Armoured Warfare around the World

It is possible to offer a quantity of the paper monsters, interesting, but and remained on drawings or in prototypes?

Yes it could be possible but I am sticking to mostly real things and filling in gaps with prototypes/drawings.

3D-models or photos and images are necessary?

3D models preferred I do not have the time to create from scratch anymore.
Delta, did you forget to upload T-34-76 42 for Red Army or it was not planned?

Sorry, I've read the description of T-34-1943 and when it was introduced.
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One of the Soviet paper monsters - Osokin's Tank Cruiser. It is five-corpus a superheavy tank (four of them are unified with T-34), the distant relative of the German Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte. To honor of the Soviet military, he did not interest them and remained only on author's sketches (the author was an enthusiast, but not the professional designer).
My sincerest compliments on this plentiful collection of beautiful units, most of which will update graphics in several of the old mods I still play!
If I had to choose a particular favourite among these I will choose the NI Tank because of its unique look and its fascinating history! I had never heard nor read about it before so thank you for this gem!
I will choose the NI Tank because of its unique look and its fascinating history!

Was this Stalin´s mobile ballot-box?
Spoiler :



  • NI-Tank.jpg
    33.7 KB · Views: 548
Was this Stalin´s mobile ballot-box?
Indeed! :rotfl:
Or to paraphrase the late Sir Terry:
that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. Stalin was the Man; he had the Vote.
Delta_Strife, I thank for a set of wonderful units!

One small remark and one big wish.

It seems to me that the armored vehicles of the Red Army had a little lighter green color, approximately such:Средний_танк_Т-34-76.jpg

Also it would be very good to have some units in winter, white option of coloring - or purely white, or white over green, approximately so:

In the USSR conformed to these requirements and there was standard dry white ink B. It became on the basis of natural ground chalk. In the years of war instead of it could use a substitute — a ground limy stone. Also extinguished lime, the casein (fixing an element) and special additive from corrosion were a part of paint B.
I can offer an interesting Soviet prototype - the flying tank A-40 ("Krylya Tanka" - "Tank wings").
For this purpose it is enough to add elements of the glider and animation of landing and dumping of wings to the existing model of T-60. As a result the early avialanded tank will turn out.
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