Really? Nobody has a thread on this yet? Y'ALL BE SLIPPIN'
Basically, the Federal Govt can't deny benefits to gay-married couples (which is especially important for pending immigration legislation), but gay marriage is not nationally extended to every state. Prop 8 is invalidated, but do to lack of standing, so that case doesn't serve as precedent for other states.
A limited, but still huge success for the gay marriage crowd. Scalia's dissent, especially after his vote to gut the VRA yesterday, is essentially one big fart noise.
What are your thoughts? More importantly, HOW DOES THIS HURT OBAMA POLITICALLY AMIRITE
The U.S. Supreme Court said in a broad ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional. The vote was 5 to 4 with Justice Anthony Kennedy reading the majority opinion.
In a related case, the court did not make a ruling on California's Proposition 8 meaning that same-sex marriage is once again legal in the nation's most populous state. The ruling has no effect on other states, however.
Basically, the Federal Govt can't deny benefits to gay-married couples (which is especially important for pending immigration legislation), but gay marriage is not nationally extended to every state. Prop 8 is invalidated, but do to lack of standing, so that case doesn't serve as precedent for other states.
A limited, but still huge success for the gay marriage crowd. Scalia's dissent, especially after his vote to gut the VRA yesterday, is essentially one big fart noise.
What are your thoughts? More importantly, HOW DOES THIS HURT OBAMA POLITICALLY AMIRITE