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Have you ever been on a blind date? Would you go?

Never been on a blind date and I don't think I would go on one if I were still single. Maybe it's just the stigma attached to it, but the idea of a blind date automatically makes me think there is something fundamentally wrong with the person you are being set up with that makes it near impossible for them to date people the "normal" way. That sends up a bunch of red flags that said person might not be good for a relationship and you should steer clear of them at all costs.
I went on a blind date once, maybe 25 years ago. It wasn't good or bad. It was fine. She was nice, but we had bupkes in common. I don't even remember her name now. I suppose I would do it again, why not, but then again, maybe it's telling that I haven't?
Nobody knows me well enough for there to be any scenario where this ends well, unless it's by pure chance. It would be difficult to convince me to go on one, anyways. I don't really like the idea of dating an unknown; as a teenager I had no standards, and as a young adult I possess(ed) simply too much desperation to make good choices, so blind dating just seems an encapsulation of both shortcomings.

Maybe if I were more sociable and capable, I'd do it for the fun of it, but I doubt I'd ever agree with the genuine hope that it results in romance.
You need to define blind date. Have you:
1. Never seen or talked to the person
2. Talked to (phone or text/online) but never seen
3. Seen a pic but never talked to (tinder?)
4. Seen pics and talked to (match?)

So I have done probably one or two double date kind of things like 1. in high school where a buddy has a date and says hey come to this football game or party or whatever and meet her friend, but nothing really serious.

I have done a lot of number 4 cus I was doing the online dating thing for a while, way before tinder and insta date stuff, like 2007-2009. I was on match.com mostly, I probably met and went on a dozen or so dates, but only two girls did I have more than one date with. Most were just a lack of chemistry/attraction that you can only tell in person.

One girl I ended up going on probably 10 dates over a month period but things got really weird when I tried to kiss her. I found out she was a virgin which was fine, but she was really skittish about any physical contact. We were both 21 or 22 but it felt like we were on chaperoned dates in middle school. I didn't want to deal with that so I kinda stopped talking to her as much and she also withdrew, I think she just kinda realized she didn't want our relationship to go any further, I think she wanted to be in the friend zone or something. It was really weird but just naturally dissapated without any drama.

The other girl I went on multiple dates with is my wife! Yes we met on match.com. We chatted online for probably a week and then decided to meet at buffalo wild wings. We hit it off right away, she was so cute and funny, and I canceled my match account a week later.

I was out at the bars in our...entertainment district or whatever you'd call the spot with a concentration of bars and clubs. This bachelorette party approached me for some scavenger hunt thing they were doing. Can't remember what I gave them.

I wound up hanging out with them the last couple hours of the night. One of the girls said she was married but that I was fun to hang out with so she took my number and told me she wanted me to meet her friend. I figured "what the hell, why not?"

She surprisingly turned out to be attractive and fun to be around. She was a retail manager so she worked pretty long hours and didn't get out much, I guess. We went on a couple dates and talked on the phone quite a bit. It turned out to be pretty good.

Unfortunately we lived about 2hrs apart and she did have this quirk of ghosting for days then out of the blue calling me up. I ended up meeting someone else during a week and a half of not hearing from her. I thought she was done with me anyway. Then out of the blue she calls me while I was on a date with the other girl. I decided I didn't want the trouble of juggling multiple girls and said "this isnt going anywhere right?" She said "yeah" and that was it.

Kind of bummed me out. I actually did like her.
Never been. But say if I still on a search, I would not do that. I'm someone who hard to chose for something like that, it requires me lots of examining before I decide to be in relationship, but when I chose, I cannot think anyone else.
Twice I met someone I had no idea what they looked like, but had chatted with them on the internet. Met for an hour or so. Didn't turn out so well, but not a complete disaster.

Another time some friends really tried to set me up with their friend at this bar, not really a date, but a spur of the moment, "hey I think this person would be a match for you". Talked for awhile, both of us came away thinking the other was thinking too highly of themselves. We didn't say that to each other, but was relayed to the mutual friends afterwards.
My wife I met on internet, but we had already exchanged photos and talked several months before meeting in person. Married 10 years.
Had a friend who went on internet date, without knowing what she looked like. This was late 90s/early 2000s. She was twice his size (and he wasn't a small guy), and had a mustache.
Never been on one

Would 100% go, downside is an awkward evening, upside is sex, romance, maybe a life together. Seems like a no brainer
Never have and never will, not necessarily by choice but the internet and phone cameras have kind of ended the entire concept.
I never had a blind date

The closest to it was with a WorldFeud contact with "Hey... why don't we meet ?"
But that was after having a lot of fun with chats in the chatbox during playing. Does not count.
And no... nothing came out of that one.

Compared to app dating blind dating feels at first for me a bit odd...
But at least you get that other person directly without all the impressions in traditional dating apps build up from electrons, pixels and far away "would be".
Nothing wrong with meeting other people... and without any expectations other than the "maybe" :)

And on that "blind", being in the dark...

Agnetha, ABBA, her song The Day Before You Came... IIRC she did sing that in a darkened studio

I promised that I would share a story, and here it is:

My friends had decided that I should meet someone years ago, and one of them was put in charge of fixing me up with a friend of theirs. Anyway, I was supposed to meet "Bobbie" at a pub. I went along with it, thinking maybe she might be nice and worth a few dates. Turns out "Bobbie" was not Roberta, but Robert. He had my picture and I got to the pub looking for a woman wearing blue when I heard "Over here." I was a little taken aback, he was wearing blue, but he was totally the wrong demographic. I stayed for a drink and explained the discrepancy. He was very nice about it, and very gracious, so we decided to have some dinner anyway. We both had a good time and he's still a friend to this day.

The friend that set us up got a royal work over by myself and my friends. She didn't show her face for a while. Her idea was to "help me go straight."

The second blind date I went on was when I met my wife, so that one worked out very well.

Would I go again? I suppose. The worst that can happen is a bad evening.
Bobbie sounds like a champ. The friend who set you up sounds like a total loser. Not only was it offensive she did that, but it was also potentially incredibly dangerous. Lots of women put in similar situations end up getting assaulted by their would-be dates.
Bobbie sounds like a champ. The friend who set you up sounds like a total loser. Not only was it offensive she did that, but it was also potentially incredibly dangerous. Lots of women put in similar situations end up getting assaulted by their would-be dates.
Yeah, our little group was not impressed with her. She doesn't hang around with us anymore. I haven't seen her in a long time. Probably just as well if she can't respect my lifestyle.
Well, she must have thought he was a hell of a guy, and since he handled it well and is still your friend at least she got that part right.

Not defending what she did, but wouldn't hold a grudge.
Never been on a blind date and I don't think I would go on one if I were still single. Maybe it's just the stigma attached to it, but the idea of a blind date automatically makes me think there is something fundamentally wrong with the person you are being set up with that makes it near impossible for them to date people the "normal" way. That sends up a bunch of red flags that said person might not be good for a relationship and you should steer clear of them at all costs.

Blind dating is just another way to try to meet someone you're compatible with, I don't know why you'd think it's not normal.

What's "normal", anyway?
Well, she must have thought he was a hell of a guy, and since he handled it well and is still your friend at least she got that part right.

Not defending what she did, but wouldn't hold a grudge.
Nah, I'm not holding a grudge. It is what it is. She did something stupid, and I wound up with a great friend because of it. What made us mad at her was her motives.
Currently "normal" seems to be that people are very afraid of everything?

Well, dating is scary, for both genders. As a man, tradtionally we have to read the mind of our potential mate and figure out what she's feeling, what she wants to eat, and not so much read into her words but try to read what's not being said in between those words. We have to read the situation and context and know whether to open doors for her or not, we have to anticipate the correct level of gender roles on display during the courtship stage, and in the end we have to admit that it's very possible that we are just not compatible and that this whole thing is an exercise in futility.

A woman on the other hand has to consider that at some point during the date she might end up dead.

So both parties go into this thing a bit weary and suspicious of each other. I suspect that's why a lot of people just prefer drinking a lot of alcohol first and just grinding up against random potential mates on a dancefloor at a club, or using online dating apps and putting their genitals on display ahead of time as a time-saving measure
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