Antisemitism: How do you personally understand this word?


Nov 18, 2019
With the ongoing stuff going on, I find it quite necessary to make a thread specifically dedicated to this word's public meaning. Feel free to express your opinion and be civil when arguing about it.
So, here you go.
Racism towards jewish people.
Hatred of jews.
In both religious and ethnic sense.

Antisemitism is in various forms, like conspiracy theories, soviet antizionism, denying history or silencing info about events like holocaust, pogroms, expulsions, terrorist attacks etc.
An aggressively unfavorable attitude towards Jewish people and culture without regard for individuals.
Hatred of jews.
In both religious and ethnic sense.

Antisemitism is in various forms, like conspiracy theories, soviet antizionism, denying history or silencing info about events like holocaust, pogroms, expulsions, terrorist attacks etc.
Soviet anti Zionism? But not anti Zionism generally?
Zionology was a field of study institutionalized in the Soviet Union that indeed relied on many antisemitic tropes. Stalin even fabricated a "Doctors' Plot" as a pretext to engage in a purge campaign against prominent Jews in the Soviet Union.
Yes, it is the specific ideology artificially created by Soviet leadership in order to purge jews and to justify the radical turnabout regards Israel.
The good example of this is the work of the current Palestinian leader Abbas: The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionists.
Its also why is the word "antizionism" largely discredited in my country.
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My understanding of it is:

Blanket hatred, condemnation, and hate speech targeting all things/people Jewish.

My grandfather tried to indoctrinate me into this way of thinking, and when I kept trying to pin him down with asking him to explain WHY "the Jews were the most hated people in Europe"... the first time we discussed this, I wasn't even out of elementary school. I thought he was giving me a history lesson in a neutral way, as in "this is what some people in Europe thought" (because my grandfather was born in Norway to Swedish and Norwegian parents, so of course he knew more than I did about Europe).

Fast-forward a bunch of years, and I started to wonder if he himself hated Jews.

Then along came Jim Keegstra, a high school social studies teacher who indoctrinated his students to hate Jewish people. He force-fed them every nasty thing he could, including Holocaust denial and the idea that "even if the Holocaust happened, they deserved it." This went on for years, until finally parents started realizing what their kids were being taught. Keegstra went on trial in Red Deer (he taught in a town in Central Alberta, and lucky us, we were the nearest large city to handle this), and one of my college English instructors started defending him.

That English instructor tried to bring his pro-Keegstra stance into the theatre, as he was playing the male lead in the production of "Gypsy" we were doing that year. The producer and directors told him to leave Keegstra out of it - say NOTHING, don't wear pro-Keegstra stuff, don't talk to the child actors about it, just SHUT UP about it.

Well, he managed for awhile. Then one night we had a rehearsal in April and a huge dump of snow. I was bringing a couple of large bags of props to the theatre and he was pulling in to the parking lot. He got out and told me, "Keegstra would blame the Jews for this snow."

I told him I didn't want to hear it. He might have been one of my English instructors in college, but that didn't obligate me to listen to him outside the classroom. So when he kept trying to carry on, I told him, "I do not want to hear this. PERIOD."

As someone who has tried to rid myself of prejudicial attitudes (haven't succeeded with some of them, but who on this planet has?), it really annoys me when people try to indoctrinate others. As someone who spent time in the elementary education program in college (B.Ed.), I was appalled. You DON'T indoctrinate kids in bigotry. You just don't, no matter what level they're at.

Keegstra lost his teaching license and had to pay a fine. They could have chucked him into prison, and I wish they had. He went back to being a mechanic, and then got the bright idea to run for the Social Credit party in the next provincial election.

My grandfather perked up and said, "I'm voting for him!" Even after the disgrace of losing his teaching license, Keegstra still couldn't leave it alone. I listened to a speech he gave, and for the first 5 minutes, it was the kind of speech any political candidate would give. Then he veered back to his anti-Jewish ranting. I told my grandfather, "People aren't going to vote for him unless they're already bigoted. He will never be an MLA."

Well, that was in the 1980s. There are plenty of bigoted MLAs here nowadays. My own is among them. It's frustrating when Canadians online find out where I'm from and start to assume I'm like the government here, or the people who voted for them, and have had to modify my interactions with "I promise I didn't vote for the UCP".

My grandfather told my grandmother that it didn't matter that she said she would vote NDP, since his vote would cancel hers. I told him that my dad and I were also voting NDP, so it was 3 to 1. He didn't like that; he was "the boss" of the house, and we were all supposed to shut up and obey.

Well, I don't know who he voted for. I do know that neither my grandmother nor my dad agreed with this anti-semitic crap Keegstra was spewing. My grandfather never did understand the egregious way in which Keegstra betrayed his students. Some of them testified that they felt "messed up" and confused as to what to believe. To subject an essentially captive audience to this - those kids were required to conform to his beliefs in all their assignments and spew it back to him - is not education. It's brainwashing. It took some of those kids years to deal with it. Some never really did, reasoning that "a teacher told us this, and teachers don't lie." Well, yes, they sometimes do lie, and in some pretty horrible ways.

At one point my grandfather tried to convince me Keegstra was right, and I told him, "Look. If you hate the Jews, you need to stop watching Star Trek, T.J. Hooker, and everything else William Shatner is in. You also need to stop borrowing my science fiction books."

He demanded to know why, and I told him, "William Shatner is Jewish. So is Leonard Nimoy and about half the people who worked on Star Trek (Original Series at that time; this was pre-TNG). About a quarter to a third of the books in my science fiction collection were written by authors who happen to be Jewish. So if you hate Jews that much, you should stop watching TV and reading my books."

We finally agreed that if he wanted to talk about how he hated Jews and how "evil" they were, he could do it with his friends or whoever else would listen to him, because I wouldn't. I didn't want him to talk about that in my hearing, so I stopped hanging around when he had his conversations with the neighbors (usual thing was for people in the neighborhood with dogs to take their dogs for a walk and meet up and shoot the breeze for awhile).
You are all wrong, Antisemitism isn't hate the jews, it is hate the semitic people.
Palestinians are also semitic people, as the jews, so the State of Israel is antisemitic when make a Palestinian genocide.

No, antisemitism is hatred of Jews specifically. The term was invented essentially to give an aura of science and rationality to centuries-old religious prejudice.
You are all wrong, Antisemitism isn't hate the jews, it is hate the semitic people.
Palestinians are also semitic people, as the jews, so the State of Israel is antisemitic when make a Palestinian genocide.
don't get muddled up in etymology here. words can be a trap.

semitic peoples indeed include a lot of groups (originally a class of race within bible studies apparently), of which both palestinians and jews are included; within linguistics today semitic languages is indeed a group of languages group that afaik include arab, hebrew, syriac, etc.

however, antisemitism is literally some form of prejudice against jews as used. you may return to a more etymologically pure version of it, but it's reclassification and is kind of poor linguistics infact. there's a lot of roots as to the origin of languages, but at some point the root can detach from meaning.

i'm pro-palestine, mind you. i understand what you are trying to say and i sympathize with it. but appealing to etymology is a trap. everyone, you included, use words all the time that don't mean what they used to, and become complete nonsense if you look into the etymological roots of the word. (for example, just the "roots" of etymology is rather poetic and bizarre if you detach from its common usage.) you could argue what it should mean, or why a term is poorly coined, but that's not the same as the word used, ie how language works; what it means.

of course this is a personal thread, how you personally understand the word. so you can understand the word as referring to all semitic peoples. but from then to claiming others are wrong - in a thread of personal understanding - there's a disconnect there. <3


for thread, i believe antisemitism is discrimination, prejudice and racism against jews, and conspiratorial views on jews.

but. i'm not really sure why this is asked beyond begging the question.
You are all wrong, Antisemitism isn't hate the jews, it is hate the semitic people.
Palestinians are also semitic people, as the jews, so the State of Israel is antisemitic when make a Palestinian genocide.
And here comes an example of WHY I made this thread.
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