So, in two years' time, they're proposing to have conquered half of Mexico and have annexed at least five sovereign nations, one of which is the second-most extensive country in the world?
M2 tidal constituent. Red is most extreme (highest highs, lowest lows), with blues being least extreme. White cotidal lines converge in blue areas indicating little or no tide. Around these convergences, called amphidromic points, curved arrows show the direction of the tides, each indicating a synchronized 6-hour period. Tidal ranges generally increase with increasing distance from amphidromic points. Tide waves move around these points, generally counterclockwise in the N. Hemisphere and clockwise in the S. Hemisphere.
Bay of Fundy Tides: The Highest Tides in the World!
Twice everyday the bay fills and empties of a billion tonnes of water during each tide cycle—that’s more than the flow of all the world’s freshwater rivers combined.
How High are the Fundy Tides?
The Bay of Fundy has the highest tides in the world, and those enormous tides alone make that the Bay of Fundy is one of the world’s greatest natural wonders.
The height of the tide difference ranges from 3.5 meters (11ft) along the southwest shore of Nova Scotia and steadily increases as the flood waters travel up the 280 km (174 miles) of shoreline to the head of the Bay where, in the Minas Basin, the height of the tide can reach an incredible 16 meters (53ft).
I routinely wonder why the Byzantium lovers are limit their imaginings to Anatolia. Perfectly good claims much further south. What sort of strategic power player doesn't salivate over Suez?
I routinely wonder why the Byzantium lovers are limit their imaginings to Anatolia. Perfectly good claims much further south. What sort of strategic power player doesn't salivate over Suez?
I like how they very specifically want only Portugal from the Iberian peninsula. Also how the Caliphate just skirts its way past Nepal to get at Bangladesh
I like how they very specifically want only Portugal from the Iberian peninsula. Also how the Caliphate just skirts its way past Nepal to get at Bangladesh
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