Altered Maps 15

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Nah. There's really no arguing with a map.

If it's there in black and white, and various other colours, that's good enough for me.
Less than half of all states are entirely south of the border. I think an invasion of Canada is due to correct this abomination.
Anyone would think that large bodies of water make for good natural borders. :mischief:
This is Canada's southernmost point btw, for context's sake:

Spoiler :


I guess middle island doesn't count as our southernmost point for some reason. Anyway, Point Pelee is a cool place, it's a national park with hiking routes, etc. and unique flora and fauna, including even cactuses
If there is not a lumberjack permanently stationed on the Southernmost tip of Point Pelee, shaking his fist at the United States, then Canada is not living up to its promise as a nation.
There's a statue of Brock at Queenston gazing defiantly toward New York; will't suffice?
If there is not a lumberjack permanently stationed on the Southernmost tip of Point Pelee, shaking his fist at the United States, then Canada is not living up to its promise as a nation.

Too much effort! Besides, point Pelee keeps changing. There's 2 sea currents, on on each side, I believe, and the point keeps moving over time. So any lumberjack stationed there would have to be human or an intelligent robot
Sweden really shouldn't be portrayed in silhouette.
Too much effort! Besides, point Pelee keeps changing. There's 2 sea currents, on on each side, I believe, and the point keeps moving over time. So any lumberjack stationed there would have to be human or an intelligent robot
Your county has systems of education, healthcare, and public welfare that are the envy of the entire Western hemisphere. A robotic Lumber-Sentinel is surely not beyond your grasp?

Thirty-two counties or gtfo.
Your county has systems of education, healthcare, and public welfare that are the envy of the entire Western hemisphere. A robotic Lumber-Sentinel is surely not beyond your grasp?

But I was given to understand that in Canada, socialized medicine meant that people had to toil in the maple syrup mines to get health care!
And what use is that toil, if you have no giant, cybernetic, America-hating lumbertron to show for it?

The public good demands it.
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