General Politics Three: But what is left/right?

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I did watch the interview. That's not what replacement theory is. That's American politics since we were first formed. Calling it that is doublespeak. Well, I guess that's the machine apparatus at work.
Given the interviews that are being held up, I've gotta say, I simply don't believe this evidence. I'm being lied to by somebody, and that somebody assumes I'm ignorant of Bleeding Kansas, Ellis Island, Tammany Hall, and everything both before and after. Maybe a safe bet in general.
You're referring to real-life events (and no doubt your own politics play a part, just as mine would if I were talking about immigration itself, but that's not what I'm here for).

The "great replacement" thing is ideology. It's more fluid than concrete instances of happenstance wrt. slavery, immigration or the like.
So. In those terms, it's a boogeyman to call people white supremacists.

That I am not surprised by. Extraordinarily disappointed. But not really surprised.
I think that's what I said right at the beginning. The machine is at work, preying on the ignorant. Then you circled back to justify the boogeyman. I guess if it's intentional and not ignorant, then it's the doublespeak instead.

I'm massively pro immigration(at least compared to our 'sanctuaries'), so that isn't going to land square on me at all, except for the ignorant, again.
Don't buy this. Aren't the Kardashians more of a women thing? The only people I've read talking about them are women
Don't buy what? Did you watch the video? It's funny...

In any case, I think the Kardashians are an everyone kind of thing, at least in Murica. Sure they might have more female fans, but they are celebrities/household names to pretty much everybody.
Then you circled back to justify the boogeyman.
A real thing people believe in is a boogeyman? That I'm justifying?

I'm probably missing something, but whatever. If that's what you want to go for, go for it.
If it has no boundaries and isn't connected to anything real, which is your argument not mine, then yes. If it's what I think it is, Musk isn't doing anything of the sort and this is the machine's lies(contingent on ignorance, bigotry, or both(pretty safe political bets)). It's relatively straightforward for a soft science.
Posts on the Internet are similarly fluid, and yet they describe real peoples' real opinions. People can hide behind them, people can pretend what they do or don't mean by them, but they're still real. I get that people have a dim view of social media, and there are many good (and some bad) reasons for that kind of position, but still.

Maybe you're splitting hairs over "real" as in "not a real problem"? In that no, it isn't, it's made-up. Fabricated. But it's real in that people believe in it, and use their believe in it to justify their hatred. Who knows. It's never your argument, and I don't care enough to continue. Too many possible interpretations and never enough clarity. If you want both sides to be bad, or if this is because of the machine machining its machinations, you feel free have that opinion. Nothing I say's going to change it.
But it's real in that people believe in it
The racist theory is indeed one thing. Political motivations in practice for over 200 years continuously are a different thing. I provided three venerable examples. One even directly linked to owning people over the gonad squeezings they came from.

Pretending they're the same thing is Orwellian.
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The racist theory is indeed one thing. Political motivations in practice for over 200 years continuously are a different thing. I provided three venerable examples. One even directly linked to owning people over the gonad squeezings they came from.

Pretending they're the same thing is Orwellian.

The point is that there's really no reason to assume immigrants will vote for one party or the other. Both parties have an equal opportunity to make their case to voters. It takes a long time to become a naturalized US citizen. Far long enough to size up the parties and make a choice.
They are apportioned equal "representation" without any right to vote, silly goose. Like win/win/win/win. Especially if racist volunteer emergency service personnel who just happen to be rubes deal with intake. And more racists wind up illegally employing them without the right to work. Like proper horrible people. Now pack my meat and door dash it to me. I'm peckish. Don't want to pay too much to reshingle my townhome, either. Also, we'll need some ornamental grasses to keep up the value on the sprawling corporate lawns. Don't worry, the kindly government will have some additional snap to make up the shortfalls in compensation. Try not to get it stolen, there isn't much of a security apparatus to make that right.
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They are apportioned equal "representation" without any right to vote, silly goose. Like win/win/win/win. Especially if racist volunteer emergency service personnel who just happen to be rubes deal with intake. And more racists wind up illegally employing them without the right to work. Like proper horrible people. Now pack my meat and door dash it to me. I'm peckish. Don't want to pay too much to reshingle my townhome, either. Also, we'll need some ornamental grasses to keep up the value on the sprawling corporate lawns. Don't worry, the kindly government will have some additional snap to make up the shortfalls in compensation. Try not to get it stolen, there isn't much of a security apparatus to make that right.

So no immigrant labor has ever worked in rural places like, you know, farms....
Where do you think they pack the meat? Where would they be most scared to answer the census? But that would misunderstand and oversimplify the dynamics of intrastate politics where they tend to live, and more particularly, where government services are made available once enacted. So sort of where they have to live, since, well. Lol, you get it. It's not like they're the right sort of person. But they are useful. So long as they aren't too underfoot in the gleaming beacons. That starts costing money.
The biggest US census omission rates appear to have been Arkansas, Tennesse and Mississippi, along with Florida, Illinois and Texas also having undercounts. So if you're looking for people not being captured in the census, you'd start there. and if you are looking for the highest rate of double-counting, apparently it's Hawaii? That said, the fact that the US census does have a proper post enumeration survey presumably means the figures get adjusted accordingly, in which case it doesn't really matter to the overall estimates.

The biggest US census omission rates appear to have been Arkansas, Tennesse and Mississippi, along with Florida, Illinois and Texas also having undercounts. So if you're looking for people not being captured in the census, you'd start there. and if you are looking for the highest rate of double-counting, apparently it's Hawaii? That said, the fact that the US census does have a proper post enumeration survey presumably means the figures get adjusted accordingly, in which case it doesn't really matter to the overall estimates.

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Intra state dynamics.

Services, state reps, you know, boring crap for the presidential watchers. But definitely the most mutable lines, so the realm of the machines.
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