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For the first time ever, gay marriage wins popular elections

The end is near upon us. :( Every society in the past the has deviated from sex inside a union between one man and one woman, what we used t call marriage has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.

Every society that has ever collapsed breathed a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, argon and various trace gases too.
With growing Hispanic populations in Texas, I doubt that state will have a pro-SSM majority in the foreseeable future.

Hispanics being against same-sex marriage is one of those myths conservative white people spread. They support it about as much or even more than white people.
Although if you don't cheat by using the courts and instead actually take it state by state

Why do you hate the Constitution so much? Or is it just some parts of the Constitution you can't stand?

Seriously, your irrational hatred for the courts makes it look like you missed the point completely in that part of Basic US Government 101.

Lol, look up "proposition 8"

Lol, how about cite sources yourself, lol.
Prop 8 was 4 years ago. Opinions change. Maine which repealed gay marriage in 2008 passed it in 2012. Also Mexico itself has legalized gay marriage in Mexico city and some states.
Son, your history teachers has a Bachelors in Liberal Arts and gets paid $24,000 a year.
Honestly, every independent group will tell you that Hispanics are more socially conservative than whites, even my History teacher, who think SSM is the "civil right issue of our time" admits that.

The plural of opinion is not fact.
People were trumpeting about the "Chick-fil-A straw poll" and the "silent majority" like last week. I'm empathetic by nature, though, so I try not to twist the knife more than absolutely necessary to get my point across.

I could be spiking the ball and being a total ass right now, but nobody gains from that.

'Cept for my Nate Silver signature and avatar. That stays, and everyone owes Nate a huge apology.
Honestly, every independent group will tell you that Hispanics are more socially conservative than whites, even my History teacher, who think SSM is the "civil right issue of our time" admits that.
Oh, your history teacher. That changes everything.
People were trumpeting about the "Chick-fil-A straw poll" and the "silent majority" like last week. I'm empathetic by nature, though, so I try not to twist the knife more than absolutely necessary to get my point across.

I could be spiking the ball and being a total ass right now, but nobody gains from that.

'Cept for my Nate Silver signature and avatar. That stays, and everyone owes Nate a huge apology.

Chick-Fila is still on the news now?

SSM is more popular than it is unpopular in liberal blue states. More at 11:p

I seriously have no issues admitting this. Care to try in South Carolina? Texas?:mischief:
Eventually you'll probably win this one. Although if you don't cheat by using the courts and instead actually take it state by state, I'm predicting it'll take at least 25 years (To be legalized in all states.)

So integrating the schools, was that cheating? What about abolishing slavery? Obvious hax, amirite? And don't even get me started on repealing prohibition.

Supreme Court is OP
Obviously slavery would have "faded away" like racism and other forms of discrimination



I find it strange how it's "cheating" when the courts are involved, yet relying on supersition and simple ol' bigotry is somehow "okay" or "fair".
The end is near upon us. :( Every society in the past the has deviated from sex inside a union between one man and one woman, what we used t call marriage has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.

The Netherlands is alive and kicking!

every society in the past that has deviated from making human sacrifices has collapsed.

Well, that is why we have abortion, right?
So integrating the schools, was that cheating? What about abolishing slavery? Obvious hax, amirite? And don't even get me started on repealing prohibition.

Obviously slavery would have "faded away" like racism and other forms of discrimination.

Can we stop talking about slavery and discrimination (ie racism) like it's the same thing? Slavery is an economic system, discrimination is a mental state of mind. Saying that you can make legislation on discrimination is like arguing that you can regulate happiness.

That being said, I think the argument can be made that if slavery would not have been outlawed following the Civil War, at this point in time it would have become obsolete anyway. Slavery was already obsolete and abandoned in the Northern states by the time of the Civil War, so it goes without saying that the pressure by abolitionist movements and the Industrial Revolution would have made Slavery too expensive to operate.

I'm not trying to say that we SHOULDN'T have outlawed slavery in the first place, merely that had we not done so, slavery as an institution probably would have died out long ago.
Can we stop talking about slavery and discrimination (ie racism) like it's the same thing? Slavery is an economic system, discrimination is a mental state of mind. Saying that you can make legislation on discrimination is like arguing that you can regulate happiness.

Because discrimination never results in physical externalizations like public segregation, Jim Crow laws, minority disenfranchisement, economic disparity, and educational disparity amirite herr kaiser?
SSM is more popular than it is unpopular in liberal blue states. More at 11:p

I seriously have no issues admitting this. Care to try in South Carolina? Texas?:mischief:

Yes, Texas. That would be the state whose largest city has had an openly gay mayor since the 2009 elections.

The walls of bigotry are falling all over. Somewhat more slowly in the retrograde South, but what else is new?

We won't be the next state to recognize marriage equality, but I bet we'll get there ahead of most of the former Confederacy. That is, if the SCOTUS doesn't affirm it as a fundamental right first and beat us to the punch.
The end is near upon us. :( Every society in the past

Every society in the past. So, every society which does not exist anymore. Thus, every society which has collapsed.

the has deviated from sex inside a union between one man and one woman, what we used t call marriage has collapsed. I fail to see why this won't happen to societies today.

Ooh, so if you take all the societies which have collapsed, and then single out all those who have deviated from marriage as you define it, it all becomes obvious: all those societies in that subgroup of collapsed societies have collapsed!

A daring conclusion! Hat off to you, sir! :hatsoff:
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