Butt Buddies Legalized in Oklahoma!?

I think that Oklahoma should dissent, brake out and become the Independent Republic of Oklahoma ! That's IRoO ^^ :D ... strange people nonetheless... :D
Clearly Oklahoma is doomed, as proven by all the other states which have legalized butt buddies and thereafter perished.

Yeah, it was like 60 degrees this morning! Freezing!
"Hey Buddy ! .... Watch my butt ! Now we are butt-buddies !" :D "Oklahoma - The country of freedom, where people can watch each others butts without fear of retribution !" :D
I did say that anyone sitting on the lap of the Satan statue would get fornicated.


"librul judge loves sodomy"

I'm also disappointed that there's no santorum tag.

If it were Pennsylvania, I would have. :lol:

"Hey Buddy ! .... Watch my butt ! Now we are butt-buddies !" :D "Oklahoma - The country of freedom, where people can watch each others butts without fear of retribution !" :D

I'm reminded of the BriTANick "Morning After" skit where they tried to figure out a girl's name by using ideas from movies. You are the Benjamin Button guy.
I thought the thread was going to be about coins
I thought the thread was going to be about coins

Well, yes. Gays > Bourgeois Materialism > Capitalism > Libertarianism > BitCoins.

See? That association wasn't that hard to make!
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