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Israel-Palestine: will there *ever* be a solution?

That may be true for some of the settlers. The guy ignores others, probably a majority, who moved to the larger settlements because of their many incentives (better infrastructure, cheaper housing, that sort of things).
Which also are a result of subsidizing the settlements.

There are of course these Torah-thumping religious Zionists who see colonizing the West Bank as their holy mission, but these are not the mainstream even among the settlers. The less nutty, but ideologically motivated settlers are more common.
Which are still not a group Israel should really be leaning on.

This isn't a small village populated by obviously crazy people you can order your military to evacuate. It's more akin to ordering the US Army to evacuate, say, Oklahoma City because it's being returned to the Indians. Imagine how would all the gun-wielding free Americans react to that, and how would the individual soldiers follow that order, if at all.
That's exactly the problem from Israel's perspective. It's like the British trying to evacuate Belfast. It's not possible. And the people there know it's impossible, and are going to use that to their advantage.
The Unionists alone created huge challenges for British democracy and the British military and that represented 1.5% of the British population, Israel already is looking at ten times that number.
Clearly a simple return to the 1967 borders is not possible, but feeding this beast they've created isn't a solution, it's a huge threat to Israel's political stability.
And so, final settlement (pun intended) is pretty hard to reach. This actually indicates that the status quo may continue for quite some time, until something radical happens to one or both sides.
Eh, I tend to put my faith in little things rather than radical changes. The Israel-Palestinian conflict is a process, and a process that depends on certain conditions. I expect it to end by a change in a number of conditions making the whole thing untenable rather than some dramatic moment.
I can't help wondering if there is a point at which the secular Israelis, who are the ones paying for this all, give up and use their opportunities to just leave and leave the extremists behind.
I don't think so. I think secular or at least liberal Israelis love Israel as much as anyone, which is why Israel is heading into major problems with these policies.
I can't help wondering if there is a point at which the secular Israelis, who are the ones paying for this all, give up and use their opportunities to just leave and leave the extremists behind.

They might if the US and Europe loosen up their immigration laws.
Israelis don't seem to have much problem getting in to the US. Something like 1/3 of Israelis seem to have a dual citizenship with someplace.
wolfigor said:
Sorry for not being able to read the full text at the link (I am at work) but do you refer to the incident that was probably one of the many fakes of that war?
Not likely, unless you believe that the IDF, the British journalist who saw it (not Fisk though), the UN soldiers at whose checkpoint the attack happened, and the victims were all lieing.
Look, you asserted the IDF had never killed a child unless he was being used as a human shield. I refuted that. I fail to see where Lebanon comes into the issue.
I was talking about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
Israel never gave an order to kill innocent Palestinians without any link to terrorism.

I haven't been following it closely, but I was under the impression there were several disagreements between the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, along with the Middle Eastern Jews.
It was mostly by the people.
The Ashkenazis were those who built most of the foundations of Israel and managed them, so the Middle Eastern Jews felt deprived.
Most of its outbursts were between individuals.

What about Sharon allowing Phalangist militia into the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps? The death of 106 Lebanese at Qana from shelling by IDF artillerymen?
The IDF is not perfect and excesses have occured, pretending they haven't is simply self-delusion.
I probably had to clarify it better - I'm talking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

During the course of Operation Cast Lead, which took place in Gaza in January 2009, B'Tselem and other organizations were informed of cases in which soldiers used Palestinians as human shields. In one case, two soldiers were prosecuted for ordering a nine-year-old boy gunpoint to open a bag that they suspected was booby-trapped. The two were given a three-month conditional sentence and demoted from staff sergeant to private.
I'm not supposed to believe every word of beSelem, but this time it is true.
And you see that Israel objects such cases, and investigates them.
So you can't blame us for being war-crimers. We fight agaisnt the individual's war crimes even inside IDF.

Or, in the case of Ariel Sharon, elected PM.
I think there is no need to repeat what I said about Lebanon...

NOTE: I want to make it absolutely clear I am not trying to engage in Israel-bashing or trying to make the IDF seem like a cross between Attila's hordes and Frankish Crusaders.
I know you don't, but there are many others here who do.

It has already been "proven" in these threads in response to your posts, as was your response below regarding the completely unequal rights.
Proven? You all told about several tragedies.
You haven't proved how Israel intents to kill Palestinians just for the sake of it.
You also haven't proved how Israel considers them as racially inferiors.

So that is why they were tortured and abused, and they continue to be so? Because they were "suspected" of some typically non-existent crime?
No. The reason is that there are some crazy officers or soldiers which should be fired.
Do you think Israel supports those things?
It happened in the US involvement in Afghanistan as well. It's not the policy of the USA, those are just specific incidents.

Then what other possible reason is there that they cannot marry Israelis, even Arab Israelis? What other possible reason are they treated as sub-humans and even deliberately put on subsistence diets to punish them for the acts of others? Because they are all "suspected" of being "terrorists"?
You have to decide - Do you want us to control the Palestinians and to force the Israel rule on them (including civil rights), or do you want us to leave them alone and let the PA have the authority, in order to prepare them for independence?

They are not treated as sub-humans.
The barriers are for SECURITY.
Israel has to stop every Arab who drives out of the West Bank and investigate him, because we can't gamble.
For an Israeli Arab this is not sopposed to be a big problem.
Do you know how many times my father has been investigated in airports around Europe because of his Middle Eastern look? Do we complain about it? No. We understand that it has to be checked completely.
I want to understand something - Do you really think that Israel's policy in the west bank is drived by racism? You proved yourself worng by writing the two words: Arab Israelis....
Arab Israelis and Palestinian Arabs have the same ethnical origin.
So you can see that the seperation is political, not racial.

And that has also already recently proven to be false as well. Let me refresh your memory regarding both issues:


You seem to just ignore everything that doesn't agree with your own opinions in these threads.
These are really minor issues.
And some of them are even irrelevant. For example, they wrote there that about a third of the money invested in Jewish education is invested in Arab education.
But don't forget that there are more than X3 Jews than Arabs in Israel..
And about other things they mentioned ther - it's not a secret that Israel would like to have more Jews here, and to make the Jewish poeple a much bigger majority. Because it's a Jewish stae.
Usually it doesn't prevent the Arabs from expanding. But sometimes it does, and those issues are always being discussed.
There are a few things to improve, but Israel has no racial intent.

If the invader knows what the blast radius of a standoff weapon is, and they know there are innocents in that range, it is quite intentional. Or as the video put it:
In Gaza, Israel warned to people. We had to do it.
What else could we do to stop Hammas? I told you - experts expected that four more days in Gaza were needed to bring down the Hammas. It was the best choice.
Entering the city with infantries would cause Israel alot of death too. So if we were equal on our deaths numbers, would you be satisfied?

A child throwing rocks at tanks and soldiers in riot gear is not an act of terrorism.

And you continue to use the word "terrorist" instead of "resistance fighter". They have every right to defend themselves and their homes from invasion. Watch the video for details.
Didn't I answer you about the child? Didn't I told you that it's not a policy but an incident?
I don't call every protester a terrorist. But many of them are SUSPECTED and has to be investigated in order to drive in specific roads.
I was talking about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
The Israeli government ordered the invasion of Lebanon because of PLO activity there. I would say that definately qualifies as part of the Israel-Palestine issue.
Also, the IDF came under quite a bit of criticsm for their tactics during the recent invasion of Gaza, notably due to the large number of civilian casualties. While fighting in dense urban enviroments against non-uniformed enemies is difficult (one apartment building might be both a weapons cache for militants and someone's home), international law holds that the rules of war for protecting civilians still holds true even if combatants who do not meet the traditional definition are in the area.

I'm not supposed to believe every word of beSelem, but this time it is true.
And you see that Israel objects such cases, and investigates them.
So you can't blame us for being war-crimers. We fight agaisnt the individual's war crimes even inside IDF.
The fact the IDF considered using human shields acceptable until told not to by a court demonstrates that the IDF has some serious issues with regard to the treatment of civilians.
Plus there is the rather poor policy of the IDF toward the rock throwers in Gaza. I completely fail to see how trained soldiers inside armored vehicles are under sufficient threat from rocks thrown by children to warrent returning fire.
They are not under threat.
Those rock throwers just irritate the soldiers.
They don't have to be shot, but they have to know that they really enter a dangerous zone when they irritate soldiers who are sometimes desperate of the situation.
It's not an order too. Formally, a soldier is not allowed to fire upon a rock thrower.

And I think we probably settled the issues here...
A solution is welcome as long as Israel feels safe with it.
Israelis don't seem to have much problem getting in to the US.

If that were true, Israel wouldn't exist anymore.

Something like 1/3 of Israelis seem to have a dual citizenship with someplace.

Most Israelis had the other citizenship before gaining Isreali citizenship as opposed to the other way around, which proves about nothing.
They are not under threat.
Those rock throwers just irritate the soldiers.
They don't have to be shot, but they have to know that they really enter a dangerous zone when they irritate soldiers who are sometimes desperate of the situation.
So the soldiers are killing children?

It's not an order too. Formally, a soldier is not allowed to fire upon a rock thrower.
Then the IDF had a massive discipline issue.

A solution is welcome as long as Israel feels safe with it.
What about the PA feeling safe?
Proven? You all told about several tragedies.
You haven't proved how Israel intents to kill Palestinians just for the sake of it.
How can I possibly take this seriously when you deliberately twist my opinions into something as silly as this?

You also haven't proved how Israel considers them as racially inferiors.
And this isn't really any better.

No. The reason is that there are some crazy officers or soldiers which should be fired.
Yet nothing is ever done about the continuing atrocities. And no, they shouldn't be "fired". They should be put in prison for the rest of their lives for committing heinous war crimes. Yet nothing is really ever done.

Do you think Israel supports those things?
Do you think they do near enough to stop it? So what is the difference?

It happened in the US involvement in Afghanistan as well. It's not the policy of the USA, those are just specific incidents.
Unfortunately, the US isn't much different than Israel in this regard. But it hardly makes it acceptable. it just means both governments are complicit in war crimes.

You have to decide - Do you want us to control the Palestinians and to force the Israel rule on them (including civil rights), or do you want us to leave them alone and let the PA have the authority, in order to prepare them for independence?
That isn't even a decision except to those who really have no plans of ever giving them their "independence".

They are not treated as sub-humans.
The barriers are for SECURITY.
Israel has to stop every Arab who drives out of the West Bank and investigate him, because we can't gamble.
Of course, the Israeli government could "gamble" by not treating every single Palestinian as a likely "terrorist" and tearing down the dreadful walls, as well as stop the rest of the discrimination and persecution that treats them just like they are sub-humans. But they completely unwilling to do so, at least the current goverment certainly is.

The suicide bombings stopped because they changed their tactics, not because the Israeli government has stopped it by even more barbaric and draconian than before.

And the beatings will continue until morale improves.
So the soldiers are killing children
Some nicidents occured.

Then the IDF had a massive discipline issue.
It's not massive, because it's very few soldiers.

What about the PA feeling safe?
I guess an Israeli support would make them feel safe.
And before we fully support them, we have to make sure that supporting them wouldn't harm our security.

Yet nothing is ever done about the continuing atrocities. And no, they shouldn't be "fired". They should be put in prison for the rest of their lives for committing heinous war crimes. Yet nothing is really ever done.
Nothing is done? Most of the known cases were investigated.
But I think that no court in Israel would succeed in imprisonning a soldier. This is too emotional.

Do you think they do near enough to stop it? So what is the difference?
We are talking about such a rare incidents, so there is a difference.
The thing is that every Israeli citizen must serve in the army, and Israel really needs it.
Many people say that imprisonning soldiers will make people escape serving in the army.
So we can't just decide to imprison, it's very complicated.
We have to prevent such incidents carefully.
Moreover, everytimes this issue is up, there are some who mention the arguement that: "who can judge a soldier in a shocking battlefield?".
If I thnk about it, in a dictatorship it is much easier to stop war crimes than in a democracy.

Unfortunately, the US isn't much different than Israel in this regard. But it hardly makes it acceptable. it just means both governments are complicit in war crimes.
I'm glad that it's not only an anti-Israeli issue.
But still, univesities aren't boycotting American products, and human right organizations all over the world don't talk about it like they do about "Israeli war crimes".

That isn't even a decision except to those who really have no plans of ever giving them their "independence".
I didn't understand that sentence...

Of course, the Israeli government could "gamble" by not treating every single Palestinian as a likely "terrorist" and tearing down the dreadful walls, as well as stop the rest of the discrimination and persecution that treats them just like they are sub-humans. But they completely unwilling to do so, at least the current goverment certainly is.
You really can't understand anything. Those limitations STOPPPED the terrorism.
We can't just "break the barriers" all of a sudden.
We have to trust the Palestinians, and I think it will be practicable only when they have a state.

The suicide bombings stopped because they changed their tactics, not because the Israeli government has stopped it by even more barbaric and draconian than before.
Yes, probably they changed their tactics when they understood that they can no longer perform their old ones. And don't forget - Hammas hasn't changed much.
What about the PA feeling safe?

Does it matter to the Israelis? Likewise, would it matter to the Palestinians whether Israel feels safe?
If that were true, Israel wouldn't exist anymore.

You're making the assumption that people are lining up to get out of Israel. Clearly that is not true. While I wonder if people may do so in the future, if the country continues to excessively tax the secular Israelis to subsidize the extremists, that obviously is not occurring in big numbers now. Otherwise those that could leave would already be doing so.

Most Israelis had the other citizenship before gaining Isreali citizenship as opposed to the other way around, which proves about nothing.

It proves that if they didn't want to be there, they aren't forced to be there.
You're making the assumption that people are lining up to get out of Israel. Clearly that is not true. While I wonder if people may do so in the future, if the country continues to excessively tax the secular Israelis to subsidize the extremists, that obviously is not occurring in big numbers now. Otherwise those that could leave would already be doing so.

It proves that if they didn't want to be there, they aren't forced to be there.

I don't think that many as a proportion came from the US, France or the UK, so the numbers are not that great, as far as other democratic countries are concerned. And as has been prooved by events in toulouse it is not necessarily any better if they did go back.

Not many Jews from other european countries and from reports I here about places like Malmo it is not necessarily safe there, what of my abiding memories of visiting venice was the only place I saw an armed guard was a policeman in the old Jewish Quarter.

I doubt any Israelis from Russia are thinking great lets go back to Russia either.

Those from the Arab world and Iran, well they want be going back were they were not wanted, apparently when a Jew (not from Israel) tried to open the old synagogue in Libya recently it did not work out very well.

ANd then you have got those born in Israel.
Remember when this was a good thread, about a specific topic raised by the OP, rather then Israeli-Palestine General #4785?
Remember when this was a good thread, about a specific topic raised by the OP, rather then Israeli-Palestine General #4785?
Nope. It's, uh, always been a rehash thread.
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