gore had won in 2000, McCain would now be the President, Sarah Palin would be (the nation's first female) Vice President, and Obama would be just another guy in Congress.

The presidency and Congress have flip-flopped back and forth between Republicans and Democrats for at least as long as I've been alive; again and again the voters get pissed off at the incumbent party, decide to remove it from power, see the "other" party as the only alternative with any real chance of winning an election, put that other party in power, then get pissed off at that other party and start the process all over again in reverse.

It's happening right now with Obama; the honeymoon, as the media has been putting it, is over, and Obama's magical election-year mojo is gone. And so the seesaw swings back and forth once more. Which is actually a good thing because it prevents either party from doing the country too much damage.
Don't know about that. If one party screws up badly enough as the Reps have the other party could be in power for a long time. Democrats held the Presidency from 1932 to 1953 continuously. That's 21 years of straight Democratic presidents.
I would remind you that (at least, this is what the majority of CFC'ers think) George Bush Jr. screwed up really, really badly.

And then he got re-elected.
Let's see. If Gore had won:
  • American pilots would probably still be imprisoned by the ChiComs
  • We'd be paying $10/gallon of gas. Not because of supply, but because Gore wishes it so.
  • After the attacks on September 11th, 2001, Gore would almost assuredly tried some appeasement approach that would have led to more attacks
  • Georgia would probably once again simply be the Georgian SSR of the newly reconstituted USSR.
  • I'm sure there is more, but you get the gist of it.
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