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Christianity in America

May 13, 2011
Really is nothing but ideology, huh. Results be damned.
Surprising I would not vote for those who are designing Christian pogroms?

Moderator Action: Split from 2024 election thread by Birdjaguar.
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Surprising I would not vote for those who are designing Christian pogroms?
I mean, it's not surprising you'd be fooled into voting against a nonexistent threat. Not a personal comment; it happens in politics all the time, to a huge range of folk. This also serves as a secondary argument in support of Lexi's, above, in that it doesn't matter what the support is for. Your support of Trump is immaterial vs. the threat you've been convinced is coming your way.
RCP's electoral map is out and after poking about it looks to me that the state of Minnesota should be considered a battleground state. I'd drop all the southern states for now and count the four midwestern lakes states as the bubble. That would put Trump at 268 to Biden's 216. Giving Biden only the chance of winning all four coin tosses, 15-1. But I do expect it to tighten up a bit.
I mean, it's not surprising you'd be fooled into voting against a nonexistent threat. Not a personal comment; it happens in politics all the time, to a huge range of folk.
Well, there is lot of talk about it in the Bible. :D
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Surprising I would not vote for those who are designing pogroms by Christians ?


People saying that are simply lying. There is no one in the US who is trying to harm Christians, except heretic Christians on the far right. And there really is no reason to claim that there is, except to further divide the American people, and incite to violence.

Now let us be clear: God Commanded you to not say that. It wasn't a suggestion. And it is people saying things like that who are the source of the problem the US faces. You get MAGAheads saying that, and suddenly you have the murder of innocent people. And the murders will be Trump voters.
I'll weave this exchange b/w Core Impostor and Cutlass into my earlier answer about R pols getting credit for doing nothing. In the present fear-mongering media environment, they now get another form of credit from their voters for doing a different nothing. After all, at least for these past two years, an R voter can tell himself, the 117th Congress valiantly protected us from the Christian pogrom that was otherwise imminent! The way all those pedophile pizza restaurants weren't operational during the Trump administration.
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Here is a link for Gorbles:

Yeah, I'm well aware of the history! However, it seems completely irrelevant to whatever you've been hoodwinked into believing about the Democrats. Or maybe you willingly believe it? It doesn't really matter either way.

It just shows that Sommer's thought exercise is pretty irrelevant when that's the narrative the other party is recruiting on.

There's also the thing that left-of-centre people disappointed in the Dems will still often vote Dem when it actually matters, and it takes a lot of concerted effort by Democrats to really turn anyone off them. But again, that's not a voter problem, that's not a "standards" problem - that's a party problem. And it'll continue to be until people stop making excuses for the Democrats and realise that negative sentiment can be genuine and not some kind of weaponised commie plot to hand Republicans an election.
Oh, I don't think liberals are quite so low as orcs. Be humane Lex.

Oh no, most of you aren't at the level of orcs, you're more like the wild men of Dunland who are amazed when the Rohirrim don't eat them after winning the battle of the Hornburg. E.g.

Surprising I would not vote for those who are designing Christian pogroms?
Here is a link for Gorbles:

From the article:
W. J. Blumenfeld says that Christianity enjoys dominant group privilege in the US and some other Western societies.[348] Christianity is, numerically, the largest religion in the U.S. according to PEW, with 43% of Americans identifying themselves as Protestants and one in five (20%) of Americans identifying themselves as Catholics.[349] It remains the largest religion in the world.[350] Roughly two-thirds of the world's countries have Christian majorities.[351] Due to the large number of Christian majority countries, differing groups of Christians are harassed and persecuted in Christian countries such as Eritrea[352] and Mexico[353] more often than in most Muslim countries, though not in greater numbers.[351]
From the article:
But the ground is being prepared, by Obama, clinging to your Bibles and guns, rebuking the teachings of Paul, by Clinton, deplorables, by Biden, wild claims of Christian nationalism. And the never-ending campaign to disarm Christians. Dehumanization and demonization. Stages leading up to genocide.

Yes, first they get our guns and then our lives. We will fight.

But this is okay. It is all foretold.
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That was in a campaign speech by Obama. He had eight years of his presidency. Biden's had three of his. Nobody has come after one of your damn guns in all that time. The Dems are so utterly inept at "getting your guns" that if I didn't know better, it would seem to me that that don't even want to. You can just relax, Core Imposter.

Here's a chart showing all the guns you've lost since Obama made that comment:


Man, are you a snowflake. Three comments, spread over fifteen years, (one of them not even about Christians but about Trump supporters). The worst that can said about any of them is that they fall something shy of unqualified acclamation. And you feel dehumanized and that a pogrom is right around the corner!
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But the ground is being prepared, by Obama, clinging to your Bibles and guns, rebuking the teachings of Paul, by Clinton, deplorables, by Biden, wild claims of Christian nationalism. And the never-ending campaign to disarm Christians. Dehumanization and demonization. Stages leading up to genocide.

Yes, first they get our guns and then our lives. We will fight.
And yet the Christian Nationalists are the ones saying they are Christian Nationalists. And that they have the right, in their minds given by God, to pogrom the rest of us.

The truth is that the source of the problem is that Christians won't stay in their lane and leave the rest of us alone.
A lot of those extra guns are probably those purchased by the Federal government when they armed the IRS and every other Federal agency. In advance.

but look at the population growth, wonder where are those people are coming from?
When I was born 70% of Americans self-identified as Protestants, 22% as Catholics and 4% Jews. As of 2022 those numbers had changed to 34% Protestants, 23% Catholics, 11% non-specific Christians, 2% Jewish and 2% Mormon. The extermination of Christians has been underway for quite some time, and the country has gone to hell in proportion to the exponential increase of the nones, which currently comprise over a fifth of the population. Sadly, many of those who identify as religious are abandoning their core beliefs. This reflects the great falling away prophesized in the Bible. The MAGA movement is a last reactionary gasp of Evangelical Christianity, perhaps not the very last gasp but we are getting to the end. Trump is a summoned champion who does not even appear to understand the faith and is likely to meet a grisly end. Biden is a mockery of his own declared faith, a Catholic who supports abortion. What is that? These are apt candidates of a country who has come to loath itself. The 2024 election is one that no one can win because we are in our death throes as a country. See to your souls and the souls of your children.

RCP Average2/5 - 3/140.737.912.92.41.7Trump+2.8
This Day In History: March 6, 2020: Biden +5.5 | March 6, 2016: Clinton +4.0

Moderator Action: Warned for trolling. The_J
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But the ground is being prepared, by Obama, clinging to your Bibles and guns, rebuking the teachings of Paul, by Clinton, deplorables, by Biden, wild claims of Christian nationalism. And the never-ending campaign to disarm Christians. Dehumanization and demonization. Stages leading up to genocide.

Yes, first they get our guns and then our lives. We will fight.

But this is okay. It is all foretold.
The extermination of Christians has been underway for quite some time, and the country has gone to hell in proportion to the exponential increase of the nones, which currently comprise over a fifth of the population.

Are they using science or some other similar incomprehensible magicky stuff to do that?
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