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How to deal with this person?


Lion of Lehistan
May 11, 2004
Vivat Sobieski!
I have an acquaintance that is quite conceited.

He believes he is "always right" and tries to prove it, even when there is irrefutable evidence to the contrary and everyone is against him. He gives off the vibe of "nobody says no to me!", as he gets rather pissy with you if you do say it to him, leave early, or give a reason to cancel a meeting that isn't appropriate to him. He can rip on things you like, yet will become bent out of shape if you do that to him, or he will completely misinterpret what was said and be way off base.

My question is, how do you deal with a person like this, if you can't avoid him and are required to be around him on occasion?
Talk to him as little as possible. Associate with him the bare minimum. Don't engage in potentially contentious conversation, and attempt to be politely snarky if the situation requires.
Here's a few ideas I just thought of, I'm not suggesting any of them exactly.

1. See if anyone else agrees with you and if they do get together and confront him.

2. Tell him off just by yourself.

3. Write an anonymous letter to him about why he's annoying.

4. Talk to a supervisor about him if you don't mind ratting on someone.

5. Don't do anything.
My question is, how do you deal with a person like this, if you can't avoid him and are required to be around him on occasion?
Focus on the other people around.

Is he your brother or father? If not I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to minimize contact.
Prove to him hes wrong.
Ask him what impression he would like other people to have of him.

If he tells you some particular impression or other, ask him whether he thinks his current actions are likely to engender that impression.

If instead he tells you he doesn't care what impression people have of him, ask him whether he thinks he will be able to achieve all his goals in life without anyone else's help.
Could it be that your acquaintance suffers from Asperger's, or something similar, and is currently undiagnosed?
Because you're not allowed to troll members of this forum.

Of course you can troll him anywhere else, but don't be surprised if you get called on it there, by whoever is in charge (whether online, or in person).

I'm getting so used to 'Net culture, that when I have an unpleasant encounter with somebody in person, my automatic reaction is "quit trolling me! :mad:"
Of course you can troll him anywhere else, but don't be surprised if you get called on it there, by whoever is in charge (whether online, or in person).
It's still worth it. :smug:
Why don't you two go for a night on the town and get drunk, maybe you'll have a bonding experience.
Mods are members too, and I do believe you're being trolled right now!:lol:
Moderator Action: Please don't accuse other members of trolling; that means you yourself are considered to be trolling. Thanks.
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