Patagonian Giants
Before Circumnavigation of the world, Tourism output produces Happiness and Science after. With Modern Era, Tourism becomes only a Gold source (All Bonus cap with Pop).
Aukenk (Slinger)
- Promotion Shome (Bolas): It reduces the Movement of its target by 2 if it's a non-motorized land unit for one turn (minimum move of 1) and gains +15% : Ranged Combat Strength when attacking Units in Open Terrain.
Art by DJSHenninger
Unlocked at Trapping
- Can be built on all terrains, on Pasture and on Camp Resources. Cannot have another Aiken in an adjacent tile
- +2 Food and +1 Tourism
- +1 of a random Yield for each Era passed since constructed
- Have all the improvement bonus of Camps and Pastures
Spoiler 4UC Compatibility: :
Uorkenk (Stable)
- Can only be built after the Circumnavigation of the world
- A Horse Resource appears near the City
- Culture costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city
- Allows Food and Production to be moved from this city along trade routes inside your civilization
- Land Trade Routes gain +50% Range
- Nearby Horses: +2 Food, +2 Production, +2 Culture, +1 Tourism
- All other Camp and Pasture Resources : +2 Food, +2 Production
Waike (Lancer)
- +2 Combat Strength
- Promotion Tehuelche: +20% Combat Strength and +10 HP on Heal in Friendly territory
- Promotion Ieunsh: (Challenge) Unit gains Culture by defending, the quantity depends on the damage suffered.
- DMS: Code
- Hoop_Thrower, |dvh|: Design
- DMS, DarthKyofu: Art
- Gwennog: VP compatibility changes, Art for Uorkenk
- DMS, JFD, Adan_eslavo: lua inspiration and source
- Asterix Rage: All Uniques Promotions Icons, promotion suggestion
- Danrell: Unit model for Waike (Huampelen from Araucanía and Patagonia (Orélie I))
- Leugi: Unit skin for Waike (Huampelen from Araucanía and Patagonia (Orélie I))
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