Personally, I reject the authority of the state.
So, anarchism? How would a constitution work in a state without any sort of central authority? It seems that in that situation you could write whatever you want on a piece of paper, but nobody would care.
My ideal constitution:
- Would guarantee equal rights to citizens no matter your gender, ethnic background or religion.. with a couple minor exceptions for women only gyms and being able to hire actors of a certain race if needed, and so on..
- Would guarantee an acceptable socioeconomic mobility level for all citizens, as well as a robust social safety net. The constitution would spell this out to be an important objective of the government as a whole
- Would guarantee universal healthcare for all citizens so they never have to worry about going broke should they require medical attention
- Would guarantee freedom of speech, movement, religion, and other related freedoms to its citizens.. within reason. i.e. no yelling "FIRE" in a brothel and getting away with it
- Would guarantee "Freedom to Roam" for all citizens - the ability to legally traverse public and private lands for recreation (within reason, the way it's done in Norway for instance)
- Would require the state to regulate the country & economy to some degree, in a way to promote a sustainable future. i.e. polluting companies would not be welcome, those who embrace green tech would be supported, etc.
- Would guarantee cheap secondary education for citizens, within reason. (look at how Germany does it, for instance. It's not free, but it's a huge improvement over certain other western nations)
- Would enshrine a clear separation of church & state
- Would guarantee a robust democratic framework present in the country at all times, on all levels of government
- Would establish sustainability as one of the more important long-term objectives of the government
- Would establish the ownership of all natural resources in the country to the citizens as a whole. All citizens would profit from the use or sale of these resources, whether directly or not. Also see: Norway
- Would ban the "First past the post" style of democracy
- Would guarantee the existence of a technocracy-styled panel of experts who are required by law to weigh in on every applicable federal decision. How this all works exactly: TBD
- Would require political parties to participate in public debates in order to receive funding
- Would establish an independent body that investigates police units & the RCMP, when required
- Would establish very specific & clear rules regarding gerrymandering
- Would guarantee a "Right to repair" for all citizens, within reason
- Would guarantee the state to support Net Neutrality
- Would guarantee as absolute transparency as possible. Every single government decision & document to be posted online for all to view, if they want. Exceptions: State secrets, UFO wreck location spreadsheets, etc.
- Would enact significant penalties for politicians who accept bribes, work against the public good, or break the law in any other way