im constantly refered to as "that silly 3rd grade moron".
im also 35
id go with the rough (age/2) + 7 rule.
presuming youre
16 = datee is 15, ok
20 = datee is 17, still ok
25 = 19-20 still fair game
30 = datee is 22, this is where the age gap begins to rear its ugly head.
35 = datee is 25. thats me. thats also my bottom limit, for various reasons (one would be the relative agility of 25 yr olds, the other would be their relative immaturity)
at my age, im looking for older women, lets say in the 28-32 range.
my mental age however is not quite conducive for it.
for some reason i keep finding myself either with 23 yr olds or 30 year olds with the emotional skills of kindergarten