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Iron and Blood: Redux - Game Thread

Brotherhood of Iron
5 IC
2 IC into factory in Dixie
2 IC into 1 army
1 IC into Great Lakes

4 IP into claiming Phillipines
2 IP into building a factory.
"Today, the Supreme Military Council is upping efforts and reestablishing law and order across the Caribbean. There will be a crackdown on subversive actions taken against the Caribbean People and the Caribbean State. Emergency Powers will remain in effect for the duration of the emergency. In related news, the SMCECS (Supreme Military Council of the Empire of the Caribbean Sun) pledges to reduce unemployment and continue the modernization efforts begun by our Much Missed Leader, Emperor Castro.

In order to become a major economic power on the world stage, the Port-Au-Prince Small Arms Factory will finish construction by the end of the year. No doubt, the weapons provided will be sold to those seeking their own state across the world. The SMCECS denies that the recent building of a small arms factory is because of the breakdown of relations with the Benin Organization and the inferior Qing Imperialists.

In grand news, the University of Jamaica has opened. The SMCECS's dedication to higher learning is but a tenth of the dedication the Fallen Emperor had to the Caribbean people but then again, no one can match the Fallen Emperor's dedication and care for his people."

The Transitional Caribbean State (5 IC)
2 into building the aforementioned factory
2 into Stability
1 in Science
Persia, 6 total, 5 usable:
2 IC: Factory in Iran
2 IC: Bribe Sind
1 IC: Stability

An Exert from the History of Persia:

During the early 1800s, a new craze swept Iran: Farsiphilia. Because of years of incompetent rulers, young Persians began to dream of their glorious past years of the Achaemenid Empire. Soon ancient fashions from 400 BCE became common among youth known as "Farsists". Eventually, Farsism became the dominant feature of their culture. Everyone was obsessed with the past. Persepolis became the capitol once again, with new suburbs built around the ancient ruins. Now, the Persians want to match the achievements of their ancestors and plan to use their military and industrial capacity to rule all of the Middle East.
1 IC into Sichaun
1 IC into Shanxi
1 IC into Taiwan
1 IC into Japan
FAR Orders - 5 IC

2 IC to build a factory
2 IC towards stability
1 IC towards science
4 usable IC
2IC To Build a factory
1 IC to New Zealand
1 IC to Science
And Mexico continued to expand into the northern lands. And in 1835, the Mexican Science Institute was established, it's headquarters are in Tijuana.
5 IC
3 into California
1 into Colorado
1 into science
Benin - 6 IC
3 IC into bribing Guinea.
1 IC into bribing Gabon
2 IC into a factory in Nigeria.

After a large tax debate that gave a tax break to all new entrepenurial enterprises to spur growth, the Triumphirate voted and passed several bills. After hearing the great news of the South Pacfic Islands peacefully joining them, they decided to fund a final act to spread into New Zealand. The funding was cut in half since 1 member of the Triumphirate lobbied for human rights and that if New Zealand does not with to join us, we should not force them. It seems that the dictators of the past have left deep scars in New Zealand said Ambassador Joey Nicks on vacation from his foreign embassy office. Now going back to the tax breaks John. Oh yes, thanks Abby. The breaks have had great succes and Australia's economy should be moving quite far ahead with new business popping up everywhere in Australia. The Triumphirate took the advice of the advisors council and has also started funding for a new science department that will be working hand in hand with the economic departments to start in the direction if industrial revolution. Thats all for the today! Now to Lisa with the weather! Thanks John! This week's forecast is....
The Russian Empire

While the Finnish gladly accepted the offer development funds, the Swedes and the Norwegians, took the money and said "That'll make a fine deposit, but if you want us to become part of Russia, you will need to be more generous". Tsar Nicholas I then recalled the ambassador and told him to try to convince Siberia to re-join the Russian Empire. He was also given the same amount of funds - 2 million roubles, and if he fails that he may just as well stay there until he dies.

Tsar Nicholas I, is still committed to making Scandinavia part of the Russian Empire, he appointed a new Ambassador - Adophe Adam, to conclude the negotiations, with the Swedes and the Norwegians.

Adophe Adam

He has been given the same 2 million roubles as the first Ambassador. He has been instructed to offer initially another 1 million roubles and if he is successful, to use the remainder to try and set up the start of some factory infrastructure. However, if the Swedes and Norwegians want more than he is to offer another 1 million roubles, and the factory infrastructure will have to wait for another time.

The Tsar has been involved with more pressing matters in the Foreign Affairs and has joined two alliances - The Council for Mutual Defence and also be a growing part of the European Union, so his patience with poor performing ambassadors is wearing thin. He feels he needs to take charge of these affairs currently and hopes developing his ambassadors over time, they can then take over the roles with them. It is hoped that these Alliances will help Russia re-establish its former Imperial Glory.

In the meantime, The Minister of Education, Sergey Uvarov has been presenting his six-monthly reports to the Tsar, including recommendations to build more courts, schools, town halls, etc. But with funds low, due to the bad performance of his ambassador, mentioned earlier not much funds have been available. However, he the Tsar, knowing the importance of developing a good society, to avoid the revolts of previous reigns, he has agreed to allocate 1 million roubles to establish new courts, schools and Town Halls.

5 IC Available

2 IC to convince the remainder of SCANDINAVIA to join
2 IC to convince SIBERIA to rejoin the Russian Empire
Empire of Brazil
5 IC

3 IC - Colombia
2 IC - Factory in Brazil
Could you link me to the post where it says I need to link to my post?
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