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Clown Car IV: The Dotard and Dunce Parade

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You might just, say, quote the actual Constitution if you want to say that something's unconstitutional, and if it's not explicitly but impliedly so you can back it up with sound reasoning and, better still, statutory legislation, court rulings or even obiter dicta.

I am not suggesting that Barry Goldwater was pro fugitive slave act. I am saying that it is completely hypocritical of you to claim to be on the side of the oppressed and then hold up Goldwater's ideals which were, thinly if at all veiled: ‘not allowing us to oppress our Negroes is a curtailment on our freedom’, given that his position was -literally- against the civil rights movement and civil rights legislation.

You are a walking example of Karl Popper's paradox of tolerance.

How do you quote a Constitution that doesn't mention a power authorizing HUD? The Constitution is a grant of certain "enumerated" powers, not a green light for everything not specifically prohibited.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. - 10th Amendment

When did I annoint Goldwater as my prophet? You mentioned my opposition to the Fugitive Slave Act and cited Goldwater as evidence of a contradiction. That means you think Goldwater was in favor of it. That would contradict his states' rights stance on other issues, but if you can quote him I'm curious enough to read his argument. I doubt Goldwater was much of a racist, he seemed quite enlightened on social issues given his Jewish ancestry and libertarian leanings. As for civil rights legislation, I'm sure he supported some and opposed others depending on his understanding of his authority under the Constitution.

I cannot imagine why the Ameican people demanded help from the Federal government, especially since Fords do nothing Libertarian utopia small government was working out so well for everyone
Why dont you also bash the Airforce as unconsitutional then.

Seems to me an airforce is authorized by Congress' power to provide for a military.
Seems to me an airforce is authorized by Congress' power to provide for a military.

So why are you ok for the not literal interpretations of the constitution when it comes to "armies" and the myriad of Federal agencies that it has spawned including launching trade wars for security reasons
But why dose this not extend to "common good" interpenetration of the constitution when it comes to Federal agencies that provided services to the poor and needy ?

Article I, § 8, provides that Congress may “raise and support Armies,” and “provide and maintain a Navy,” and make “Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces
Yeap, I don't see any raising, building, training, etc. for Air Forces, so clearly it's unconstitutional.
I call bull on the entire survey. There's no way in a base of 2290 random NFL fans that you could get a statistically significant sample size of Chargers fans. I'd guess you would need several tens of thousands of random NFL fans just to come up with four or five Chargers fans.

Nah it was done when the Chargers still weren't dead yet. I think. 2016 sample, though the writing would have been on the wall by then.

Never mind it was 2017. Lol maybe they got some bitter San Diegans with fresh wounds.

You're right though there's gonna be teams with sample issues. 41 Jaguars fans will be meaningless, you'd want at least 100 per team. Judging by the listed popular and unpopular teams, the Jags, Titans, Bills data would be especially unreliable, as would Bengals Bucs Browns and Rams


Also judging by that, they certainly got San Diego Chargers fans in there, because they wouldn't have gotten many Los Angeles ppl. I'm now curious how many of the 5.5% who had the Chargers in their 3 least favourite teams were San Diego Chargers fans themselves.
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Nah it was done when the Chargers still weren't dead yet. I think. 2016 sample, though the writing would have been on the wall by then.

Never mind it was 2017. Lol maybe they got some bitter San Diegans with fresh wounds.

You're right though there's gonna be teams with sample issues. 41 Jaguars fans will be meaningless, you'd want at least 100 per team. Judging by the listed popular and unpopular teams, the Jags, Titans, Bills data would be especially unreliable, as would Bengals Bucs Browns and Rams


Also judging by that, they certainly got San Diego Chargers fans in there, because they wouldn't have gotten many Los Angeles ppl. I'm now curious how many of the 5.5% who had the Chargers in their 3 least favourite teams were San Diego Chargers fans themselves.

I am southern Californian born and raised and have lived here most of my life...and to the best of my knowledge no one has ever liked the Chargers.
oh-kay , you people have been avoding the death of the ISIL leader , because it's a major Trump win . It's not , you can also always compare the death of Bin Ladin and its exact analogue 8 years on , because here's some election and Trump does anything better than anyone angle . If this explodes , like accidentally , you know , American Right will be charging you people to be in the pay of America's enemies , 'cause you were not saying stuff on the day when there was no evidence .
I am southern Californian born and raised and have lived here most of my life...and to the best of my knowledge no one has ever liked the Chargers.

Yeah I'd imagine the fandom spread stops dead at about Carlsbad and Santee. Going by Facebook data it's literally just San Diego County where the Chargers are predominant. Absolutely genius strategy to move them north.

The Padres, unsurprisingly, are the same.
Did we already cover how a bunch of Republicans stormed a closed, secure hearing to complain about the impeachment? Or did that get lost in the noise?
oh-kay , you people have been avoding the death of the ISIL leader , because it's a major Trump win . It's not , you can also always compare the death of Bin Ladin and its exact analogue 8 years on , because here's some election and Trump does anything better than anyone angle . If this explodes , like accidentally , you know , American Right will be charging you people to be in the pay of America's enemies , 'cause you were not saying stuff on the day when there was no evidence .
It was discussed in the 2020 election thread. It might have been a win if his press conference where he announced it weren't so ghoulish and self serving.
Did we already cover how a bunch of Republicans stormed a closed, secure hearing to complain about the impeachment? Or did that get lost in the noise?
That was such a sham. There are Republicans on those committees at those hearings. That was a dog and pony show they expected to work specifically because they think their constituents are idiots.
Did we already cover how a bunch of Republicans stormed a closed, secure hearing to complain about the impeachment? Or did that get lost in the noise?

It was noted. I was confused as to why they weren't gunned down by the guards for Violating National Security or whatever
That was such a sham. There are Republicans on those committees at those hearings. That was a dog and pony show they expected to work specifically because they think their constituents are idiots.
And at least one of them has admitted they haven't read any of the relevant testimonies or evidence but of course they still have strong opinions about it.

It was noted. I was confused as to why they weren't gunned down by the guards for Violating National Security or whatever
Crimes are not crimes when committed by the GOP. You know this already. :p


The Director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services admitted to trying to obtain data from the department to track the periods of patients of a Planned Parenthood clinic in an effort to prove abortions are a sham or some other disgusting nonsense. It's unclear if he obtained the data but the department has admitted to keeping an excel sheet tracking that info. I hope everyone involved winds up in prison for HIPAA and invasion of privacy violations.

Yeah, it's not like he can claim that he was unaware that it was a violation.
It is interesting, though, that Trump keeps being a sort of test to access just how polarized the US is. Under something a little closer to non-crazy situations, one would expect Trump to be universally accepted as trash by now, given not only does he not care about maintaining an image of a lawful or respectable president, he clearly does not even have the ability to do that even if he tried.

I am not even sure how people (Trump supporters) see no criminal-level conflict of interest in having the g7 (or is it g8) meeting in one of his own commercial properties, ffs.
It is interesting, though, that Trump keeps being a sort of test to access just how polarized the US is. Under something a little closer to non-crazy situations, one would expect Trump to be universally accepted as trash by now, given not only does he not care about maintaining an image of a lawful or respectable president, he clearly does not even have the ability to do that even if he tried.

I am not even sure how people (Trump supporters) see no criminal-level conflict of interest in having the g7 (or is it g8) meeting in one of his own commercial properties, ffs.

It's a straightforward cult of personality.
That was such a sham. There are Republicans on those committees at those hearings. That was a dog and pony show they expected to work specifically because they think their constituents are idiots.
There are actually 48 republicans on the three committees, which is almost a quarter of all House Republicans
GOP congressman just stormed out/refused to vote on a bill that would provide healthcare coverage for female veterans because the Democrats refused to allow them to debate attaching gun rights riders to the bill.

Trump compromised security by tweeting out classified details of the recent ISIS raid and by tipping off the Russians and Turks on when/where the raid was going to go down.

Yesterday, several GOP congressmen attacked a decorated purple heart veteran of the Iraq war who testified about the Ukraine situation by calling him a Russian spy since his family immigrated from the USSR when he was a child and now he's daring to say he was uncomfortable with what Trump did vis a vis Ukraine. Peak projection. Even Liz Cheney called the attacks sleezy.

Man you just can't make this stuff up.
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Did we already cover how a bunch of Republicans stormed a closed, secure hearing to complain about the impeachment? Or did that get lost in the noise?
Pretty much. That's what happens to everything politically significant nowadays... Trump gets booed at a baseball game and that steamrolls coverage of everything else.
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