DOMA struck down by courts, gay marriage likely legal in CA again


Crafternoon Delight
Jun 11, 2004
Really? Nobody has a thread on this yet? Y'ALL BE SLIPPIN'

The U.S. Supreme Court said in a broad ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional. The vote was 5 to 4 with Justice Anthony Kennedy reading the majority opinion.

In a related case, the court did not make a ruling on California's Proposition 8 meaning that same-sex marriage is once again legal in the nation's most populous state. The ruling has no effect on other states, however.

Basically, the Federal Govt can't deny benefits to gay-married couples (which is especially important for pending immigration legislation), but gay marriage is not nationally extended to every state. Prop 8 is invalidated, but do to lack of standing, so that case doesn't serve as precedent for other states.

A limited, but still huge success for the gay marriage crowd. Scalia's dissent, especially after his vote to gut the VRA yesterday, is essentially one big fart noise.

What are your thoughts? More importantly, HOW DOES THIS HURT OBAMA POLITICALLY AMIRITE
Cue comments from certain people about how America is going down the road to ruin by letting the uppity gays have the same rights as straights.
I like the ruling a lot, a shame it leaves it illegal where its illegal but Im glad the federal government is at least forced to acknowledge same-sex marriages where the states do. I imagine within 5-10 years the only places it will remain illegal are the south.
Scalia's dissent is really... remarkable, in a way. Read everyone else's, then Scalia's. The latter spends the first few pages sounding freakishly similar to a blog or forum post.

I was kind of hoping the decision went 6-3, but Roberts stuck with the dissent. Bummer.

The largest demographic for same-sex families raising kids is actually in the South, and it's mostly non-whites. I'll be curious to see if this has any effect on demographic support of politicians.

Who as that guy again that ran on a "full repeal of DOMA"?

Ah, right, Justice Kennedy...

Scalia is a pig. I'm tired of him.

I'm tired of the entire Supreme Court, as much as I favor this ruling. I almost wish FDR had successfully packed and diluted it in the '30s.
OK... so basically, the states are allowed to do what they want, but the Federal Government has to acknowledge it if your state does. Is this correct?

If so, that's an improvement, although taking the Federal government entirely out of it and letting the states do all of it would be a bigger improvement.
OK... so basically, the states are allowed to do what they want, but the Federal Government has to acknowledge it if your state does. Is this correct?

If so, that's an improvement, although taking the Federal government entirely out of it and letting the states do all of it would be a bigger improvement.

I thought federal law trumped state laws? Isn't that how they oppose voting ids and registration?
Damn, two and a half judgements I agree with. It's like they are reading my mind!

Or was I supposed to say something else useless? This is two threads you have made your claim where it has not materialized. Some would say you expectations have an obvious break with reality.

I thought federal law trumped state laws? Isn't that how they oppose voting ids and registration?

Neither trumps either. They are both sovereign inside their jurisdiction.
Damn, three decisions and two and a half judgements I agree with. It's like they are reading my mind!

Or was I supposed to say something else useless? This is two threads you have made your claim where it has not materialized. Some would say you expectations have an obvious break with reality.

^He showed up to troll useless, yet somehow Oruc doesn't lump him in with the circlejerking crowd. :confused:
This ruling:
Spoiler :


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I thought federal law trumped state laws? Isn't that how they oppose voting ids and registration?

That's what your school system taught you to think.

Its wrong.

Damn, two and a half judgements I agree with. It's like they are reading my mind!

Or was I supposed to say something else useless? This is two threads you have made your claim where it has not materialized. Some would say you expectations have an obvious break with reality.

Neither trumps either. They are both sovereign inside their jurisdiction.

Useless is stuck in the left/right paradigm. Which is much like most Americans.

In fact, I distinctly remember him mocking the idea that anyone could be fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

Now, "Fiscally conservative, socially liberal" is a pretty poor way to explain where I stand, but there are plenty of people in that category.

There is more to politics than "Left" and "Right." Just because you're a fiscal conservative doesn't mean you oppose gay marriage, and vice versa.

(Of course, its even more complicated than that, but I'm just making a simple point.)
Or was I supposed to say something else useless? This is two threads you have made your claim where it has not materialized. Some would say you expectations have an obvious break with reality.

classical_hero appeared in the filibuster thread. You never know where he will strike next.
Well unfortunately only Section 3 of DOMA (no federal benefits for LG couples) was struck down. Section 2, that states don't have to recognize LG couples from other states, is still in place. Though it seems to violate the full faith and credit clause.
God is Great!

Well unfortunately only Section 3 of DOMA (no federal benefits for LG couples) was struck down. Section 2, that states don't have to recognize LG couples from other states, is still in place. Though it seems to violate the full faith and credit clause.

Still good. Small steps, but we'll get there.
although taking the Federal government entirely out of it and letting the states do all of it would be a bigger improvement.

That's essentially impossible. You guys have a border, a military and a tax system.
Scalia's dissent, especially after his vote to gut the VRA yesterday, is essentially one big fart noise.

"[Windsor] is an assertion of judicial supremacy over the people’s Representatives in Congress and the Executive."

--noted ironist Antonin Scalia
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