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So does that mean the democratic attorney generals from California and New York will open up investigations into Trump as a retaliatory October surprise? (Isn‘t it that instead of November?)

Can‘t see that ending well for American Democracy.
Well the Comey letter was the week immediately before the election, so the effect was mainly in the opening days of November. The proximity of the letter to the election left Clinton with no time to respond. A specious investigation early in October would probably backfire because it would leave enough time to create a counter-narrative.

I doubt Democratic state A-Gs would open up investigations of Trump designed purely to concoct a false scandal for unfair political gain - but Trump has form of doing just that, which is what makes Barr's control so dangerous. It wouldn't be so bad if it were the Obama administration, falling over itself in an effort not to create an appearance of interference.
I don’t expect anything but complete petulance from our first septuagenerian child president. His only consistent character trait for 70 years has been his ability to whine and cry and call names when he doesn’t get what he wants. The fact that so many “conservatives” look up to this man is just befuddling.

I get it though conservatives love stupid. They chase it down, they celebrate it, they try to spread it like a plague.
Still reeling over 3 years later, yah?

That's because there is no one prominent matching him mean tweet for mean tweet. He may not care that timsup2nothin, CFC poster says "Yeah, sure. Everyone shopping for a mail order bride wants to know whether she can say "huge" in English, but that doesn't make it so"...but if Marco Rubio, political opponent, had had the guts to say it it would have knocked that "trust me" and smug grin right off the debate stage. And if someone who the media pays attention to, rather than just me, was saying it today he would respond.

Trump has a whole slew of reply guys for his every tweet. If Trump was a woman they'd be taking her out on a group date.

I feel like this is a pointless ask though...a lot of his tweets are rash and irrational. I do not know why this needs to be proven.

The "Scott Adams is senile" gambit.

Call trump out on his lies
Ask him how many times he has cheated on wives
Ask him about the illegal payments from his father
Compare him badly to Obama
Ask him where Ukraine is on a map
Get in his face

I'd like to see Amy K walk up to him in a debate and grab his balls and then say "apparently you approve of this."

I also think that if Trump allows one debate and it goes badly, he won't do any more. If his opponent is strong, he will try to avoid them altogether.

1) No need to steal CNN's thunder.
2) No one in your party cares.
3) He will attempt to blow it off, especially if he has been in courts for them already.
4) Pitch into his wheelhouse, lol.
5) (Point to DC)
6) Look up into his face*

"I don't work for you."

He had 3 with Clinton. Most people believe he lost all 3.

Republican strategist sounds like an oxymoron.

See the thing about Republicans is that they had no platform whatsoever, so it defaulted to Trump.

And the other thing is Republicans wanted to win, so in the end they picked the best choice. Something the Democrats still have to grasp, apparently.
As the loyal opposition party, what use do conservatives have for a platform.

Somebody get this guy a MAGAT hat!
Technical foul: incitement. Dems waste energy explaining why a Freddie supporter teed off on a knitting circle. Fox News airs several more segments on Beeb(r)os.

You're right. Democrats don't have a good hat. I'm actually certainly many people could probably be swayed by memobalia-- no meme here lol.

We are in the era of the memes after all.... we must outmeme Trump.
Good luck.

That's true. But I don't understand why the betting markets and most well informed people I talk to give Trump overwhelming odds of winning when at least by all available data, more people prefer his opponents.
The bettors and the pollsters are working with different datasets.

That seems to be the inescapable conclusion, since nobody believes Trump will win the popular vote, but everybody believes he will win the presidency anyway. Or at least people willing to bet on it think so.
New York already has an indictment waiting for the day he leaves office. His supporters don't care. I am really curious to see how they react when Florida arrests him and ships him back to New York.
Ha-ha! Florida doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US! Take that librulz! Hor hor hor hor hor!
I will put $100 down today and say you are wrong. Trump will not get a majority of the November popular vote. Will you do the same and bet he will? We can find a willing third party to hold the money.

Like Hillary and McGann? Which investigations have started? Has the Senate begun any? Barr? Any indictments? Trump has controlled the DOJ for three years. So far nada.
I'll do an Icon bet. Winner gets to do choose a pick of Trump or (presumably) Bernie for the other to use for the rest of the calendar year. Fair warning, I have done this before and never lost.

What do you mean what investigations? This is Watergate again--an incumbent President spying on the other party's candidate. The IG report laid out a basketful of cases and that is just inside DoJ and FBI.

I'll do an Icon bet. Winner gets to do choose a pick of Trump or (presumably) Bernie for the other to use for the rest of the calendar year. Fair warning, I have done this before and never lost.

What do you mean what investigations? This is Watergate again--an incumbent President spying on the other party's candidate. The IG report laid out a basketful of cases and that is just inside DoJ and FBI.

Thanks for replying. The election is important and the stakes are high. Winning the popular vote is a significant measure of actual popular support. Money is the coin of the Trump realm and would make the bet a serious endeavor. I applaud your confidence and will be a gracious loser should you win. Pixels are for kids. :)
If Trump loses without the power of the Senate, and office/Pardons you'll probably have a lot of rats jump ship.
It won't happen this year. 2022 is more favorable, with potential targets in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania among others. Only Nevada loos shaky this far out.

Thanks for replying. The election is important and the stakes are high. Winning the popular vote is a significant measure of actual popular support. Money is the coin of the Trump realm and would make the bet a serious endeavor. I applaud your confidence and will be a gracious loser should you win. Pixels are for kids. :)
I am beginning to expect a blowout because of the way the Democratic party is imploding. Bernie is distressingly similar to George McGovern and Michael Dukakis.

The real question is about the House. Will the Democrats be so fractured they don't show up to vote downballot?

It won't happen this year. 2022 is more favorable, with potential targets in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania among others. Only Nevada loos shaky this far out.

I am beginning to expect a blowout because of the way the Democratic party is imploding. Bernie is distressingly similar to George McGovern and Michael Dukakis.

The real question is about the House. Will the Democrats be so fractured they don't show up to vote downballot?


GoP changed the rules to get the supreme Court nominations in. That will eventually bite them in the ass regardless if who wins or loses.

Any future Democrat now has justification for passing stuff and supreme Court nomination s at 51% of the vote.

Popular vote doesn't matter lol. If it makes you feel better I suppose, more votes in California and New York won't win the election.

Hard to dethrone a sitting president hasn't happened since 1980.

Wonder if the Trump effect will pop if he loses and loses the Senate?
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Excellent! How about we see if Lemon Merchant will hold the bets?

But I already volunteered. What's the matter @onejayhawk? Doubling down when you've already been challenged to put your money where your mouth is makes you look even sorrier than your posts usually do.
But I already volunteered. What's the matter @onejayhawk? Doubling down when you've already been challenged to put your money where your mouth is makes you look even sorrier than your posts usually do.
Thanks Tim, I know you volunteered, but I think a more neutral keeper of the bets is best. It's not that I don't trust a former bank robber.... :D
Thanks Tim, I know you volunteered, but I think a more neutral keeper of the bets is best. It's not that I don't trust a former bank robber.... :D

That's what makes me the ultimate trustworthy stakes holder. If I needed money I wouldn't be getting it by snatching a paltry two hundred dollars from a friend and someone he bet with. It's not like I ran out of banks.
Still reeling over 3 years later, yah?

Trump has a whole slew of reply guys for his every tweet. If Trump was a woman they'd be taking her out on a group date.

The "Scott Adams is senile" gambit.

1) No need to steal CNN's thunder.
2) No one in your party cares.
3) He will attempt to blow it off, especially if he has been in courts for them already.
4) Pitch into his wheelhouse, lol.
5) (Point to DC)
6) Look up into his face*

"I don't work for you."

He had 3 with Clinton. Most people believe he lost all 3.

As the loyal opposition party, what use do conservatives have for a platform.

Technical foul: incitement. Dems waste energy explaining why a Freddie supporter teed off on a knitting circle. Fox News airs several more segments on Beeb(r)os.

Good luck.

The bettors and the pollsters are working with different datasets.


I get it though conservatives love stupid. They chase it down, they celebrate it, they spread it like a plague.
GoP changed the rules to get the supreme Court nominations in. That will eventually bite them in the ass regardless if who wins or loses. Any future Democrat now has justification for passing stuff and supreme Court nomination s at 51% of the vote. Popular vote doesn't matter lol. If it makes you feel better I suppose, more votes in California and New York won't win the election. Hard to dethrone a sitting president hasn't happened since 1980.

Wonder if the Trump effect will pop if he loses and loses the Senate?
It's almost impossible to lose the Senate this election. 2022 will be a different story. The real question is whether the Republicans take back the House.

51% always used to be enough to confirm Justices. The Republicans only made a minor change to the rules for SCOTUS nominations. Harry Reid gets credit for that piece of work.

Trump is looking at an outright majority in this election. He would call anything a mandate, but the numbers could look like one.

It's almost impossible to lose the Senate this election. 2022 will be a different story. The real question is whether the Republicans take back the House.

51% always used to be enough to confirm Justices. The Republicans only made a minor change to the rules for SCOTUS nominations. Harry Reid gets credit for that piece of work.

Trump is looking at an outright majority in this election. He would call anything a mandate, but the numbers could look like one.


Maybe I'm not calling it one way or the other. I think Trump will lose but I'm not convinced he will lose. Would not surprise me if he wins

A future Democrat Senate leader can change the rules just like Harry Reid yes?

If something like 2018 mid terms happen he's gone.
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