[R&F] First Look: Georgia

I'm guessing the GAs are stronger than we think

I hope so. Not sure how this is going to work. GA for so far i have seen do have bonusses regarding to faith so it could potentially get crazy good. I do know firaxis will balance weaker civs at some point. So we will see how this plays out in the future.
Will play with Georgia at some point but it wont be the top half of new civs. (not because of regarding strenght of civ but more by appeal of unique traiths)
This is extraordinary. We must be careful what we meme for now... It may become reality :)

So how soon there will be a Civet luxury resource, giving extra amenities? :D
Firaxis is not tanwashing civilizations (if that's the concern of some of you)...You can clearly see in the video that all her units are of the european ethnic variation...:gripe:
I don't think anyone even brought up the units until now, though? People criticizing Tamar are mostly only interested in Tamar herself, and even then, the only person in this thread who has used that term is on your side.

I'm not sure why you're being so defensive.
Going by what happened with Korea, her in-game model mightn't be final.

We just need to make a Seondeok-style thread / subreddit

"What if Tamar looks more Caucasian"

perhaps they'll make her less of Pakistani and more of Georgian
I'm just going to keep this as a little memento form the night

Spoiler :
The ability is so weird, I might be wrong but is this the only Civ that would have zero unique anything active in the ancient era ? As in, you won’t be in golden age until at least classical, and you don’t really get any bonus points for golden age. Suzerain is hard to achieved in the beginning, even protectorate CB comes earlier, it will be so hard to trigger. So it just became yet another civ that needs religion but doesn’t have bonus in getting one (i guess extra gold age dedicating is one bonus but as i said earlier she doesn’t really have bonus in getting a gold age). And renaissance wall is a joke, no ? How should one play this civ ? Baffling ...

Georgia definitely lacks early game bonuses- the earliest the civ benefit can provide you a bonus is if it enables you to earn a medieval golden era after a classical one. They aren't exactly unique in this, though. France for instance, gets nothing but their diplomatic access bonus until the midgame, and Spain and England only get early game bonuses if they're lucky enough to start near a continent border.

I just thinked about something : with her bonuses, Tamar would not be able (or with great difficulty) to go from a golden age to a dark age. Only option, maybe, would be to go from NA to DA.
So it would be difficult for Tamar to go for heroic ages, wouldn't it? I mean, the only thing they said to justify the Dark Age mechanic was to be able to go to Heroic Ages, but it appears that it would be something really difficult for Tamar (well, more difficult than for other civs).

And I was expecting something different for the Ages mechanics. Don't get me wrong, it really good, I guess, but the the "very interesting way" the devs talked about...

Going from a golden age to a dark age won't be impossible as Georgia), it will be more or less the same as going from a normal age to a dark age (their extra dedication bonus in a golden age is equivalent to the one anyone else receives in a normal or dark age).
I am intrigued by the possibility of heroic ages for Georgia. If they receive both bonuses for all three dedications, they seem almost guaranteed to follow a heroic age with a second golden age.
So, it appears she is not the blurry portrait from the livestream.
I think some of you must play a different game than I do. Ignores hill movement penalties, get bonuses to combat on hills, has bonus faith. This civ screams "theocracy conquest is fun" to me.
It won't necessarily be any harder to earn a Dark Age if you wanted to as Tamar.

Here are two ways how:
First, as people have mentioned, she has no bonus to help get into a Golden Age at the start. You could start off the game and go from Normal->Dark->Heroic->Golden...

Second, in a Golden Age she will select one Dedication: that Dedication gives her both the Golden Age bonus and the Normal Age Era Score boosters for that dedication. Again, if for some reason you wanted to go Normal->Golden->Dark->Heroic the key would be to pick a Golden Age Dedication where you don't actually plan on using the Normal Age Era Score boosters.

For example from the Video, the Monumentality Golden Age bonus is all about Builders and Settlers, while the Normal Age boost is Era Score reward for building Districts. They are both bonuses for peaceful play, but you could easily benefit from the GA bonus and still make sure to avoid the NA bonus if you wanted to. Hic Sunt Dracones is similar, where you could use the GA bonus and mostly avoid the NA Era Score boost.
Tamar looks really cool! but she doesn't really match any of the artwork I've seen for her

Her unique abilities are all kind of underwhelming aside from the golden age boost... Her walls require all walls build beforehand. I've never declared a protectorate war in all my games... Swordsman is alright.
Civ ability is very situational. You have to find an enemy civ attacking your suzerain city state to get the bonus.

Yes, it makes me think the UA must be very strong if everything else is lackluster by comparison.
She looks darker than I expected but still awesome.

Like others I'm a bit underwhelmed by the uniques. I thought the leader who interacts with the golden age mechanics would have a bit more to offer on that score. I get that they wanted her to be an all-rounder but unless the GA thing is crazy powerful she seems a bit underwhelming. But still, the Queen of Meme is a reality! It's going to be great to have her in the game.

I still feel like we are missing a cultural powerhouse Civ this expansion. Inca and/or Italy, perhaps?
My first thoughts gameplay wise is that she will be a slightly better version of what Spain should have been. I think a good combination of domination and religion victory would make the most sense with her. Turtling/Defensive games for a non-aggressive culture victory might be pretty good with the stronger walls, but you still need to be aggressive enough to plop almost 6-10 cities early, and use those walls to keep civs like Sumeria off you.

Overall this civ is probably T4 or T3 at best, only because of the strong early warrior could be a nice boost in a mid to late classical war on a neighbor.
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