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which middle earth race do you belong to?

I got Rohirrim. I always thought those guys were pretty cool.
Originally posted by CivCube
To expand what Superevie said...the men of Numenor were the descendents of the great race of Edain (Elvish for men) who fought with the Elves of Feanor against Morgoth in the now-sunken part of Middle-earth called Beleriand. The Elves in gratitude allowed these men to travel West over the Sea, but not to the heavenly continent of Valinor, where the servants of God lived. Instead, they were allowed a new island between Middle-earth and Valinor, called Numenore. These men who came to live there built a great empire that had control of the western coast of Middle-earth. The chief language they used was Quenya, the language of the High-Elves. Later, however, when they captured Sauron, they began to be arrogant and self-important because of the Dark Lord's lies. Their new ambition was to conquer Valinor, forgetting the Ban placed on them to never touch that sacred land. When the servants of God caught wind of this, and saw the Numenoreans' ships trying to reach their shore, they promptly sunk Numenore and all the people who lived on it. Indeed, this lost land was later known as Akallabeth, or Atalante - Atlantis. Those who were still faithful to God and who still used the Elven tongue came to Middle-earth and settled in the North and East, forming the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. It is clear then to see Aragorn's lineage from what the Elves called the Numenoreans, the Dunedain.

Sheesh! You know more about LOTR geography and history than many people know about their own world! :crazyeye: :eek:
A cherished fantasy world like Tolkien's is often more attractive than reality - that's why it's famous!

For "God" read "Illuvatar;" for "Servants of God," read "Valar."

Come to think of it, can't I opt to be one of the Valar?! Or at least a Maia, a lesser divine being?:p
If you want a detailed history of Middle-Earth and its peoples, check out the section in the back of the last book (there are around two hundred pages of backgound information there). It can be a rather boring read but it contains some interesting information about the times before LoTR.
To clarify some of the above errata: Numenor was granted to the Edain by the Valar, who specially raised the star shaped isle of Elenna for Elros/Tar-Minyatur and the Dunedain, as they were now known. It lasted until Ar-Pharazon and his landing party were the first men since Eärendil to set foot in Aman. That certainly resulted in a lesson he never forgot.

One was naturally Numenorean. A true Lord of the Andunie.
Comparing myself to the Kings of Numenor, I would say I most closely resemble Tar-Minastir, friendship with the Elves and sent a great fleet to aid Gil-Galad and defeating Sauron but also Envious of the eternal lives of the Eldar.
i wanted to be an orc, or Melkor at least but no i had to rohirrim
Originally posted by Superevie

In short, the Numenor were the first men to come to Middle Earth and begin to build and live. They eventually died out, IIRC, but their blood still flowed in the veins of their ancestors. The numenor lived longer than regular men too, and Aragorn was part Numenor. He lived, like, way longer than regular men did.
He lived I belive to just over 200 years old. He also, being a kinsman of Elrond(Great...x uncle), had some elven blood in him. Which made hsi marriage to Arwen just slightly inbread. On top of that there are at least two more loops in his family tree. Oh yea, he also had a smidgit of Maia in him. I know too much.:(

Originally posted by Superevie
It is hard to summarize all the LotR stuff I know. I just yakked my aunt's ear off last night talking about Tolkien. :lol: I love Lord of the Rings. :)
Then you should join Lord of the Mods(link in my sig). We are always in need of a few more good Tolkienites.
Originally posted by Riesstiu IV
I got orc... :(

there is no damn orc option!

BTW, perhaps you can make another thread with a poll with it? it would be interesting to see that stats.
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
To clarify some of the above errata: Numenor was granted to the Edain by the Valar, who specially raised the star shaped isle of Elenna for Elros/Tar-Minyatur and the Dunedain, as they were now known. It lasted until Ar-Pharazon and his landing party were the first men since Eärendil to set foot in Aman. That certainly resulted in a lesson he never forgot.

One was naturally Numenorean. A true Lord of the Andunie.

Ahhhhh yes; my Tolkien knowledge is fairly incomplete. :goodjob: I have yet to finish Unfinished Tales (a conundrum if I ever saw one!) and the unofficial stuff like Book of Lost Tales.
Originally posted by CivCube

Ahhhhh yes; my Tolkien knowledge is fairly incomplete. :goodjob: I have yet to finish Unfinished Tales (a conundrum if I ever saw one!) and the unofficial stuff like Book of Lost Tales.

The Silmarillion is the one you should read for that. Quite useful for everything prior to Bilbo and LoTR. (unfinished tales are but a few detailed parts).
OK I hesitated so much for one answer I decided to do the three different versions, thinking I would be kind of in-between.
Result : I am kind of in-between Ent (big surprise), Numenor (as everyone here) and hobbit. Surprised because I expected to be the unlikely mix of elven + hobbits.
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