Is anyone here not autistic?

As per this mock video about personality disorders

it has been explained that autism is trying to find the abyss of meaning in things. While schizophrenia is trying to find correlation in everything.

Therefore if you can get obsessed with one thing and do it for 16 hours a day for weeks/months, that counts as inclination towards aspergers/autism personality type.

If you easily believe in magic, divination, fortune telling, finding signs everywhere, believe that God is telling you something all the time, it means inclination towards schizophrenia.

These descriptions aren't medical by any means, but it is a great division. Some people try to find the deepness in things while others try to find causation and correlation between all things. Those are supposedly opposites.

The balanced person is not too far in either spectrum. He/she knows when to look deep and when to use induction/deduction to see if event is random or not.
Just autism? Just autism? The McDonalds of online mental conditions? Where's the nuance?

Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 10-25-08 Antisocial personality disorder - Wikipedia.png
As per this mock video about personality disorders

it has been explained that autism is trying to find the abyss of meaning in things. While schizophrenia is trying to find correlation in everything.

Therefore if you can get obsessed with one thing and do it for 16 hours a day for weeks/months, that counts as inclination towards aspergers/autism personality type.

If you easily believe in magic, divination, fortune telling, finding signs everywhere, believe that God is telling you something all the time, it means inclination towards schizophrenia.

These descriptions aren't medical by any means, but it is a great division. Some people try to find the deepness in things while others try to find causation and correlation between all things. Those are supposedly opposites.

The balanced person is not too far in either spectrum. He/she knows when to look deep and when to use induction/deduction to see if event is random or not.

I spend a lot of my awake hours online, but doing a variety of things. It's a bit scary sometimes how short an attention span I have some days, but then I'll spend all day playing Clue online.

Many years ago I tried group therapy, but gave up on it. There was one particularly obnoxious woman in the group who told me that the people I interacted with on forums weren't real. I asked why, and she said, "Because you can't see them."

I said, "By that logic, anyone you send letters to isn't real either, because you can't see them."

Of course that was DIFFERENT. :rolleyes:

Some people who do NaNoWriMo do hours of it every day for weeks. It doesn't mean they're on any spectrum. It just means that they want to finish their story on time, and they might be dealing with writer's block. I can usually crank out my words in 2-3 hours, and unless I'm behind and scrambling or really on a roll, I leave it at that. The key to succeeding at that is to pace yourself.
As per this mock video about personality disorders

it has been explained that autism is trying to find the abyss of meaning in things. While schizophrenia is trying to find correlation in everything.

Therefore if you can get obsessed with one thing and do it for 16 hours a day for weeks/months, that counts as inclination towards aspergers/autism personality type.

If you easily believe in magic, divination, fortune telling, finding signs everywhere, believe that God is telling you something all the time, it means inclination towards schizophrenia.

These descriptions aren't medical by any means, but it is a great division. Some people try to find the deepness in things while others try to find causation and correlation between all things. Those are supposedly opposites.

The balanced person is not too far in either spectrum. He/she knows when to look deep and when to use induction/deduction to see if event is random or not.
What I like about his view is that he highlights the risks of loose or non-existent in reality connections, which can be sensed (falsely) as concrete by the person.
I can't say I agree with the idea that ability to analyze is the opposite of that. For starters, you can always analyze something which arose from loose/false connections; people can build towers on an unreal basis.
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I love this thread title lmao

As a result of being in some online neurodivergent spaces and having "aha" moments of relating to certain things, I am increasingly suspecting I am probably AuDHD rather than just ADHD.
What is that? Australian Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
Many years ago I tried group therapy, but gave up on it. There was one particularly obnoxious woman in the group who told me that the people I interacted with on forums weren't real. I asked why, and she said, "Because you can't see them."
Ah, blind people don't exist then.
You have no idea what your talking about if you think having Autism and ADHD is normal. Many of us are litterally non-functional in structured environments and you downplaying that is disgusting and ablist.
You have no idea what your talking about if you think having Autism and ADHD is normal. Many of us are litterally non-functional in structured environments and you downplaying that is disgusting and ablist.
Normal is relative. It's becoming more prevalent over time, that's without question. Noone's downplaying anything, your logic is nonexistent. For instance saying 'obesity is now normal' isn't downplaying obesity, it's simply saying it's so prevalent that it's become normal within society.

I'm saying you're not 'abnormal' and you're lashing out. Normal =/ ok. The average diet & health of a US citizen is 'normal' (by definition), normal doesn't mean good (and abnormal doesn't mean bad), it's a morally neutral word unless it's used to defame ("You're not normal!") which is the opposite of my usage.
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You have no idea what living with a mental disability means if you think it's anything like obesity. When it's literally impossible to do something as basic as doing the dishes without hours of mental preparation that's not normal by any stretch of the word and you continuing to downplay our issues is part of a trend that people excuse horrible actions against the disabled since they don't understand our struggles. That's what having severe ADHD and Autism is like where even basic tasks are like a neurotypical person running a marathon. This isn't some kind of hip trend or passing fad it's a major issue and you actually disgust me.

Moderator Action: Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please keep the discussion civil and debate the issues; not the person. Thanks - EvaDK
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kmr blue wins the award for most friendly fire on the topic. Nevermind that Narz has documented his whole life battling his adhd, and nevermind that he can’t hide his (“is anyone here not autistic?”) lets call it neuro-atypicality in person for one second (nor should he).

Yes everyone seems “neurospicy” these days, that’s because we have always found each other. And the bigger the world gets, the more we sift and the more it seems like everyone else is the thing we select.

Moderator Action: Please read my message above. It applies to you too. Thanks - EvaDK
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You have no idea what living with a mental disability means
I've been hospitalized for depression 4x likely a couple decades before you were born, attempted suicide in 1997.

Do I know what it's like to be you? No. No one knows anyone else's experience.

But it's simply a fact thate more people suffering mental health issues. Just cause they're not as bad off as you where they can't do simple things without going off the rails doesn't mean they don't have issues or we shouldn't acknowledge them. Plenty of people who might appear 'high functioning' to you are in there own kind of hell.

No one ever said severe autism is a walk in the park. I've been respectful to you so if you can't not be a dick maybe don't post. Clearly people have judged and shamed you alot but that ain't me so don't take it out on me.
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