Firaxis´Conquests - thoughts from the modders POV


King of the Krauts
Nov 2, 2000
Ok, I just bought C3C last week. So far I only played a bit with the conquests "Mesopotamia" "Napoleonic Europe" and "WWII Pacific".

Overall I like them, some things (eg. the importance of combined sea/air forces in the pacific scn) are IMO very well reflected. However, OTOH I think many of those conquests could need improvement in both graphical and game play aspects.

So I did what real modders do - and started modding :D

So I have begun to make new art for the Napoleon scn, see examples. I plan to do more, and also for the other scns, but a lot depends on my amount of free time.

Here are some previews (unfortunately bad quality due to high jpg compression - they look better in civ)
Another preview, and a question for the military experts: I want to add the PTW bazooka guy to the pacific conquest - but were Bazookas really in use in the pacific theatre? Or only in Europe?
To the gameplay side - I think the napoleonic conquest could have more techs - I researched everything available long time before the end of the scn. Someone who has nice ideas for techs of tha time?
Originally posted by BeBro
To the gameplay side - I think the napoleonic conquest could have more techs - I researched everything available long time before the end of the scn. Someone who has nice ideas for techs of tha time?

Check out this thread starting at this post and keep on scrolling -- the "actual" alpha tech tree is further along ;)


Thanks :) That´s enough to read for the whole week :)

Maybe I can provide some of the art I currently make for this project -- just in case there´s interest and there aren´t already gfx made for this purpose (didn´t check that so far).
Wow this is fantastic Bebro! Could you make this for the Medieval Conquest too? As im sure you already guessed im very interestet in the medieval conquest;)
I have to admit, I was rather annoyed with how easy the Napoleonic scenario was from the British side... I had every country in the world (except for Denmark) at war with France in the first turn.

I captured two French cities before the Russians showed up and cleaned up with the Cossacks... I had the French licked by 1802.

EDIT: Also, I personally think that any variation of these conquests has GOT to include increased HP because its vastly too random otherwise. I find unmodded Civ3 to be almost unplayable for this reason in particular.

On another point, does anyone know what the Flak cannon does? Whether it shoots down planes or just prevents them from succeeding in air missions.... Because in the World War II game, I probably got bombed by the Japanese anywhere between 150-200 times, and the Flak did not shoot down ONE Bomber... I have a feeling though that I got shot down by their ground-based air defense... I know at the very least that I got shot down by their Cruisers a number of times.
BeBro, this looks very good. :thumbsup:
And I see that both Sanitation and the Hospital needs new gfx. :hmm:

Dom: there is some sort of bug that lets you demand anything for a MPP in the first turn of this conquest. People have won, by getting all the cities from the AI. If you don't use diplomacy the first turn this conquest is as hard as it should be.
there is some sort of bug that lets you demand anything for a MPP in the first turn of this conquest. People have won, by getting all the cities from the AI.

:lol: :lol:

Oh man! I'm going to have to try that!

Actually, it wasn't ever really that hard to get the AI to reinitiate war on France either since pretty much every civ periodically resigned peace treaties with France, but I'll give it a try without that first turn of diplomacy... after I try one round of geting the AI to hand over every city of course ;).
Try waiting a couple turns when France has stolen all your undefended cities ;)
Originally posted by Yoda Power
Wow this is fantastic Bebro! Could you make this for the Medieval Conquest too? As im sure you already guessed im very interestet in the medieval conquest;)

Yup, and I even have already certain ideas for that. It is just a matter of time :)

Dom Pedro II:

I have to admit, I was rather annoyed with how easy the Napoleonic scenario was from the British side... I had every country in the world (except for Denmark) at war with France in the first turn.

Yeah, that is my experience too. This one of the really annoying things - a Napoleonic scn with France wiped out as first civ :(

Maybe once I´m through the gfx changes I´ll mod it to make France stronger. Or we all urge Lou to finish his Napoleonic project at lightspeed ;)

Lou: :) Ok, I´ll post them once the whole set is done. So far I have modified the advisor screens, espionage screen, and will add the wonder and demography screens too. I have not found a way so far too change the campaign progress screen (where it say how much points you need, or how many turns are left). When I put a changed screen in the folder of the Napoleonic conquest, civ ignores it, and shows the standard pic located in the conquests main art folder. But maybe that is no problem when you put the scn under the scn folder - have to test this.

I have also some advisor pics military and science as shown inthe preview, plus foreign.

Finally I have a modified Euro city style, since I think the standard industrial style of civ looks too much like late 19th century, but does not fit very well to the time 1800-1815.
I read an account - this being written by a US marine who fought in the Pacific - and the use of the bazooka was mentioned - though, my impression being that it's use was far outweighed by the flame-thrower - still used, nonetheless.
Originally posted by BeBro
Here are some previews (unfortunately bad quality due to high jpg compression - they look better in civ)

Ah, Bebro, bad quality, my @$$. Bad@$$ quality is more like it.

Can't wait for the finished version.

Yes, this is absoutly amazing. What i would really like to see is all the conquests getting the graphical upgrades they deserve, rather then getting the standard civ3 graphics thrown over them.
I have yet to play the Napoleon scenerio, but is France really that weak? it's a scenerio about NAPOLEON! What the hell? I've played the WWII, Medievil, and Sengoku and looked at most of the other ones, including Rise of Rome. They all need some serious updates to their graphics, for instance to start with ASIAN advisors for the Sengoku scenerio.

As for the FLAKs, they kinda work like aircraft. If you set fighters to Air Superiority, there's a random number generator (I believe) that determines if the fighter intercepts an in-comming plane on a boming run. if it happens, the plane flys in on a perpendicular and attacks the bomber, destroying it. From what i've seen from experience in the scenerio, a FLAK basically does the same thing, working of a RNG it determines if it shoots a plane down, and if it does you see it attacking and the plane falling. I think you need to be fortified for this to work though. I'm not sure.

EDIT: DROOL! i love this Bebro
(we really need a drool smiley)
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