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How do you feel about casual sex?

How do you feel about casual sex?

  • It's sexual liberation!

    Votes: 10 18.2%
  • It's the degeneration of our culture!

    Votes: 8 14.5%
  • People just need to control their horniness better!

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • People just need to have casual sex with ME more often!

    Votes: 22 40.0%
  • Downtown

    Votes: 8 14.5%

  • Total voters
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Oct 12, 2003
Plane Of Fish Sticks
The more context you provide about yourself, the better. A college student who has lots of casual sex and someone with less exposure to the "hookup culture" are going to have different views on this.
Irresponsible. I have zero use for it. People can do what they will, but I will probably think less of them if I knew they engaged in such behavior.

For context, I am a few years out of college and have been happily dating a girl for more than two years. She is the only girl I have been intimate with, and well after we started dating. But even before that, I never dreamed of such behavior. Completely uninterested.
Don't care about it. I'd rather play video games.
I think casual sex is awesome, even though I've never experienced it myself.

People, and the universe, just need to stop being such goddamn prudes.
I'm a college student, but I definitely don't have lots of sex, if any sex at all.

But casual sex is alright if that's how you get your jollies. There isn't just one way to get nekkid.
If people, in general, were about a hundred times more intelligent and logical I think it would be fine for everyone to go around doing it all the time.

Unfortunately, people tend to be irresponsible concerning their own (and espeically) others' welfare. Feelings get hurt, babies get made that cannot be supported, people spread nasty diseases. It just isn't worth it.
Not my cup of tea. I don't really like the idea for me personally.

Of course, I can't speak from experience. Nor can I speak from anything that remotely relates to what could count as experience.
I don't care, as long as people protect themselves so they aren't spreading STDs :undecide:
Really could care less about it. I don't hate it, but it's not like I care deeply about it.

This is coming from a person with jack squat experience in the area.
Somewhere between "It's the degeneration of our culture!" and "People just need to control their horniness better!" I don't think it's causing a further degeneration of our culture (It's not like they didn't do it before our current generation) but I do think it's a symptom of moral degradation -- so it's not making us worse, because we're already this bad, but that doesn't make it OK, either.

Context: Early 20s, college student, has never had casual sex, etc.
Don't like it. Love =/= sex in my mind. Personally, I rather have sex with a woman who I love.
How do I feel about casual sex? Ready when you are! Let's get it on!

Though I'd prefer it if this time the girl doesn't have a boyfriend (In my defense I wasn't informed until I mentioned her to a friend the next evening).

More seriously: There is nothing wrong with casual sex, though it can be good/better or worse depending upon the situation and with whom. Done properly it could be just as good with someone you are "in love" with, and I've heard plenty of stuff from friends about being in crappy relationships anyways.
It was awesome in college when my hormones were racing along with theirs, but it really does blind you to it's potential problems (in an "I don't care, I'm horny" or "I'm young and invulnerable and it will never happen to me" way).

There's something about college girls though, wow! They throw their clothes off for you like it's the end of the world. No parents or supervision makes them insane.

EDIT: Ok I have a problem with it now that I'm older and see it's problems, but damn I want to go back in time!
Nothing against it in principle, although it's not to my tastes -- I would always far rather be in a relationship. Felt much the same about that at 18 as I do now at 38.
What happens behind closed doors between consenting adults ain't my problem.

Sometimes it makes things weird between friends and sometimes it works. There isn't a single outcome that applies to everyone that partakes in this kind of behavior.
Nothing against it in principle, although it's not to my tastes -- I would always far rather be in a relationship. Felt much the same about that at 18 as I do now at 38.

Sex between two people who love each other is tons better. And when you're in college and deeply in love, and doing it like bunnies, it's mind-blowingly awesome. It's so awesome that you might go an entire week without it just because you tired each other out that much.

I want to go back in time :(
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