Civ3MMToolkit - Civilization III Mode Makers Toolkit

When I look try to look at a file in FlcEdit, I just get a white screen where the flic should be. Why?
Can someone please tell me if this tool coppies all the flic files from the source scenarion to the new scenario in case you want to transfer a unit? I was able to import an existing unit, but PediaIcon file does not contain any Animate entry for my new (coppied) unit as well as no folder with flic files...
Maybe someone in the Creation forum could answer that. Steven is building a scenario editor and may know.
Hey, i added some units to my scenario by clicking "new" at "scenario file" under "units". Adding my first 10 units was no problem and i could use them in my scenario with civ editor. But all later units i added didnt show up at my scenario anymore. all paths are still the same and correct and all folders and .txt entries are existing. Any ideas ?
civ3mm cost me many hours of my life! this programm is hardcore bugged. It screws up my scenarios that hard that i have to make them again. Every time they crash when i start them and there is no way back. Neither can i delete mutliple units at once because randomly out of nowhere all of my units are deleted then, but also when i delete several units single in a row it randomly deletes all units then. "Creating" units doesnt work at all either. Additional, it copies randomly units out of nowhere sometimes. Either iam totally wrong and something happened that noone wanted to happen or it is really that hardcore bugged. Does somebody know ??? All i wanted to do is adding and copieng units to my scenario...
For future reference, there is a deal-breaking bug within Civ3FLC.

When creating a new FLC, Civ3FLC duplicates the first frame and delete the last one of each direction.

The source code of the tool has been released by the author. I'm hoping someone may take a look and see if it's can be easily fixed.

If you don't know the software and the usual unit-making process, I can walk you through it or/and test each new version. If you're more savy, here's the file I've used to pinpoint the problem.


  • new.rar
    6.5 KB · Views: 263
Maybe this is a program still in unfinished development, or maybe I just installed it wrong but when I open FLC files here is what I get (See attached letterhead):

Win XP
Tools installed in CIV 3 folder

Any ideas on how to correct?


  • Pallet messed up.jpg
    Pallet messed up.jpg
    149.6 KB · Views: 335
Press F5 an Show go on! :D
any for Vista ;)

MfG Wotan49

Unfortunately, I have the same problem with Windows 7, but when I hit F5 it crashes out :(
F5 saved my life. I got this thread from somewhere and couldn´t believe that a simple F5 should work.

Magic AND this for the newest misfit on the market ; WINDOWS 8.1 ;

I was happy enough to finally get CivIII to work as a game with all the problems Win 8.1 creates. I was ready to give up this flc-program and Lord and behold .....
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