Why do old people hate new music?

Oh btw heavy metal isn't music :eekdance::run:
Heh. You should hear Pharmakon. I think she's brilliant.

On second thought, probably better if you don't.
Well, the Beatles do suck, at any rate.

You might not like them, but they're objectively talented musicians. And you're missing out, Abbey Road is an absolute masterpiece and most of the other albums have at least a few bangers.

I feel there's a lot to like in modern pop music. Many songs are amazing and wonderful.

I feel the same way about a lot of modern pop music that you do about heavy metal. Not that I particularly like heavy metal. But it just gives me a headache. It's industrial product engineered to be catchy with little to no artistic merit. That said there are some great contemporary pop artists out there, I'ma just take the opportunity to share this artist I've been jamming out to lately:


Yes, objectively. Listen to some live performances by the Beatles. They're tight, regardless of what you think of the music itself. I've listened to plenty of bands (mostly around here, at a particular bar that does a lot of live music) that can't play instruments very well, and sound objectively bad regardless of one's opinion of the genre of music they play.
Music is magic. If you want the science of performative adherence. Sure. They're mechanical enough.
Music is magic. If you want the science of performative adherence. Sure. They're mechanical enough.

I don't know what this means. If you are saying that music can still sound good even when the band is not hitting the right notes and not timing things correctly, I wish I could agree but sadly I can't unhear this stuff.
Warbly old ladies in church have an earnestness a perfect autotune does not.
Oh man, sure. Overtones? I've sat in a small liberal arts university's choral group where the acoustic overtones from an echo were almost louder than the music itself. It was a moment I don't think I'll hear the likes of which again. And that's not even a knock at autotune.

But it's still different. And it's not exactly what I hear when I hear music.
There's certainly something to be said for choral singing as a kind of communal activity that has value beyond the music itself. My gf is Catholic, has dragged me to church a few times, and I do have fun with some of the singing (listening, not participating). That doesn't mean I think people singing in church are talented musicians (though some of the singers are quite talented).
Careful. Those Catholic girlfriends will change you. Probably for the better, but you'd have to let me know. I wish I'd just started singing along earlier, if I had any advice.
I doubt it's the question to worry about.
Aint he a peach*. ;)

I sat through hers, she sat through mine.

Should still sing along, though.

*Not sure if the tone comes through right in text, it's not actually sarcastic if that's how that usually gets used.
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