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2020 US Election (Part Two)

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What if Biden resumes our wars in Libya, Syria or Afghanistan? Even if foreign policy played no role in a lesser evil comparison, Biden still loses because of his 5 decade long drug war.
only as an historical note throwing people from helicopters has also returned to this country . Truth or falsity of the claims are not yet certain but seperatists claim two civilians were involved , possibly a low level thing as both are alive , one heavily hurt and one somehow has lost amnesia , can't remember details . See , the claims of true Americans returning home to fix things . Naturally they have left a couple abroad to see over things .
Well, @Lexicus, are you going to fess up to making a vicious, slanderous, and completely false accusation with no evidence for, and tonnes against, from all my posts on this thread, for ulterior motives and to make a baseless personal attack and attempted character assassination - and emulate a favourite tactic of Donald Trump's, to boot - or will your silence commit rhetorical suicide for all credibility, legitimacy, and believability in front of everyone on this forum - by your own actions and posts - and reveal you to all as a coward, liar, and one completely lacking any ethics or honour at all?
Everyone take a 5 minute break from the election and watch this video! :bounce:

Moral equivalence, huh? Actually apropos, given the current discussion...

And yes... freaking awesome video :D

Also reminds me of the condemnation periodically delivered by Aldo "The Apache" Raine in Inglorious Basterds... paraphrasing: "So now the war's over... you gonna take off that fine lookin Nahtzee uniform?... Yeah... see we don't like that one bit...If it was up to me you'd wear that gaht damn uniform the rest of yer life..."
But See, Job 1:21

Something worse with Job is that he seems to not care much that god kills off all his family (or similar) just as part of a test. But the dead family members stay dead after the test as well, they are just replaced by new family members.
Apparently the older family members were just there to be used as pawns and then obliterated to test what all-knowing god should already know would happen.

Or maybe Job knew god would do this, and just felt like having a new family, everything else being an act.
But See, Job 1:21

Yes, Job is a favourite to quote by rabid Misotheists without, at all, understanding the context or meaning of the story, or that it's Old Covenant, not New Covenant.
Yes, Job is a favourite to quote by rabid Misotheists without, at all, understanding the context or meaning of the story, or that it's Old Covenant, not New Covenant.

From what I recall Job is essentially the story of Abraham and Isaac, if Isaac ended up being sacrificed and then god provided a new son to Abraham.
Isaac isn't killed in this one cause only god is allowed to kill people.
From what I recall Job is essentially the story of Abraham and Isaac, if Isaac ended up being sacrificed and then god provided a new son to Abraham.
Isaac isn't killed in this one cause only god is allowed to kill people.

You're truly clueless on this issue.
What if Biden resumes our wars in Libya, Syria or Afghanistan? Even if foreign policy played no role in a lesser evil comparison, Biden still loses because of his 5 decade long drug war.

Between the Democrats (who can at least be moved and pushed to soften their stance on the drug war) and the gop, who still have little desire to even decriminalize weed, who out of those two options are more likely to end or help at least ameliorate the drug war?

It certainly isn't trump and the gop.
Between the Democrats (who can at least be moved and pushed to soften their stance on the drug war) and the gop, who still have little desire to even decriminalize weed, who out of those two options are more likely to end or help at least ameliorate the drug war?

It certainly isn't trump and the gop.

There's more to it than the "War on Drugs." There's also the "War on Terror," and it's attendant biggest single legislative package of shameless violation of the U.S. Constitution, "the (un)Patriot," both of which, though started by Republican President George W. Bush, the worst U.S. President of the 21st Century thus far, was eagerly supported by Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden from the Senate and Nancy from the House of Representatives, and carried on diligently by Obama. Although Trump needs to go - and badly - Biden is NOT the person to succeed him. The American voters need a better choice, and frankly, both Duopoly Parties to get the boot - they're both completely led by crooks, murderers, traitors, liars, and other types of high criminals, and neither deserves to govern - bipartisan prisons and gallows are more appropriate for them, to be honest.
It's not like Biden needs more negative traits, so that one has reason to focus on ambiguous ones.
Biden, at any rate, is very clearly not his own man. Even if we suppose he will be able to stay alive/function for a few more years, he is the definition of someone no one expects to be leading at this age and with his faculties.

Sigh, I still wonder how the US public is so dumb that they managed to vote Biden over Bernie. Like the ancient saying goes: "old age doesn't come alone" (brings other negatives).
Yes, Job is a favourite to quote by rabid Misotheists without, at all, understanding the context or meaning of the story, or that it's Old Covenant, not New Covenant.
Nothing you've said contradicts my point, its all just misdirection. And your implication that I "don't understand the context of the story" is demonstrably laughable on its face, given the extensive posting I've done on the context of that particular story.
Sigh, I still wonder how the US public is so dumb that they managed to vote Biden over Bernie. Like the ancient saying goes: "old age doesn't come alone" (brings other negatives).
You're still going on about Bernie Kyr, seriously?:confused: He dropped out like 6 months ago... As for "reasons"... meh... Biden is taller, less bald, richer, a Democrat, Obama's Veep… on and on... there's so many reasons the American public voted for Biden over Bernie... I still wonder how this can be a mystery to you.

And as a reminder... I personally voted for Bernie this cycle, but I at least comprehend the myriad of reasons why the majority of my countrymen did not.
Yes, the world is awful, to serve the world is to serve an evil master. Should probably focus more on serving one's self, where they can improve how righteous the director is.
Nah, the world is fantastically painful. It kills everything. Destroys everything. God does nothing in Job that does not happen to good men, bad men, grasshoppers, and dogs all the same. The world, or God, if the divine is all encompassing, does not make exceptions. Not even for God himself. That it is also beautiful may be linked, but alters thier equation not.
Nah, the world is fantastically painful. It kills everything. Destroys everything. God does nothing in Job that does not happen to good men, bad men, grasshoppers, and dogs all the same. The world, or God, if the divine is all encompassing, does not make exceptions. Not even for God himself. That it is also beautiful may be linked, but alters thier equation not.
That's not the world especially or uniquely though... that's the universe. And yes, coincidentally or not... its still beautiful and wondrous whether from an atom's-eye-view or a galaxy's-eye-view, and everything in between.

The "pain" part... that's just us... its limited to us, on this world... as far as we know, at least.
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