TacFox, are you sure you're not an English 18th century politician or something, trrawling Ireland, scotland and the North for "undersirables" you can send to be killed in fuzzy-Wuzzy land?
It goes beyond military service. Just public service.
There's plenty of recyclable goods in dumps.
Plenty of garbage on those streets.
Plenty of juries that need filling that other citizens probably would be happier not to deal with.
Plenty of other holes that could be worked on I'm sure.
Of course, we have a legal framework to deal with. Forced labor is forbidden unless as a punishment for a crime. Calling being on welfare a crime wouldn't fly obviously since it's not.
We'd have to amend the Constitution most likely to say that those on government assistance should be the first in line to assist the government. Requiring labor on the part of each citizen isn't that new after all; it goes back as early as the Incas from my memory.
And theres the problim in that the unemployed may be the people most unsuited to the military.
The seriously disabled or those addicted, you mean?
For the former, well, they're exempt for moral and practical reasons. For the latter, they should be cleaned up and such before being sent into service.
If I recall, though, there are many homeless who are military veterans. Rather sad, actually.
I think the only people on welfare are families so that kind of bites the idea in the behind.
Muhahaha, oh no. It merely means we move onto other priorities if the people in the lowest priority don't provide enough manpower.
Meaning, we just move on to taking the providers first. And based on how much they provide(working hours).
Maybe you could make them do some public service but you would have to create jobs for those people and they likely wouldn't do a good job at it.
Strict discipline would be necessary. Your country is doing things for you, so you must do things for your country. It is your choice whether to severe the umbilical cord while in the womb. Just know chances are you won't make it through.
Also encouraging a hard work ethic via the schools could assist.
Besides they would have to find someone to watch their kids while they do it.
Finding a way to stimulate day care might actually be able to pay some dividends...
At the very least, no more danged babies screaming when I go to the theater.