How will the world look in 2050?

Chieftess said:
In 2050 AD, China will win a histographic victory.

But wether or not it's a China run by Communists is a totally different matter. ;)

Chieftess said:
Hey, look at Russia in 1917. They were a "backwards nation", and turned that around in a few years or so.

'A few years' is a serious overestimation of Soviet-Russia (Later Soviet Union) under Lenin and (After 1924) Stalin. Even by the 1930's the Soviet Union wasn't at the same level of industrialization as most other great powers of the time, and don't forget that behind the Utopist propaganda of the Stalinist USSR, hundreads of thousands of people were practically dying off of various reasons, millions of people living in poverty and plenty of capable people getting 'purged' (Or exiled to Siberia) under Stalin's orders. Only World War II forced Stalin to appoint capable people, that he in different situations would have gotten rid of, to positions of power.

Chieftess said:
- There will probably be wars over the last droplets of oil and other resources.

If it hasn't run out completely by then, or more effetive alternative energy sources will have become available.

Chieftess said:
- Europe will have most, if not all European nations under their flag, and probably be considered a nation.

Depends on how the situations in Russia and the Balkans develope, with the North Sea oil reserves drained Norway would certanly join the European Union. And i certanly hope that the EU has unified most of Europe by 2050, as the EU is the only chance (At the moment) for lasting peace and prosperity in Europe.
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