Fair age gap


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Feb 1, 2003
What is a fair age gap in emotional relationships?

Is a relationship between a 55 year old and 65 year old ok? How about 18 and 28? Do you think its best to use a percentage rule, or no rule at all?
There is a standard creepiness rule...don't date below (age/2) + 7.

It's explained here.

There's roughly a 13-year gap between my wife (50) and I (38), and we don't have any trouble with relative youth. I think it's probably more of a relative percentage thing, that an age gap of more than 20% of the older person's age can start being rough but that it very much depends on the relative maturity of the younger person - particularly at that 18-21 range where one person may still be getting traction on life and the other person may be hip-deep in the reality of faded youth.
There is a standard creepiness rule...don't date below (age/2) + 7.

It's explained here.


So a 10 year old can only date 12 year olds? :)
So a 10 year old can only date 12 year olds?
It provides for a minimum age of consent of 14.
Oh, it has a precedence in law :)
You just need to find someone your level of maturity.

But just the other day my friend's little sister (age 15) called me immature. So not really sure where that leaves me other then finding chicks just as immature as I am.

But really, as long as both people are above the age of consent, you shouldn't be worrying what other people are thinking.
im constantly refered to as "that silly 3rd grade moron".
im also 35 :D

id go with the rough (age/2) + 7 rule.
presuming youre
16 = datee is 15, ok
20 = datee is 17, still ok
25 = 19-20 still fair game
30 = datee is 22, this is where the age gap begins to rear its ugly head.
35 = datee is 25. thats me. thats also my bottom limit, for various reasons (one would be the relative agility of 25 yr olds, the other would be their relative immaturity)

at my age, im looking for older women, lets say in the 28-32 range.

my mental age however is not quite conducive for it.
for some reason i keep finding myself either with 23 yr olds or 30 year olds with the emotional skills of kindergarten :(
You should be in the same portion of your life path. Starting college, finishing college, finishing grade school, recently careered, etc.

Unless you get a sugar-daddy.
...avoid age gaps where possible, I think its just naturally easier and lets you grow up/grow old together... for me personally the real issue with a major age gap is the fear of the other suffering the ugly side of old age while you're totally compus mentis... I wouldn't want to watch my partner go through dementia and know I still had 10-20 years on the clock =/
...avoid age gaps where possible, I think its just naturally easier and lets you grow up/grow old together... for me personally the real issue with a major age gap is the fear of the other suffering the ugly side of old age while you're totally compus mentis... I wouldn't want to watch my partner go through dementia and know I still had 10-20 years on the clock =/
arent you a tad young for that?
cheer up. relax in the thought that we shall all meet a grizzly, horrifically slow death, at the most unwanted time.
Except the ones that get eaten by sharks. They're the lucky ones. They go quickly.
forgot about sharks.
now what am i to do with my new sea-swim addiction? :D
**finishing up the nice chianti i opened earlier, don my trunks, walk out and swim....:woohoo:
*** i know, same as dont drink and drive...
Who invented the age/2+7 thing anyway? And how did he come up with such a BRILLIANT rule?

Oh, and uhh, let the market decide.
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