[RD] George Floyd and protesting while black

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So there have been a lot of rumours being thrown around about the more violent acts of protest actually being instigated by police, or police supporters.

And now we have this (swearing in Tweet, if you dislike that kind of thing). There's a Tweet preceding it with more context.
So there have been a lot of rumours being thrown around about the more violent acts of protest actually being instigated by police, or police supporters.

And now we have this (swearing in Tweet, if you dislike that kind of thing). There's a Tweet preceding it with more context.

We've always known the police are instigators, at this point only those blinded by ideology refuse to see
The burned businesses in the city should sue the police for causing their destruction

I mean the police literally caused this, both by their instigations and by the original murder.

They won't be held to account though, unfortunately, Chauvin wasn't

No amount of "good cops" changes the fact that the bad cops are routinely allowed to destroy other peoples lives, with little to no consequence on their part, little to no accountability being followed and little to no punishment being given.

Chauvin is scum, to be sure and he deserves punishment, but he isn't an outlier or a single individual to pointed at and punished, he is merely normal within his institution.
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Remember that time Justine Damond, a white woman, was shot to death by a black cop and the cop was pretty much shunted off to jail? Contrast that with the cases of a white cop killing a black man and just see how the killers were treated after, either being let go or in some cases kept on with full pay. Enlightening stuff.
Weak stuff, even from you.
Imagine if there was ever even an attempt at a counterargument, or evidence to the contrary of (all) the evidence posted in this thread. Instead it's just tedious semantics and attempt at a gotcha based on singular, mostly-historical examples.
So there have been a lot of rumours being thrown around about the more violent acts of protest actually being instigated by police, or police supporters.

And now we have this (swearing in Tweet, if you dislike that kind of thing). There's a Tweet preceding it with more context.
I was going to say that "thugs" is the correct description of people thrashing and looting their own neighborhood as a form of "protest"... and I'm sticking to it.
Except the thug is a cop.
Would have expected this level of **** from Putin's Russia.
Cops just arrested a CNN reporter and crew live on air

Start showing their true face I see, I think this thing can lead to something bigger, and I do really hope so, because for the brighter (world) future daring and fundamental changed is needed, and no one can force the materialization of that except people, especially when they move together asking for one thing: to restructure the police force.
The burned businesses in the city should sue the police for causing their destruction
Why? It was the bums that burned it down. Sue them and take the damages out of their welfare checks.

Moderator Action: That's enough of that. --LM
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Is looter/arsonist a race?

Burn a store, go to jail. Loot a store, go to jail. Easy math.

Did you say looter/arsonist?

Your first and so far only posts in this thread have been addressing this topic. Nothing about George Floyd. Guess I can drop this guilt-free since I checked my target.

Did you say looter/arsonist?
No, I said bums. Because they’re bums.

Your first and so far only posts in this thread have been addressing this topic. Nothing about George Floyd. Guess I can drop this guilt-free since I checked my target.
My thoughts on the matter are: the officer in question should be placed on leave until an investigation can determine whether or not a crime has been committed. If a crime has been committed, they should be prosecuted as prescribed by law. Seems like an easy case with this video evidence, and that Floyd appeared to present no threat to the police or resisted arrest.

Additionally, something should be done about the nature of excessive force used by the police in Minneapolis and if there is some conscious discrimination problem, dealt with. How that would be done, honestly, I don’t know. There are countless people more informed than I on the matter.

And under normal circumstances, I fully support the right of people to peaceably assemble and protest. But right now, the coronavirus still is a big enough problem to where people with sense ought to stay inside and conduct their protest by calling city offices or petitioning the government by mail.
If you killed someone Monday, in broad daylight, on video, with a crowd of eyewitnesses, would you be walking around free on Friday?

They already concluded he ***** up - he's been fired. And not just him, every officer on scene. They know what's up. If he had been locked up Tuesday or Wednesday I'd put good odds they wouldn't be deploying National Guard.
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