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If Flanders and Wallonia were to split, what would the world do?

Mr Funkypants

Wo Bist Du?
Feb 18, 2004
North-Central Belgium
Greetings highly illogical peoples of Civfanatics! I ask you this question, what do you think the world would do if Flanders and Wallonia, now united into Belgium, were to split. This is quite possible actually. Here in Belgium there is the Flemish Block Party, and they're fascists. (like Hitler) Moderator Action: warned, trolling
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889 Right now, they're about 3rd overall, but they're gaining fast. If they were to win, they'd probably make Flanders and Wallonia (N. and S. Belgium) split apart. It's sad, but it's true. But how do you think the world would react if they were to be succesful? Do you think either nation would get permittance into the UN, or the EU? Discuss.

~Funky~ :banana:
Do they want just independence, or do they want to unite with France?

The fact that they're facists disturbs me a little to be honest, but if a section of a country wants independence and it's viable, then I see no major problem with it as such, only in the form it's government takes.
Noone would really care. Both would be allowed into the U.N. and the Wallons (and maybe Flemishs) would get into the E.U.
I thought you were talking about Ned Flanders and I wondered who Wallonia was, a new flucie? Did I miss a show?

Seriously on the subject, it could happen and the world will still spin around. :)
Over here, I seriously doubt if people even know where these places are... or have heard of them... ;)
On topic
Such a split would be easy if the following rules are followed.

1) Flandern becomes independant
2) Wallonia becomes independant
3) Bruxelles becomes part of Wallonia, because the majority (85-90 %) of the people in Bruxelles speak French
4) The part of Wallonia which speaks German have the right to decide what they want to do. Become part of Germany, Luxembourg, Wallonia or independant (although the last option doesn't make much sense).

So if the Flemish are prepared to give Bruxelles to Wallonia, there will be no significant problem to split Belgium.
brussels will never be given to the wallons becuase it lays in Flemmish territory. I as a Belgian would first to do anything against that split and if it happens i will kill anyone of the leaders of those fascists until the last one or emigrate.
Never will i allow those bastards to rule the country. i myself am aware of my Flemmish identity but i would never ever agree with them for splitting up.
If Flanders and Wallonia were to split, what would the world do?
I would imagine it would embark on a massive campaign of ignoring the situation totally and absolutely.
Yeah, a lot of us consider Belgium quite uninteresting to begin with :lol:
Well, I've had very strange answers... but anyways, next question, do you think there will be an armed reaction from the world to either one of the 2 new nations? Discuss. Or else.

~Funky~ :banana:
privatehudson said:
Do they want just independence, or do they want to unite with France?

The fact that they're facists disturbs me a little to be honest, but if a section of a country wants independence and it's viable, then I see no major problem with it as such, only in the form it's government takes.

There is the Flemish Block Party, a.k.a. the Flemish Dumbass Party, who wish to split Flanders and Wallonia. They don't want to unite with anyone, they just want independence. And yes, they're fascist. But at least this means we'll get extra units in war. :lol: But no honestly, I hate 'em. Thankfully the Christian Democrats and Socialists are doing better! (yay Socialism!)

~Funky~ :banana:
Mr Funkypants said:
Well, I've had very strange answers... but anyways, next question, do you think there will be an armed reaction from the world to either one of the 2 new nations? Discuss. Or else.

~Funky~ :banana:
Or else what?

I thought I'd made my position pretty clear about it...
All the ignorant people in this world will ignore the split.
All the respectful people in this world will respect it.
All the insightful people in this world will have insight.
Mr Funkypants, to answer your question, even if the Vlaams Blok take the power in the Flanders and claim the independance, there will be negociations prior a referendum to accept the partition of the country or not. Filip de Winter knows that it's not in his interests to do otherwise.

Anyway, I've heard Wallons who were saying that in the case it's approved through a referendum and the Flanders actually become independant, then, there an independant Wallonia would be pointless. As a result, some of them would then like Wallonia to join France. Of course, it's highly dubious France would accept such a proposal but what is sure is that in any case, it would be done democratically. Simply because Belgium is part of the EU and Belgium's neighbours have larger armies.
There would have to be referendum of some sort. A party cant get into power and just start unilaterally splitting the country apart.

BTW, wasnt 'Wallonia' the upstairs neighbor on Good Times?
Mr Funkypants said:
Next question, do you think there will be an armed reaction from the world to either one of the 2 new nations?

Belgium is a member of the EU, it's actually right in the center of the EU. Everyone including de Winter knows that the neighbours around are way too powerful so it doesn't even have the idea to use the military force. De Winter knows that if the Flanders are getting independant, it would be under the frame of a referendum.
I think the world would collectively reach for an atlas in order to figure out where the two places were (and yes, I already did know that we are talking about Belgium). :p
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