• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Generic Vacation Thread

Just got back from a spur of the moment weekend trip, but working double shifts a lot this week so I won't be on much.
I will be out of town/very busy this weekend and first half of the following week. Will be in Kambja (outside Tartu) and after that, will be doing extensive work dealing with families in the exchange program I am in. Guaranteed won't be active this weekend...next week is iffy.
Peepz and peepette(z), I'm here to officialize my prior spelunking-induced sabbatical from NESing and announce my logging back in to the great NESing forum.

I'll be back to NERFSNES maybe after I've secured my academic flanks, i.e. keeping my fellow-countryman-sweat-blood-and-toil-funded scholarship.

Note that all input after the last deadline will not be used for Update 3, which has been metaphorically gathering dust in my hard-drive and flash-drives since I started (and stopped) working on it a few months ago. I was and am personally unsatisfied with the shoddy work I've done on it and the other updates, and vow to be as prepared as possible before trying to rectify.

As for playing I'm going to join a new NES while forgetting all about my previous NES commitments because that's just the kind of hobby-shirker I am.
I should've posted this a long time ago:

I will never be able to access forums during school days, including every other Saturday. Clarifications can be found by searching OSSM on wikipedia.
I am back from my trip to France!
I will be out of town for this weekend, am unsure if I will have any internet connection. Probably not.
I'm going to be kinda-sorta inactive tonight and tomorrow. Not a real vacation or long absence, but I want people to know that I'll be fairly busy and not giving them the cold shoulder.
My computers is acting all messed up, so I'll have rather random amounts of time to come here. Hopefully I can get everything fixed up. Maybe when I get back on some of you guys will have updated. ;)
I am currently suffering from a viral infection.(been to doctors to confirm this) I have not eaten or slept for days. Viral infections do not usually last long however, so hopefully will be back with you within days.
I am currently suffering from a viral infection.(been to doctors to confirm this) I have not eaten or slept for days. Viral infections do not usually last long however, so hopefully will be back with you within days.

So noted Abaddon, get your orders in when you can.
I am going on a German exchange for a week. Wish me luck as my German is poor. Very poor.
You Better Watch out...
You better behave
You better not shout
I'll tel'n you why

Moma is cuting computer time...

I only have an hour a day to do HOMEWORK AND THIS! The outrage!
Expect increasingly less participation for these weeks, but I will send orders. If I dont' feel free to count that as an excused absence!
Oh, i'm not ill anymore :D
Leaving for vacation in 12 hours, will try to get orders in before I leave. Be back on Sunday.
Liz is visiting me, i'll be busy til sunday. Peace out.
Looks like I will be away from monday morning to friday evening.
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