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Africa During the Cold War - Testing Thread


The Great Dictator
Jul 7, 2004
Skaville UK Reputation: 1
Finally had 5 minutes the other day to get the civpedia sorted out to explain things relevantly, and managed to get enough time to compile a credits list, so here it is ready for the first wave of testing!

The Downloads

Download and extract these files in order. Place them in your Conquests\Scenarios or Conquests\Conquests folder.

1. Africa During the Cold War.zip


Extract these patches in order after you've done the downloads. Place them in the same place.

Currently no patches!


Things to note, known problems and the like:
  • THIS SCENARIO IS UNFINISHED! It only stretches through the 50's, has very few flavoured units, and doesn't yet implement the "choosing sides" features!
  • Infantry compared to mechanized is very unbalanced. This is one of the things I want to test!
  • There are going to be a lot of invisible units on the map. This is something you're going to have to deal with, and it is intended. If this is too hard for most people, then I'll think about pre-placing a "Spy" unit in every nations' capital - although I'm hoping I won't have to do this!
  • There's probably little reason to declare independence at the moment - this will change as I add more eras and flesh things out.


So, start testing away!

Things I need to know are:
-How would it be best to alter Mechanized units' stats to be better in comparison to infantry's stats?
-Does the tech pace feel right?
-Is it too easy to build up a fortune?
-Should the numbers of colonial troops be bumped up for the applicable civs? Should I pre-place some mercenaries in certain areas to stir up some instant trouble?

And anything else you may want to add!

I`m sure it`s not what you originally asked for ,but I hope it`s from any help.:)

A) Sounds in wrong format :
Syntax= foldername - filename (reason)

American Anti-tank - AmericanAntiTankFortify.wav (44100kHz)
AssaultInfantry - Commandogun.wav (8bit ;Stereo)
Iranian Infantry - AttackB.wav (8bit ;Stereo)
Iranian Infantry - Commandogun.wav (8bit ;Stereo)
Katyusha - KatyushaAttackA.wav (11025kHz ;8bit)

B) the attack sound for the Mortar last for 6.5 secs. Much too long ,dude !

C) exept for "Dome-splash.pcx" all wonder pics seems to miss a correct Civ compatible palette. Ever seen`em ingame ?

D) You have no alpha version of the resources.pcx included. Most people will say they look better with one.

All this response is pretty technical instead of the answer to this thread.:rolleyes:
Thanks General 666

Currently, graphics and sounds are of second-rate importance, as I want gameplay to be sorted before I get around to tampering with them too much :)
Some of the things I've seen playing as NATO (Yeah. I'm one of those people.)

- The Airfield located in Egypt is useless as it disappears right away. The Aircraft already their are fine, but you can't base any more there.

- Some of the production pictures for units are different then the actually appear. Take NATO Infantry for example.

- You had a good idea for the country specific resources. (Such as Turkey in Turkey. And Israel in Israel) But if NATO can link their cities. (All they need in this case is Aleppo) They can build those units outside of that nation. You probably can't fix this. And it might have been intended. But it's worth a shot. ;)

- You spelled "Escort" Wrong. Unless, I think if your British, it has a "u". But I can live with this. I'm specifically referring to the Destroyer "Escourt"
- You had a good idea for the country specific resources. (Such as Turkey in Turkey. And Israel in Israel) But if NATO can link their cities. (All they need in this case is Aleppo) They can build those units outside of that nation. You probably can't fix this. And it might have been intended. But it's worth a shot. ;)

This can be arranged by checking the flag on "Must be inside city radius" or something that way. This way only the cities near the resource can produce the units.
Some of the things I've seen playing as NATO (Yeah. I'm one of those people.)

- The Airfield located in Egypt is useless as it disappears right away. The Aircraft already their are fine, but you can't base any more there.
I'm not sure what to do about this one :blush:

- Some of the production pictures for units are different then the actually appear. Take NATO Infantry for example.
Yeah, the units32 file is a mess at the moment, and needs to be sorted out...

- You had a good idea for the country specific resources. (Such as Turkey in Turkey. And Israel in Israel) But if NATO can link their cities. (All they need in this case is Aleppo) They can build those units outside of that nation. You probably can't fix this. And it might have been intended. But it's worth a shot. ;)
Maybe I could put an unroadable mountain range around Turkey? But then that would limit Turkey to amphibious operations :hmm:

- You spelled "Escort" Wrong. Unless, I think if your British, it has a "u". But I can live with this. I'm specifically referring to the Destroyer "Escourt"
Yeah, I'm British, so the spelling stays ;)
This flag only works for building. You'd need building-produced unit instead of regular unit production.

I can't even check from the editor if my points is right or wrong. I need to trust that you're right. :cringe:
I apologize for bumping the thread, but could somebody send me an alternate DL link for the mod? I tried the divshare link in the OP, but the link doesn't work on my end (it always times out).
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