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Guns, Guns, and more Guns.

funny lol! no one hear owns any firearms?? i cant be the only one, dose any one atleast rent one at the range?
We already have a gun thread.

I own one firearm, it's all I need. Actually I have 2 guns, but the other isn't a firearm. ;)
Why would I waste my money on something I'm never going to use?
i do use them at the gun range. i have fun with it and its all around manly.
jk on the last thing but thats a silly question, like asking why dose some one spend good money on stupid rims for the car.
i think its a total waste of money but if that makes you happy then do it!
To each his own!
To answer the question, I don't have any firearms, but I do own a very impressive set of textbooks that will hurt if I throw them at you and a very nice and hard walking stick I won that will cause you to black out if it lands anywhere near your skull.
Why would I waste my money on something I'm never going to use?

You may only need it once, but that one time you use it, the price you paid will be well worth you living another day.

It's foolish to rely on the government to protect you. That's what people did on 9/11, and look what that got them.
Why would I waste my money on something I'm never going to use?

I've heard people say that about various forms of insurance, too.
You may only need it once, but that one time you use it, the price you paid will be well worth you living another day.

It's foolish to rely on the government to protect you. That's what people did on 9/11, and look what that got them.

Cause if everyone in the twin towers had guns, they'd have been fine?

I could link the countless studies demonstrate that, for example, those owning a gun are more likely to be killed by a firearm. Or the countless studies that demonstrate similar things. But I won't. Cause I know that you guys already know that.
You may only need it once, but that one time you use it, the price you paid will be well worth you living another day.

It's foolish to rely on the government to protect you. That's what people did on 9/11, and look what that got them.

If I were in a situation in which I was threatened to the point in which I would need a gun, taking out a gun would most likely get me shot.

I've heard people say that about various forms of insurance, too.

I wouldn't consider a gun nearly as important as insurance.

Though, in response to vietcong, I understand that it is a hobby. My response was more or less aimed at why I don't have a gun.
Guns should be used as toys, not weapons.

Heh! That reminds of an old usenet/mail sig I used to use (with permission) that was on the website of the UK parody site "Gun Control Network".

We believe...That the "Reasonable" uses for guns are hunting and target
shooting, but not self-defense. In other words, it's acceptable to use
them as toys but not as lifesaving devices.
http://www.guncontrolnetwork.org/ - "Rogering you for a safer tomorrow"

Some others...
We believe...That gun control works, which is why there are no illegal
weapons in Northern Ireland or Beirut.
http://www.guncontrolnetwork.org/ - "Rogering you for a safer tomorrow"

We believe...That a gun is a symbolic penis...What this has to do with
defending one's life I have no idea. It simply serves to prove that
anti-defense shrinks have Freudian issues that THEY need to address.
http://www.guncontrolnetwork.org/ - "Rogering you for a safer tomorrow"

We believe...That car keys, umbrellas and hairspray are good tools for
self-defense, despite the fact that police continue to carry guns.
http://www.guncontrolnetwork.org/ - "Rogering you for a safer tomorrow"

More at... http://www.guncontrolnetwork.org/credo.htm

Not right now.
I own a Springfield 1911 A1 and I used to own a colt AR-15 but I sold it. I will be buying a variety of weapons soon enough. For starters a shotgun and another AR.

See, the movie Hot Fuzz totally warped my idea of guns in the UK, do people have 'em or not?

"Everyone and their mums is packin' round here!"

My dad used to hunt annually in Idaho, but with school and sports my brothers and I never got the opportunity to go with him. Despite this, he owns a safe full of rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Most of them are family heirlooms and have simply been passed down from either my grandfather or ggrandfather.

I've never had a need for one, but I don't doubt that my brothers and I will probably inherit them at some point.
1 nationalist chinese mauser, basicly a copy of the german kar 98 k. dont know the year of production.

Do you mind letting us know how much you got it for ?
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