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What is this "gay agenda" that I've heard so much about?

CivGeneral said:
Oh dildos are quite offensive when displayed in public
Explain to me why displaying a dildo is offensive while displaying a weapon isn't.
If you are refering to the Passion plays, I have no propblem so long as the person is not harmed.
No, I'm refering to the jezus hammered on a cross symbol, usually with blooded hands and feet and a bloody gash in his side, which is quite offensive in my opinion.
ZiggyS said:
Explain to me why displaying a dildo is offensive while displaying a weapon isn't.
Would you want your child displaying a dildo in your house or in school?

ZiggyS said:
No, I'm refering to the jezus hammered on a cross symbol, usually with blooded hands and feet and a bloody gash in his side, which is quite offensive in my opinion.
I dont see how the pictoral display of the crucifixion of Christ is offensive. Realy, I have no problem with it. But youre comparing apples and oranges here. The Crucifixion display is a religious display where as the display of dildos is a sexual display.
CivGeneral said:
Would you want your child displaying a dildo in your house or in school?
I certainly wouldn't object more than him/her displaying weapons

I dont see how the pictoral display of the crucifixion of Christ is offensive. Realy, I have no problem with it. But youre comparing apples and oranges here. The Crucifixion display is a religious display where as the display of dildos is a sexual display.
well, sex almost IS a religion ;)
CivGeneral said:
Would you want your child displaying a dildo in your house or in school?
You missed: "while displaying a weapon isn't." Would you want your kid displaying a weapon in your house or in school?

Now that is a silly standard to judge offensiveness by. Since you were talking about gay pride parades. Howmany children are displying dildos in those?

Again, my unanswered question:
"Explain to me why displaying a dildo is offensive while displaying a weapon isn't."
I dont see how the pictoral display of the crucifixion of Christ is offensive. Realy, I have no problem with it.
I just told you what was offensive about it:
"jezus hammered on a cross symbol, usually with blooded hands and feet and a bloody gash in his side", is not somehting I would like my children to be looking at.
But youre comparing apples and oranges here. The Crucifixion display is a religious display where as the display of dildos is a sexual display.
ZiggyS said:
"Explain to me why displaying a dildo is offensive while displaying a weapon isn't."
Displaying a dildo is offensive because it is a sex toy. Its not suppost to belong out in public for all to see. Its suppost to remain in the privacy in someone elses home. I realy dont want to see anyone waving around a dildo in public because to me, it makes me think that that person is sexualy obsessed.

ZiggyS said:
"jezus hammered on a cross symbol, usually with blooded hands and feet and a bloody gash in his side", is not somehting I would like my children to be looking at.
And you also suggest that we removed all traces of religion as well? I dont know what is offensive about Jesus on the cross since I dont see it as offensive. I dont care if you dont want your children to be looking at it. If youre not a Christian, or you dont like it, and you dont want the Crucifix to be displayed. God bless ya, but here is something if youre going to stop me from showing my crucifix and professing my faith because it offends ya, I will still wear it because its my country too :p.
MobBoss said:
Lets just say I have seen a few nature films in my day and leave it at that.:mischief:

nah, let's not leave it at that: you use 'nature' films as a source of information on lesbians????? if you are that well-informed in other areas as well - uh-oh! Do you get legal knowledge from TV films, too?????? :eek: Medical advice from ER???????????????? :lol:
CivGeneral said:
Displaying a dildo is offensive because it is a sex toy. Its not suppost to belong out in public for all to see. Its suppost to remain in the privacy in someone elses home. I realy dont want to see anyone waving around a dildo in public because to me, it makes me think that that person is sexualy obsessed.
Ok, back of, rewind. Houston, we have a communication problem. :)

You said: "Military parades are acceptable because they dont go around waving dildos around"

And I was thinking, but they do wave weapons around. For some reason you find dildos more offensive than weapons. Can you explain to me how dildos are more offensive than weapons?
And you also suggest that we removed all traces of religion as well? I dont know what is offensive about Jesus on the cross since I dont see it as offensive. I dont care if you dont want your children to be looking at it. If youre not a Christian, or you dont like it, and you dont want the Crucifix to be displayed. God bless ya, but here is something if youre going to stop me from showing my crucifix and professing my faith because it offends ya, I will still wear it because its my country too :p.
No, I don't think we need to remove the display of crosses, just like I don't think we need to remove the display of weapons in parades, just like I don't think we need to remove the display of dildos in parades. I wasn't suggesting to forbid you from wearing your cross or anything like that.

Now you also asked again what is offensive about Jezus on a cross. It's a violent imagine. Simple as that. I have more trouble with displays of violence than I have with display of sexually oriented objects. Personal opinion. So you are free to ignore it.

edit: Try to see it from my point of view. To me it's just a guy nailed to the cross, with a spikey crow and a cut in his side. All of those spilling blood.

And as a last comment, I'd rather have someone point a dildo at me, than point a weapon at me. But that's just me :)
What is this "gay agenda" that I've heard so much about?
To force everyone to listen to the Scissor Sisters and to ensure that all grotty stinking canals become "wharfs" with trendy wine bars.
CivGeneral said:
Displaying a dildo is offensive because it is a sex toy. Its not suppost to belong out in public for all to see. Its suppost to remain in the privacy in someone elses home. I realy dont want to see anyone waving around a dildo in public because to me, it makes me think that that person is sexualy obsessed.

And you also suggest that we removed all traces of religion as well? I dont know what is offensive about Jesus on the cross since I dont see it as offensive. I dont care if you dont want your children to be looking at it. If youre not a Christian, or you dont like it, and you dont want the Crucifix to be displayed. God bless ya, but here is something if youre going to stop me from showing my crucifix and professing my faith because it offends ya, I will still wear it because its my country too :p.

I guess we still haven't agreed on what's more offensive: violence or sex. But I think you hit on something else important here: sometimes a dildo can be like a cross (ooh, I can feel the heat of the flames already ;) ). But let me explain myself:

Many christians wear a cross to profess thier faith, and I give them props: its not an easy thing to put your beleifs right there on your lapel, even if you are in the majority in your area. It tells something definite about that person, what they beleive, and to what community they belong. The sacrifice of christ on the cross and the goodwill to humanity that His act symbolizes is what defines christianity, and that is why christians will always display the cross in thier communities, even if its not popular to do.

Homosexuals, OTOH, are defined by thier sexuality. The one thing that makes a gay man different from a straight on is who they are sexually attracted to. So when queers take to the streets at pride parades to profess thier sexuality, the hardships that come with it, and the community to which they belong, they don't want to make any bones about thier message: a gay man is gay because of his preference for a penis over a vagina, and he wants to make sure that everyone knows that he is openly professing that preference, loudly and unabashedly. What else would he use as a symbol of that proclamation?

I know that while political and personal proclamations are all nice and good, some folks still don't like this kind of behaviour at pride parades because open displays of sexuality are considered vulgar in our society. IMHO, that is a completely valid argument, but I know that a lot of people in the queer community belive this to be a double standard, given that most days on thier lives, they are subjected to a myriad of hetero-sexuality images in the form of commercials, movies/television and music that can make them uncomfortable in thier daily lives, especially when they have to tone down thier own sexuality to be able to fit in to mainstream society.

Long and the short: I think that pride parades are a great outing for anyone looking to laugh and have a bit of fun, and serve as an important role instrengthening the queer community and making inroads into mainstream society. On that same note, I dont think I would take any kids I had to one until i knew that I could properly explain things to them. But then again, I don't think that I would take them to a military parade until I could explain the horrors of war to them either.
carlosMM said:
nah, let's not leave it at that: you use 'nature' films as a source of information on lesbians????? if you are that well-informed in other areas as well - uh-oh! Do you get legal knowledge from TV films, too?????? :eek: Medical advice from ER???????????????? :lol:

Uhm....what part of :mischief: did you not el comprende?

Edit: And for what its worth, I dont recommend waving either a dildo or a weapon out in public. People may get the wrong idea.
CivGeneral said:
Military parades are acceptable because they dont go around waving dildos around and people in Military parades dress more modestly than a gay filled Mardi Grasish parade.
I was addressing the issue of flamboyancy and silly outfits, which people were criticising.

If you have a problem with the few people who carry dildos, then fine. I'm not going to defend every single thing which has ever been seen on a gay parade - but it's one thing to criticise that, and another thing to say gay parades as a whole are silly or wrong.

I don't know why a few people wave their sex toys, but maybe you would too if you were discriminated against, or even criminalised, because of what you did with your sex toys.
CivGeneral said:
There wont be anyone in a military uniform who is an offical member of the armed service of the military. If a person from the military was waving a dildo, he would face disaplinary actions of causing a disturbance. The solder will face a discharge if he was found in a gay pride parade.
Would he be discharged if he was found in another type of parade?

Oh dildos are quite offensive when displayed in public
They are offensive to you.

You will be supprised that my moral options are within agreement with the Catholic Church.
I thought catholics were against all sex that wasn't for procreation, not just masturbation?
carlosMM said:
rather, I should say you nicely avoided my initial question...... so?

You mean it was a serious question? Are you somehow alleging that lesbians (a good majority anyways) dont use sex toys?

How about we come back to reality.

In any event, I suppose you could google any number of studies to show the truth of it. Remember, I havent been a christian all my life. I have been around a bit. And, I know how to research subjects over the net.

Now...is this such a worthy topic as I need to go get reams (no pun intended) of proof to prove my point? Come on. :lol:
MobBoss said:
You mean it was a serious question? Are you somehow alleging that lesbians (a good majority anyways) dont use sex toys?

How about we come back to reality.
No, I wasn't. I was simply asking you how YOU come to think of yourself as such an experts on what lesbians to in their bedrooms. It seems to me that, as usual, you are a lot more talk than knowledge.

In any event, I suppose you could google any number of studies to show the truth of it. Remember, I havent been a christian all my life. I have been around a bit. And, I know how to research subjects over the net.
well, do so! :lol:
carlosMM said:
No, I wasn't. I was simply asking you how YOU come to think of yourself as such an experts on what lesbians to in their bedrooms. It seems to me that, as usual, you are a lot more talk than knowledge.

Since when does one need to be an "expert" in order to have an opinion? Did I claim to be an expert? No. Did I in any way act as an expert? No. So, being a scientist, why would you assume I was speaking as an expert?

One off hand comment, with a :mischief: no less, does not indicate one is speaking as an expert.

I find it funny you of all people would try to label it as such. All in all, its just another silly and unsuccesful attempt by you to insult me. As usual, I give it a :rolleyes: for effort and a :lol: for content.

Carry on.:crazyeye:
MobBoss said:
You mean it was a serious question? Are you somehow alleging that lesbians (a good majority anyways) dont use sex toys?

How about we come back to reality.

If it's an opinion, word it like one and don't hint at others being deluded when disagreeing with you.
Azash said:
If it's an opinion, word it like one and don't hint at others being deluded when disagreeing with you.

As an FYI, I did neither. My initial comment was "I think most lesbians would disgree with you". What part of "I think" hints that I am speaking as an expert?:rolleyes: /shock could "I think" mean I was stating my opinion? Oh my goodness!

And when asked to clarify, I made a joking comment about nature films and added a :mischief: for emphasis. How is that saying that people are "deluded"?

You guys need to lighten up.:lol:
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