Hoop Thrower's Tehuelche - Maria the Elder for VP


May 31, 2015

Direct Download


Patagonian Giants
Before Circumnavigation of the world, :tourism: Tourism output produces :c5happy: Happiness and :c5science: Science after. With Modern Era, :tourism: Tourism becomes only a :c5gold: Gold source (All Bonus cap with Pop).


Aukenk (Slinger)
  • Promotion Shome (Bolas): It reduces the :c5moves: Movement of its target by 2 if it's a non-motorized land unit for one turn (minimum move of 1) and gains +15% :c5rangedstrength: : Ranged Combat Strength when attacking Units in Open Terrain.


Art by DJSHenninger

Unlocked at Trapping
  • Can be built on all terrains, on Pasture and on Camp Resources. Cannot have another Aiken in an adjacent tile
  • +2 :c5food: Food and +1 :tourism: Tourism
  • +1 of a random Yield for each Era passed since constructed
  • Have all the improvement bonus of Camps and Pastures
Spoiler 4UC Compatibility: :


  • Can only be built after the Circumnavigation of the world
  • A Horse Resource appears near the City
  • :c5culture: Culture costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city
  • Allows :c5food: Food and:c5production: Production to be moved from this city along :trade: trade routes inside your civilization
  • :trade: Land Trade Routes gain +50% Range
  • Nearby Horses: +2 :c5food: Food, +2 :c5production: Production, +2 :c5culture: Culture, +1 :tourism: Tourism
  • All other Camp and Pasture Resources : +2 :c5food: Food, +2 :c5production: Production

  • +2 :c5strength: Combat Strength
  • Promotion Tehuelche: +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength and +10 HP on Heal in Friendly territory
  • Promotion Ieunsh: (Challenge) Unit gains :c5culture: Culture by defending, the quantity depends on the damage suffered.

  • DMS: Code
  • Hoop_Thrower, |dvh|: Design
  • DMS, DarthKyofu: Art
  • Gwennog: VP compatibility changes, Art for Uorkenk
  • DMS, JFD, Adan_eslavo: lua inspiration and source
  • Asterix Rage: All Uniques Promotions Icons, promotion suggestion
  • Danrell: Unit model for Waike (Huampelen from Araucanía and Patagonia (Orélie I))
  • Leugi: Unit skin for Waike (Huampelen from Araucanía and Patagonia (Orélie I))
Music Credits:
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This looks cool. however, I can not seem to get this mod recognized. I thought that it might be due to a seriously long set of paths, caused by the folder name. Is anyone else having issues getting this to be recognized? The Cajuns are fine for me.
This looks cool. however, I can not seem to get this mod recognized. I thought that it might be due to a seriously long set of paths, caused by the folder name. Is anyone else having issues getting this to be recognized? The Cajuns are fine for me.

If I can help ?
Do you use other mods ?
Yes. I have a bunch of 3/4UC Civs and some utilites. I have everything working together. My issue is that the Hoop Thrower Mod is not recognized by Civ during MOD choices. It is not even listed.
I just remembered to look at the modding.log and found this:
[797489.984] ERR: columns ModID, Version, Path are not unique
[797489.984] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ModFiles(ModID, Version, Path, md5, EvaluatedPath, Import) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
I thought that the Cajuns and Hoop Thrower may be sharing a ModID, but they are not the same. I am searching to see if the ModID for Hoop Thrower is in a reference in another file in my MODS folder somewhere. Other than that, I am not sure what is going on with Civ not seeing Hoop Thrower, but seeing all of my other Civs in the folder just fine.
Yes. I have a bunch of 3/4UC Civs and some utilites. I have everything working together. My issue is that the Hoop Thrower Mod is not recognized by Civ during MOD choices. It is not even listed.
I just remembered to look at the modding.log and found this:
[797489.984] ERR: columns ModID, Version, Path are not unique
[797489.984] While executing - 'INSERT INTO ModFiles(ModID, Version, Path, md5, EvaluatedPath, Import) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
I thought that the Cajuns and Hoop Thrower may be sharing a ModID, but they are not the same. I am searching to see if the ModID for Hoop Thrower is in a reference in another file in my MODS folder somewhere. Other than that, I am not sure what is going on with Civ not seeing Hoop Thrower, but seeing all of my other Civs in the folder just fine.

I have it fixed. I deleted the .0 after v2 in the folder and .modinfo name and now it shows up.
Add 3UC and 4UC for VP compatibility
Change part of the UA to work with this version
Correction of some bugs
  • Changing era gave twice the bonus on Aiken
  • In some cases, error of message on the loss of movement of the units affected by the bolas
Change some names to transcribe them in tehuelche Aónikenk
When a Waike spends a turn on an Aiken, it produces a boost of :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production for the nearest city as well as a boost of :c5culture: Culture, :c5gold: Gold, :c5science: Science, :c5faith: Faith and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points for its civilization. Promotion is lost after that and with upgrade
Does AI 'know' that?
Does AI 'know' that?
I must admit that no, but by playing several games with Tehuelche in AI, I noticed that all the promotions are "used" by this one (there are enough Aiken near the cities and the Waike move a lot).
But I agree with the remark, I am moderately satisfied and still looking for an alternative.:undecide:
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I am moderately satisfied
Me too :)
All features manageable by AI should be the very first criteria when designing a new civ IMO. Especially this one.

The good news: I played one 2UC game with Maria the Elder v.2 as an opponent. It was a moreGPs/EAW test game, so I didn't play until the end but I can say that Tehuelche has been a serious contender in the game.
All features manageable by AI should be the very first criteria when designing a new civ IMO. Especially this one.

OK Asterix, don't hit me


I promise I won't do it again.

If you have an idea in a similar direction but more AI compliance, I take (better than slaps):).

I'm also looking to program the appearance of horses only with Circumnavigation but I haven't found it yet.
The good news: I played one 2UC game with Maria the Elder v.2 as an opponent. It was a moreGPs/EAW test game, so I didn't play until the end but I can say that Tehuelche has been a serious contender in the game.

Thank you, I really like this civ in 4UC (including reading the not so numerous documentation on these people), even if the Waike needs to be improved. I will already be able to include NearbyImprovementCombatBonus in their promotion thanks to the response from HungryForFood.
Yield when take damages when being attacked
OK, interesting idea, can be a random bonus per neighboring Aiken (increased range depending on the level of the unit) when it is killed or injured.

(FLAVOR_DEFENSE = 15 should tend AI to use it as a defender)
OK, thank you, I am not very clear on the value of flavors to guide AI choices

Waike coded as a melee not mounted unit
No, that is not possible, it goes against everything I have read about the Tehuelches from the moment they discovered the horse.

PS : I reread (and played) all the civs with 4UC, there are a lot of situational promotions that cannot be "known" by the AI (but I still agree with you that the principle is to avoid this)
Good civ. Did a religion progress strat that gave me a lot of gold and early tourism (110 to be exact because of faith purchased buildings giving tourism and the founder belief that gives GP UIs tourism and another that makes them cheaper and improves those same yields)

I did encounter a bug and an annoying quirk with having workers automated though. My UIs through this civ didn't get another extra random yield starting at the medieval era and automated workers like to destroy a previously created Aiken to replace it with a camp or pasture, ruining the extra yields earned.

Also it doesn't seem like Aikens are affected by the social policy available through Piety that affects pastures? Was disappointed to not get even more ridiculous gold yields after adopting the policy. EDIT: Should take a look into rationalism as well or imperialism. I know there's another policy in those that affect camps hiding in there,

I stopped just before attempting to create waikes but they seemed pretty straightforward. The UB is pretty legit by the way, good spin on the Ducal Stable. If I recall correctly though the Ducal stable also added extra yields to cows and sheep though right? Doesn't seem to be the case with the Uorkenk but that'd be understandable since it also improves any resources tied to camps. I don't know if it improved the appropriate luxury resources tied to camps though. I wasn't paying much attention to it.

I'd say this civ stands out pretty well. Interesting UA that changes the civ's focus depending on when you'll find the appropriate surge with them, not to mention it is a civ that can properly take advantage of early tourism yields and capitalize on it. I'll be trying out the Cajun civ you have some time later this week and hope to enjoy the unique UA it has where it needs to force resistance in other civs. I imagine it could surge hard with religious wars if handled correctly.

Anyway only real criticism I have is with the Unique Improvement itself. I don't recall it improving its yields at any technologies, and the civilopedia page on it doesn't seem to suggest it does that. Random yields also seem off as a choice, why not just extra tourism every era since creation? I don't think it'd be too broken anyways since culture victory forces you to pull out a great musician most of the time to get those last few civs pulled under your influence.
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