Impassable Waters for "wheeled" units

Gary Childress

Student for and of life
May 11, 2007
United Nations

I'm not sure if this has been tried before, I'm sure it has, but it appears that you can make coast or sea or whatever "Impassable by wheeled units" and then give a certain type of ship the "wheeled" flag and it will become impossible to have that particular sea unit travel through that type of water. The other thing is I'm not sure why anyone would want to make a particular sea unit unable to move into a type of water, almost the same thing can be accomplished by using the "sinks in sea" or "sinks in ocean" flag. Anyway I thought that was interesting. :)
Yes, I used to do that for early, mat-less iron clads in my personal mod. :)
It also could be used in a Fantasy mod where there would be High-Sea monsters and Coast monsters!

I'm not sure if this has been tried before, I'm sure it has, but it appears that you can make coast or sea or whatever "Impassable by wheeled units" and then give a certain type of ship the "wheeled" flag and it will become impossible to have that particular sea unit travel through that type of water. The other thing is I'm not sure why anyone would want to make a particular sea unit unable to move into a type of water, almost the same thing can be accomplished by using the "sinks in sea" or "sinks in ocean" flag. Anyway I thought that was interesting. :)

With "Sinks In ..." a unit can always make a dash across, say, a single tile. This method eliminates the option entirely.


With "Sinks In ..." a unit can always make a dash across, say, a single tile. This method eliminates the option entirely.



True, and then there are the desperate attempts to discover new territory by sending 30 galleys into the deep ocean hoping that at least one will make it to a new land. :lol:

@ wildweazel: Not the first party I've ever been fashionably late for! :D
Its quite neat feature. I have been using it for a long time. My curraghs, galleys, catapult ships and sails cannot enter even into sea squares :)

Also you can tweak with movement costs of the three types of water squares. For example set coast to cost 3MP, set "ignore movement cost" for galleys etc., but not for age of sail and later ships and voila now you have to use ocean to travel fast from the late middle ages.... lots of possibilities
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